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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. OK, finally had a little while this morning to take these. So, my 3 entries:

    Pic 1 - "Inspired by Amanda Snake" who never fails to inspire me!



    You're a sweetheart. I love the pic.

    Thank you.


    You should make it your Avatar!

    (oops I broke the rules sorry guys, I'm not much good with rules)

  2. Best of all I love my Louboutin Declic pumps. They're Black leather stilettos with a hidden platform and almond toe. Classic, simple, elegant, very finely finished and comfortable. The leather is a noticeably finer grade than most. I wanted to buy another pair but alas they seem to be both out of production and stock now.

  3. I keep my shoes in my dressing room. Some I keep in the wardrobes but most are on shelves. Thew ones on the shelves are all still boxed. It's a good way to keep dust off them but they do take up an awful lot of space. I store them according to season and colour. I used to take polaroid pictures of them and stick those on the end of the boxes but I don't do that anymore since the camera broke. Some boxes have a picture of the shoe on the outside which makes finding them easier and you can write the colour on the box end too. My master plan is to buy some transparent plastic boxes for all of them. ha ha one day.

  4. I don't think it's fair that women should be able to post in the guys section so I do it only on very rare occasions. I think the fact that women are able to post freely in the guys section just illustrates how much easier it is to walk on guys than it is to walk on heels. :smile:

  5. Harrods Black cashmere sweater. Faded almost worn out slim fitting levi jeans. Natural tan charnos sheer tights. Rimmel nail rescue ...lol Tan courts with round toe and hidden platforms by "office" Pearl ear studs. And a smile. So what, it's Sunday!

  6. My mother owned quite an extensive collection of heels.

    All expensive and exquisite. Treasures.

    She was very particular about shoes, I remember vividly my father being lectured for having not polished his correctly.

    I also remember marvelling at her shoes from quite an early age.

    She never wore wearing anything other than heels and suffers pain now as a result. I’ve seen her practically crawl to the bathroom at night.

    She never complained to anyone. "One should retain ones dignity and keep a stiff upper lip at all times", was an integral part of her upbringing. Mine too for that matter.

    Her shoes don’t fit me, they’re too small. I remember crying when she told me I could no longer borrow any of them because they were becoming stretched from me cramming my size 7 feet into them.

    Despite her occasional loan of shoes when I was in my teens, she always did her best to discourage me from habitual heeling.

    Of course I rebelled and as a result have acquired the very same Barbie foot that she tried to steer me away from.

    I never took to crushing my toes like her. The sight of her toes repulsed me.

    God she would have me struck from the family for sure if she knew I’d written this. Especially to you lot.

  7. Omg, Loubie plumes! Roz who's buying them for you?. How have I been influenced?. I’ve seen and heard about shoes here that I simply had to have and spent hours sometimes searching for. I think I’ve felt less concerned about indulging my passion for shoes and have let myself off the hook more easily when it comes to justifying some of my purchases. I’ve bought and worn heels higher than I would have felt comfortable wearing before, pushing my boundaries so to speak. I’ve definitely had my eye opened to the fact that some men share the same passion for buying and wearing heels and I’ve come to understand why that is (or at least I think I do). I also think that having read about some of their experiences has helped me to confront some of my own self conscious public high heel moments. I’ve also found an excuse to have a break from work sometimes for a quick browse and have made some friends, one of whom definitely had an influence on me.

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  8. Amanda...

    High heels do excentuate the female anatomy making the legs look longer and sleek, and proportionately accenting the womans God-given attributes.

    You have described yourself in the past as a tall young woman. My guess is when you wear high heels, you look like a beatuiful amazon who would automatically turn the heads of most men and probably some women alike.

    So to answer your question, yes, in a matter of speaking, high heels are magical.

    You guys, thanks for all the flattery :smile: but most of all thanks for being able to understand the true magic of shoes like most guys never do.

    It makes me feel less of a shoeholic madwoman.:thumbsup:

  9. The Telegraph UK reports that scientists may have found the formula for having perfect legs: they need to be long in proportion to your torso, but not too long. In this study, researchers at Wroclaw University in Poland had male and female subjects evaluate the relative attractiveness of different silhouettes of a man and woman. They found that a person of average height (5ft 4in tall) was rated most attractive when their inside leg measurement was 30.5in, which is about 5% longer than the average leg measurement for a person that size. In other words, you could be more attractive if you could lengthen your legs by a few inches. This study could provide a scientific basis for why some people think high heels makes a woman more attractive, because it makes our legs appear longer, getting us closer to that magic 5% number. Interestingly, the study showed that very long legs are not as sexy. The subjects rated women with legs that were 10% longer than average as less attractive. The study leader, Dr Boguslaw Pawlowski, also said that long legs may be an indication of good healthbecause people with short legs tend to have a greater risk of cardiovascular diseaseand type II diabetes

  10. Did you ever find that guys you've dated often had no regard for the fact that you're wearing heels?. Expected you to hop over a fence, perhaps take a shortcut across an unlit garden or park, or even walk several blocks instead of getting a taxi? Or do I just date the wrong guys?.

  11. Or .. I could be wrong, what's your guess about term "killer heels", where did it came from then? :smile:

    Yes, I'm schizo and i'm wearing heels, that's two more reasons to stay away from me. (maybe i'll print that on my shirt).

    Lol Nina I think that's a good idea. In future I might blame my own mental health issues on my shoes .

    I think the term "Killer heels" comes from wearing pointy toed shoes for a night of dancing.

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