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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Like to get heels stuck???:smile: Wooden decking or board walk is worst of all. I've had them properly stuck in the gaps. I've had to take my shoes off and struggle. It's not something I relish at all.

  2. It's simply Jealousy that drives those other women to be disapproving.

    T be honest I kind of thrive on other womens jealousy.

    My mothers disapproval was of concern not jealousy, a more nurturing disapproval.

    I noticed in general that it's the more mature mens eyes that linger on my footwear. I guess maybe they would feel less embarrassed at being caught staring. Never a stare of disapproval from the males, not that I noticed.

  3. Just enjoy life, death will take care of itself.

    Thats right, death will take care of us all. In fact, in a way, I suppose death is our only true friend.

    Reliable, truthful, ever watchful, liberating etc etc.

    To die in a heel related accident would not taint anyones memory of me.

    I suppose the only thing that may raise an eybrow would be if the retail value of shoes was effected badly by the glut of cheap designer shoes dumped in local charity shops around here.

  4. Is there actually a scientiffic explanation for the attraction of high heels or do these powers (as I suspect) qualify as magic? Even after wearing heels for so long, I still feel like the pied piper when I see heads turn.


  5. My dream shoes would be edible. Made from diferent flavoured and coloured candy. They would smell like honey suckle and never have touched the ground. When I wear them I will lay on the riverbank, on my belly, in the warm sunshine and watch turtles playing over the shingle in crystal clear water and giggle while the shoes are sucked and licked from my feet.

  6. I expect when you go to heaven you will be able to wear any shoes you like anytime. I expect it will be like a big party where nothing ever happens and everyone is there. It's hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, and so much fun. You'll be able to look down on your folks and see them all shocked after uncovering your perversions. All twisted up with their baggage in their mortal coils and making serious judgements. Wearing heels already brings me a little closer to heaven but I'm sure when I actually arrive there, I will cast off my heels and have wings instead. I'll be able to fly down and kiss tortured people as they sleep and make them smile. Thats what about when, not if I die. Who can know what will happen? Only god knows and he doesn't give a shit.

  7. LOL I don't think its all about guys wearing heels, but I think since its a fetish for them and less so for us, they have more to talk about. We girls just need to talk more!


    I have to agree, there's only so much one can say about wearing shoes.

    We definitely need another angle or approach.

    Something new, innovative and exciting.

    Besides, if guys are all eventually going to wear heels then we need to keep a step ahead of the game with something far more elegant and alluring.

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