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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. I feel the same way as Nina.


    It depends, it can be both ways. I usually feel more powerful, more sexier when wearing pair of sexy stiletto heels or boots. I love the attention what I usually get from men and women. They turn their heads to just to see peek of me passing by.

    I feel like queen of the world :o

    Especially if your wearing heels with noicy steel tips, its exciting and sexy sound that draws attention :roll:.

    And Im aware what my heels can do to floors, so yes.

    Also some very high heels can restrict your movement, atleast hinder it, having such shoes have opposite effect. You feel more submissive when wearing them.

    Its pretty much whats going on inside your head, what kind of signals you get from your environment and people next to you.

  2. Nice to hear from you too :roll:

    I love my Christian Louboutins BTW (sorry to go off topic), they're my favourite shoes by miles so thanks for your recommendation!


    Lol, you are way off topic Roz Louboutins are the other end of the spectrum.

    Which ones did you buy?.

  3. It will save a lot of pain if you remember to stretch now rather than later.

    and 'yes' I know that I should stretch my calves out like I have read and been told before, but as usual and with everyone else, 'I am always in a hurry' and don't do it.

  4. I experimented with locking heels on recently.

    The Idea was introduced to me by someone from this site.

    He convinced me to buy some shoes with locking ankle straps that were on the Banana heels site.

    I gave the keys to a friend of mine sealed in an envelope.

    He and he and she had set up internet accounts and he was to mail her and ask her to give me the keys when I'd had enough.

    It had its hiccups but it sort of worked.

    It ended up being some days, in the end and I cut the ankle straps off.

    (that wasn't his fault)

    The heels were higher than I was used too but I adapted fairly quickly as I'm already used to heels. (adapted to walking, not pain)

    Like Adeana, when going out in public I ended up wearing jeans nevertheless it was still obvious that I was wearing very high heels.

    It awakened a previously unexplored submissive side in me that was very interesting.

    I've prepared to do it again sometime but we've both been too busy so far.


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  5. there are also a fair share of women on this board that also strive for 5” or higher heels and express a desire to either wear higher heels or wear heels longer.

    Thanks for your help with that Brit xx

  6. Roz,

    you're a nutcase.

    Do you have a plan thought out for getting them all worn?.

    I bet you throw lots away.

    I certainly do when I sort them out every couple of years.

    So today as I am going to be taking every pair out of their boxes to put on the shelf I thought I would wear every single pair of shoes I own, all 130. All this excludes are my boots, trainers and flip flops!! No reason really, just thought it would be fun ;)

  7. It sounds to me like you found a good way to get him really turned on.

    That's nice. You're lucky.

    It's not going to harm you at all and I'm sure he'll let you know if it hurts him too much. If I were you though, I'd be very careful about putting any weight on the heels as your standing on him.

    Consenting adults can do as they please you know.

    Is he english by the way?.

  8. I think when it comes to seams, maybe it's better to look up market for something made with more care.

    Why do you find 3" so painful, where exactly is the pain?

    Hello Amanda. Thank you for replying to my post. I have very tender feet. I have trouble with anything with seems in them. The seams hurt my feet when I wear heels. If I go without stockings, I get blisters. I have flat feet. If I wear more than a 3" heel it's a real killer. I can't walk right in them. I feel clumsey and miserable. Help!!!l

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