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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Well, this is it. 200. I am FREE of those freaky wedge things. Wedges are a way to cut vegetables and fries, aka chips. They are used to hold open doors. I suppose some people can use the door stops for shoes, that's great for them. Not for me! 200! Streamers and Balloooooooons falling from the air. And it is another monumental day. Why? Today the search ended, new shoes! So go ready some other section and get an eyefull of type! And you thought I was posting a lot last week???? Look out!

  2. Some people live in dark little voids. Now we all have our own void, but the difference is that some of us live in it, some live around it, and run in quite easily, and some fight to never have to go inside, even if there happens to be a lot in the way of bad memories in there. In other words, ignorance vs. enlightened. You know how it goes, if you pretend hard enough that it does not exist, maybe it will go away? So even if you are wearing heels, these people will deny that it ever happened, for fear that the carefully woven social ideal they have on the wall of their little voide cave will unravel. Awwww, such a shame, reality came along and stuck it's heeled boot in the door. :smile: I am almost ready to move up, by the way.

  3. And to think, I decided to cut my hair back from mid back to shoulder and then to a bobbish style just a bit longer than my chin. Certainly a different fashion trend than is being touted here. Is there something men find interesting about women with long hair? What does it do? For me, all it did was take forever to try and even longer if I wished to switch my shade of red. 2 boxes of colour is too expensive when I get the whim.

  4. Yes, quite a turn from where we were weaving about hockey. Well, this is general discussion, and if a thoght strikes you in the middle of the conversation, share it! Well, if we wish to blend the two subjects, how much would it cost to fly a hockey team to Australia? Guess on 30 people plus equipment. There, your quest for the day.

  5. Kylie Minogue, talk about a comeback! I even like her new song, but this is shoe review, not music review. Oh, back to Brittney for a moment, she has a new Pepsi commercial, set in the 1950, black and white, and it is very different from her usual wear nothing cheapen the industry even further commericals. It is dancing in a diner, and she has on a simple outfit, that I believe included a pair of white courts with a four inch heels. I could be wrong, they tend to show her face, not her feet. And why I notice these things, I will never understand. Still, Kylie would be more mature now, so I would think you boys would choose the older woman.

  6. Bootsy Collins. Not likely that you would have heard of dear old Bootsy. He's not very mainstream. You only win awards for two reasons. One, and probably the best, is for doing something outstanding and so incredible people just cannot understand how it is possible. Two, you cater to the masses with something simple, catchy and that required no brain power. But everyone buys it. Sadly, this is the more common winner of awards, especially for music.

  7. Well Inga, she was involved with a lot of fellows, and it was a tragic end. But then, that is the way of Hollywood. Jo-jo! Yes, Audrey Hepburn, now I do love her style, and her movies. A friend in University idolized her, but never looked like her. Too tall, I suppose. Of course, in many movies Aurdey is wearing Kitten heels. Maybe she would like to visit our board? I think they may even be called Sabrina Heels because of her movie of the same name. I could be very wrong. I don't know anything historical after 1500, really. :smile:

  8. My four years locked in higher education didn't have me noticing many heels. Of course, I was wearing some pretty unglamorous footwear myself. In a concrete campus in the middle of winter, that seems like a requirement when running between classes. I looked nice a few times, and there were some other girls who dressed nice on occassion. Some nice thin heeled loafers I saw once, but of course the next week that girl was just like me, jeans and beat up boots. Such a dychotomy, I think I spelled that word correctly, but who knows. University is about enlightenment and freedom from ignorant and conformist rules, so heels should be a welcome site.

  9. Yes, interesting posts, maybe, but this will be 187, so 13 to go! I can do this today, easy! I have the day off! If all goes well, I should have new shoes this afternoon, and that should create some messages. Of course, I am buying courts, not boots, but I'll move into boots once I hit 200. Somewhat strange, how paths go all hobbly wobbly different ways somedays. At least I can get through some laundry!

  10. Why Doug, that's a horrible attutide, thinking it is best to say little. It's best to speak your mind! The problem is, of course, how strong is your armour? This is now directed as a general comment, and by no means to Doug. To have an opinion, you must express it, and if anyone sladers you for it, then you know you are right. We cannot hide behind personal emotional armour, but we may need some. I believe the cliche is thicker skin. I hate cliches. So make your own shield and wade in, speak your mind, and anyone dumb enough to the point of yelling instead of debating in a freidnly manner should keep quiet, and those of us with things to say should speak. Or type. It's only shoes, people, why should we have fights over what one person says? There are bad things happening in the world, we do not need to waste our emottions over shoes, unless we are all being happy. Then it is never a waste. Everyone, post. I think we can handle those that do not play nice. Think of me as the bully slayer, and anyone who would flame or bash or otherwise belittle someone here for an opinion can come deal with me. So Doug, I hope you post more, because your comments worry me about the opinions we need but never here. They are just as valuable.

