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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Ha, this is the best yet:

    (An excerpt)

    MALMO(SWEDEN): The well-heeled might have cause for alarm. A scientist in Sweden says wearing high heels can lead to mental disorders, and has drawn alarming parallels between stilettos and schizophrenia among women.

    Jarl Flensmark says high heels cause their wearers to tense their calves in a way that normal walking never does. That could prevent neuro-receptors in the calf muscles from triggering release of dopamine, a compound necessary for mental well-being.

    “During walking, synchronised stimuli from mechano-receptors in the lower extremities increase activity in cerebellothalamo-cortico-cerebellar loops through their action on NMDA-receptors,” Flensmark wrote in a recent paper in the journal Medical Hypotheses. “Using heeled shoes leads to weaker stimulation of the loops. Reduced cortical activity changes dopaminergic function, which involves the basal gangliathalamo-cortical-nigro-basal ganglia loops,” he said.

  2. I bought two from a place called Rawhide in Birmingham. I went there and was measured up when I was in the area. They are very luxurious and make me feel like some kind of invulnerable flower. I rarely find occasion to wear them but I just love them.

  3. I spend a good deal of time and money making sure I avoid uncomfortable shoes. Wearing heels all the time and no longer being a teenager, I'm very keen to avoid causing any uneceassary damage to my feet.

    I'm certainly not a masochist. I don't think a masochists could tolerate heels for the long run so to speak.

    I do like the idea of having shoes custom made though.

    By the way polkadot, I have seen your article about custom made shoes and it makes good sense. Comfort in shoes is one of my favorite hhp topics.

    :smile: A

  4. I'm not sure how you could label a bug as an "intruder". I could never bring myself to deliberately crush the life out of any small beast for pleasure. I can't understand that. Neither would I wish to spend my time in the company of someone who did.

  5. Well, I think extinction is a bit of hyperbole. However, aren't human beings a species that are typically thought of has having reasoning skills that transcend innate instinct?

    I wouldn't say it was a hyperbole. Look around you and see what men are doing. Humanity is only typically thought of by itself as having reason.

    See how the animals run from us.

  6. Real men don't wear heels.

    they leer at women and make stupid secret gestures.

    They shout stupid senseless words.

    They're stronger than a sheet of metal and are in the rugby club reserves.

    All their clothes are stained and dirty,all their girlfriends are ashamed.

    Real men like to go to the boozer and play bad darts and drink bad beer They get too drunk and look for trouble and ask punk rockers if they're queer.

    They're narrow-minded and tabloid-fed, they're ignorant and they're kept that way It suits the men who pay their money so that's how they're going to stay.

    Real men beat on blacks and faggots, real men stalk in every town, flash and feisty, mean and nasty, those real men really get me down.

    It Wouldn't happen in China.

    (My own adaptation of a song by the jazz butcher)

  7. Very eloquently put Jamie. it is indeed a very antiquated attitude driven entirely by our genetic need to reproduce.

    Our need to reproduce is also antiquated and will ultimately result in our extinction.

    A :smile:

    I believe that the attitude that men need to be tough and not express femininity is dated and has no place in the 21 century. It is a throwback to the caveman days of when men because of their typically larger size had to go out and kill a beast and bring it home as food for the family to eat. We no longer live in that society, and at one time in history we actually relinquished a lot of the "males are supposed to be tough" BS that has been fed to us throughtout history. Our forefathers dresses in what would be considered a feminine manner by wearing makeup, wigs, and high heels. George Washington wore heels to his inagural ball. Only during the onset of the industrial revolution did we again try to convert men to a soldier mindset with wearing of suits that make them all look alike. Men that have a feminine side and believe that they must suppress it are pshchologically doing themselves a disservice. Can you imaging not being able to express who you are because you are confined in a box that society has placed you in? On the other hand, women are encouraged to explore all aspects of their personality from the very feminine to the masculine aggressive side. Therefore, a women can really be a whole person. I really wonder if we would have so many wars, murders, and conflicts if men were taught by society not to be so aggressive and were encouraged to pursue feminine activities... I believe we as a society are doing ourselved a great disservice by perpetuating the concept that the Neandrathal Male is still desirable in the 21 century. It has been proven through research that men with a strong feminine side are less prone to violence and that they usually treat women better and make better companions and mates for them. There are a lot of women in the world that are attracted to a "feminized male". This is the type of woman that you should desire because it indicates that her thought process is highly evolved and that she is open-minded and is a free thinker.

  8. Men mostly do not want to be seen as soft or feminine. Men are supposed to appear to be tough, they protect, hunt, defend their patch and their families etc. A man who wishes to appear delicate, elegant, dainty or effeminate is not generally attractive to a woman for the reasons above. Being female and appearing tough can be an attribute. Sexy even. A woman who can hunt, protect , defend and bear children is surely a bonus?. Lol, personally, being tough and attitudinous in nature, I prefer my outlook to be feminine. I don't need to look dangerous. :smile:

  9. I think you can tell quite a lot about someone by the choice and condition of the shoes they wear. It's one of the first things I notice in a guy. I've seen guys recently wearing sneakers with business suits. Is this some kind of trend or am I imagining it? :smile:

  10. Amanda,

    It's a choice to stretch I think. Of corse it will give pain later. But that’s the lifestyle choice I think? I do sport a lot but I do not stretch. I want to be stuck I think? Stupid? Yes probably but after some point you don't want to go back.

    Love Esther

    It was never a conscious "lifestyle choice" for me. It's something that happened over several years. It sort of crept up on me.

    Sometimes I would like to "go back" but it seems to require more pain and effort than I'm prepared to spend. At least at the moment.


  11. There is... sort of.

    Desmond Morris described it in one of his "Watching" books (Body Watching or People Watching or Sex Watching... whichever)

    I think you're referring to his book entitled "Manwatching"?

  12. Second to that is getting stuck in my lawn as I walk out to my car.

    I never had a heel stuck in a lawn before. They sink in, sure, but come out easily enough. The worst thing about lawns is the sharp bits below that strip and chip at the leather covering at the back of the heels.

    I threw out a few pairs now because of that.

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