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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. ...on a heavy night out

    On a night out, well now that would depend on the occassion.

    Sitting, standing, dancing?.

    I don't frequent clubs and bars very often, I guessing that's what is meant by heavy?.

    Elegant and comfortable would be my choice.

    With an ankle strap if I was expecting to be dancing.

    ...on a summer's day

    I like to wear sandals that are almost not there. The less straps the nicer they look in my opinion. Never mules I can't cope with them at all.

    I have a couple of pairs of wedges, not my prefered choice due to their clumpy look but best for all terrain picnicks, beaches or similar adventures in the countryside.

    Always barefoot in sandals.

    ...in the bedroom

    Rozzzzzzzzzzzz! :thumbsup::smile:

    ...on a classy night out to impress

    I have to agree, Loubies just make you feel so gorgeous and never fail to impress.

    Try turning around swiftly and witness guys looking after you. It's the red soles I'm sure. :wink1:

    ...To Work

    When I do have to go to work, I always wear pumps. Simple, classical and mostly in black.

  2. http://www.tria.co.uk/

    I bought one of those about 6 months ago.

    I was so sick of having scratchy legs and so put off by the idea of throwing money at professional lazer treatments.

    I've been using it for half an hour here and there while watching TV and it's really working, slowly but surely.

  3. I have a girlfriend that I'm deeply in love with so it would be wrong to do anything other than ask where we can get a pair of your shoes from.

    Also depending on your overall dress and attitude you might get an invite to a fancy dress party.

    Lol, I'm really not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not.

    I do like fancy dress parties though.

  4. :thumbsup: If you saw a woman in the street wearing the most gorgeous shoes, what action would you ultimately take if any and all things were possible?. If you were released of all Taboos, inhibitions and responsibilities?. What might you do or say?.
  5. Have any ladies here in these forums ever been queried before in passing on the street or by friends or work mates etc. comments and stories welcome from all :thumbsup:

    I've been approached countless times by friends and colleagues wanting to know where I got this or that pair of shoes from but rarely any comments from guys..

    I suppose on the whole, men aren't that interested in shoes.

    If they did I wouldn't mind at all.

  6. I rarely post into the guys forum. I don't feel it's appropriate for the very reason that guys can't post in the girls section.. In fact I don't see any reason why women shouldn't be banned from posting here. (Not that it happens very often). Personally I think it's nice to be able to discuss things freely from a female point of view without interruption. (aside from the obvious pretend female profiles). I think if guys really would like to respond to one of the female posts then perhaps it's best to replicate that post in the "everybody" forum?

  7. Sure there are times when I would have felt happier wearing lower heels. Times when I felt inapropriately dressed and would have prefered not to draw any extra attention to myself. It's rare for me to feel that way. I guess I'm just a hardened long time heel wearer.

  8. Hey everyone

    so i just had PROM on friday and i had these amazing, BEAUTIFUL 5 inch heels that i wore for most of the night. i dont usually wear heels that big..but i felt fine in them.no pain or anything until i took them off..

    My big toe on my left foot is really numb and it has already been 3 days and is still numb.

    Should i be worried or is this normal? will it heal okay? any serious damage done?

    thanks :thumbsup:

    The nerve in the toe has been damaged but after a while it will heal.

    It sounds like you're feet just aren't used to shoes like that.

    You need to avoid wearing them for a while and let it recover.

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