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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Tara, I agree with you wholeheartedly. :o

    Absolutely. I'm you're height (5'9") and I love being slightly taller, or at least the same height as the men I am interacting with. The way that they click on the ground, the change in my posture, and with certain styles the harshness in their angles all compliment my natural dominance.

  2. While reading a college student researchers report I came accross this, “High heels have long been stigmatized as a crippling mechanism of the ever present and detrimental patriarchy. The significance of shoes, feet and high heels have a history of masculine power and female fetishization.”

  3. I think that if you guys are allowed to dominate politics, war, sport and big business then it's only fair that you should be condemned to a lifetime of boring shoes. You can't expect to have everything. Besides beautifully decorated candy feet are practical for none of the above. Don't forget by the way that the true (original) meaning of the word gay would serve describe womens footwear very well indeed. Of course if war, football, politics and big business is not your cup of tea then why not indulge a bit?. relaxing your tough macho exterior a bit, doesn't mean you have to buy extra strong condoms and get poo all over the sheets .

  4. I suppose when I began wearing heels, I was just mimicking my mother, sisters and elegant grown up women I saw in the street. Also inspired by magazines and TV. I can indulge in my femininity so why shouldn't a guy ba able to do that too? I suppose it's frowned upon mainly because a guy indulging in femininity would be seen to be impotent by the status quo. In a day and age when overpopulation is key to every problem humanity is facing, surely displays of male femininity can only become more acceptable, if not trendy?.

  5. OK


    I have no clue, I had a few drinks, and thought I'd be silly-sexy....if that's such a thing?

    Lol, I know what you mean Adeana, I refer to that as being "too sexy".

    Sometimes I give in to the impulse to wear something too sexy. usually once, then it takes it's place amongst the others in a box or bag somewhere in the back of my wardrobe.

    But honestly, those things.....I think I would feel sexier wearing a band aid on my nose.

  6. Amanda! Why don't you look up kneehighs while you're in NYC? I bet he would surely enjoy meeting you.

    Thanks, that's very thoughtful of you but I'm already very busy enjoying meeting someone at the moment.


  7. I often drop by to read the latest posts in this thread. But today I was sad to see that the title had changed, I preffered the original one myself. Now please gents do you have any hot tips for Autumn? :o

  8. Nothing except I think your avatar, posts, attitude, etc are all awsome. I love tall women who are comfortable with being taller than most men, wearing heels!!

    I wish more women were like you, is all...

    That's very kind of you Scot.

    However if your wish came true and more women were like me, well you might regret it. You would certainly have to keep quite about what you had done or there might be serious legal implications.


  9. What are the office shoes like? Well made?

    Sounds silly but could these possibly be more comfortable than say some cheap new look H+M type of shoe?

    I think they look very comfortable and smart too.

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