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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Amanda, I think you should get a really big tattoo on your shoulder. maybe of an eagle holding a snake, or a pair of army boots. lei me know when its done. ha ha.:thumbsup:

    I'll never be getting any Tattoos.

    Not ever.

    I think they're really boring and crass.

  2. so that's a no then,or is it a yes?.


    I just bought a pair of heels (nothing spectacular: black boots with a block heel) which turned out to be higher than I'd imagined. As a result my feet look too small and overly feminine. While I'd love the look on my wife, I don't think much of it for me.

    For me wearing heels, things stop around 3". After that things start to look out of place.

    I like the posture heels give me, and perhaps a dash of femininity is just fine. But pumps, strappy things, and other (sometimes very little) things can make shoes waaay to feminine for me to wear them.

    If only men's shoes wouldn't be so utterly dull...

  3. I never thought of it like that. I suppose I am quite the opposite - I believe that everything I have gone through made me who I am today, and am not afraid to show it, through my actions, scars, or tattoos. Its sort of like collecting a history of myself.

    I can see your point though :smile:

    Yeah well I shed my past like a snake sheds its skin.

    it suits me just fine.:thumbsup:

  4. OK, thats your belief. To each his own. Have a nice day.

    Indeed, my belief is that one should never stand still. Like water , we will become stagnant once standing.

    I'm not the woman I was even 5 years ago. A tattoo would hold me back, like a kind of stain or baggage from the past.

    That's all.

    A xx :thumbsup:

  5. Hi Everyone. I'm pretty new here, and wouldn't mind posing a question for everyone.

    I'm a pretty big fan of high-heels, and I wear them around the house all the time, and in all honesty, generally with nylons. I suppose my question is, then, just what is everyonce preference in leg-hair while they're wearing high heels? I've alwaays been of the firm opinion that a smooth, shaved leg is much more comfortable. (This tends to coincide with my wearing nylons with my heels too -- theres something about the way nylons smoosh my leg-hair all up that I don't quite care for. :thumbsup:) I guess the only reason I'm asking is that I'm mostly straight (A little bi-curious, but have never had an experience to that effect). It just seems that most straight guys prefer to date women that keep their legs nicely shaved. I'd be very curious and intersted to hear (read) what other high-heel wearing guys do about their leg hair?

    On another note, I can't possibly express the relief and self confidence I feel when I come across forums like these where I can express these things without fear. A many thanks to all of you open-minded people.

    -Nate (Inland Northwest, USA)

    I shave my legs most days. I don't like leg hair, it seems the more I shave the more coarse it has got. I'm not sure if that's an old wives tail or not?.

    I don't think that shaving ones legs has anything at all to do with wearing heels....has it?.

  6. I couldn't help but steal this quote from another thread.

    (patent heel I sincerely hope you're not offended)

    If I see something I like in the real world (ie a sexy pair of heels and nice legs on a woman ), I buy a pair of heels similar to those I saw and re-create the experience in the privacy of my own home.

    It is a very fun, exciting and satisfying experience. You can always take pictures too (see attached)!

    Kind Regards


    Are you wishing perhaps to create for yourself, an image that you consider beautiful and arousing by dressing your legs in this fashion?.

    I wondered if this is often the case for you guys who are sexually straight but enjoy wearing heels around in private....or even in public?.

    Just me trying to understand again.

    Thanks patent heel for your interesting insight :thumbsup:

    A xx

  7. I'm along with Amanda, your horizon wasn't very far from the men's line. They may have labelled it women's wear, but they look like regular penny loafer styling to me that men have worn since I can remember, because they are comfy and they slip on. Girls wore them also for the same reasons. Come to think of it, the penny loafer were the unisex shoes of the 50's. As crotchboot-m sez, if you like them and etc.

    I usually look to the stars when expanding my horizons :thumbsup:

  8. I think they'd look nicer if they were coloured rather than translucent.

    There's no hiding them, why not show them off? :roll:

    I found out, very clever accessory for all us high heel wearers, who wish to take good care of their shoes.

    I believe this is great idea, didn't find website for that other product called "Heelies", propably aimed only for australian market.

    Tell me what you think..

    "Following info is from their site"

    UPheels are small, transparent, anti sink shoe heel supports designed for high heels, kitten heels –any shoe with a stemmed heel.

    • UPheels make high heels comfortable to wear. They provide a greater surface area to walk on -reducing that burning foot pain experienced in high heels and providing greater stability.
    • UPheels prevent high heels from sinking into soft surfaces like grass and getting caught, scratched or broken in cracks in pavement or decking. They also protect floorboards from scratches caused by exposed heel pins.
    • UPheels will allow you to:

      -Walk on grass and other soft surfaces without sinking

      -Walk on pavement and decking without snagging/ ruining your heels

      -Walk comfortably in heels on difficult surfaces.

    • UPheels push on and pull off- very simple and easy to use
    • UPheels are a practical accessory to support you and protect your heels- to use when necessary (much like an umbrella!!).
    Website: http://www.upheels.com/



  9. How tall are you?

    5ft 7

    Are you happy with your height?


    Does your height have any bearing on why you wear heels?

    Not really except I enjoy being taller than most men

    What would be your perfect height?


    How does your height compare to your partner?

    I don't have a partner but if I did he would be at least 6ft 2

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