  11. Back to the subject here, All things to All People... Well no we cannot be all things to all people. Why? Because no one is posting! I would feel like I took the underhanded cheating route if I pushed to 200 tonight. So this board is not all things to me, because it is not busy on a Sunday night! Of course, in Europe in is very early in the morning, everyone is sleeping. In Australia, is it almost noon, and people are out at work, or in Western Australia, enjoying a holiday. I suppose I must wait until tomorrow for the fuel to fire up 16 more messages and thus escape the wedges. I cannot take the sneaky way and spam the board. This letter is pushing it as it is! So consdier me as frustrated. Thank you.

  12. I should post this as I now remember it. While I was having a quiet conversation with my trainer about when I started in heels, I actually remembered something from being younger. When I was a teenager, around 15, I did have a pair of heels that were more than the usual for young ladies. I am sure I did not remember them because, well, I remember nothing about those times. But it triggered... I know I had a pair of strappy sandals with a thin stiellto type heel about 3.5 inches high. They were sling backs with a buckle, and very thin straps at that. The vamp portion was a shaped piece of leather much like many mules. The sole was quite thin. I think I picked them up second hand, because I could not have been able to afford such shoes from new at that age, and where I was at that point, no one would have purchased them for me. They were nice, and it would be great to have a pair like them again, but maybe a higher heel. WHo knows what happened to them, certainly not me if it took so long to remember I ever wore them!

  13. I would have thought people would mention Marilyn right off, but it seems not. We all have to remember her standing over the air grate, trying to hold down her skirt, wearing a pair of spike heeled sling back open toed shoes, in white. She has to be a symbol of a woman in heels with sex appeal, right? Maybe her tragic death has created a different opinion? And yes, I mean Marilyn Monroe, not Manson. If you do not know the different, just open your eyes! Okay, so Mr. Manson, if we can call him that, has some music I like. But I loathe the image. Marilyn Monroe? So much better.

  14. On 2002-03-03 12:44, stremph wrote:

    And, I disagree with Chief Wiggum. Most of America's problems are borne of the "if it feels good, do it" philosophy. There's a lot to be said for discretion and restraint.

    Okay, so it should read "It if feels good and does not hurt others, do it". Discretion is wonderful, but restraint is a tool of the control freaks to guilt people into not having fun. Let go and be free, have fun, and do as you will, provided no one ends up hurt. This is quite possible, you know. And if we use discretion when we overlook our restraint, we can have fun and no one will judge us for it! :smile:

    woo hoo, fun!

  15. Big tall hats, what does that have to do with cooking? Why are chefs wearing them? A kerchif or a hair net or a simple little hat would do the same trick! Or is it a way for the chefs to be seen over everyone else? Height as status, but instead of heels, they use hats. Well no silly hats for me! The pierogies were wonderful, by the way, and enough were made for a BIG bag to go into the freezer. my bread tastes good, but did not turn out to look as it should. But as long as it tastes good...

  16. This diary will be a bit short, and not broken into days. Sorry everyone who likes to read them, I apologize. It was just a week of four inch heels, and even in the snow on Monday. However, to proect my shoes in the face of snow and then slush, I was confined to walking or driving to work in my three inch ankle boots. An interesting observation, I feel that when in my ankle boots, my feet are flat. Yes there is a heel, but I don't notice it. That's how natural I feel at three inches. Three and a half I notice a bit, so I figure at this point, I am starting to develop a good level of competence in heels. I can only wear something flat for exercise, such as the treadmill. As soon as I am done I must remove my runners and change into my mules again. It's just not right having a flat foot anymore. My trainer will be happy to hear this, of course. The big point of interest is that I have found the website Heelsonline.com. Why is this important? They are based in Calgary, and I am in Calgary. I plan to visit them in person on Monday, with cash in hand, and pick up a pair of five inch stilettos. The training program has me working five inch heels into my work day as soon as I have them. March is the month of five inch heels. By April I hope to be up to five inch heels for full work days, and with my new discovery, I should be able to add a few pairs as the month goes along. Pray they have some good leather shoes! I will bring an extra pair of shoes along to work. My Oxfords will be there if five inch heels seem too much for a full day. I can slip back down to four if I need them. People have expressed some concern about my pushing myself, so this is my saftey line. If my feet hurt a tiny bit, I switch out of the five inch and go to four inch. Hopefully by May I will be up to five and a half, and maybe by July or August, six inch. Six and a half I may need as a step by September or October, and finally seven inch heels to try out by Christmas. My trainer has an exact schedule, and it has been pushed up a little bit. This is just a general idea of how it goes. Each month I work in the new heel height a little more each week, and after the year is up, I should be a full time high heeled girl, never to go back down. I do not expect to live my days in seven inch heels, keep that in mind. I did say I would try them and experiment. They will be something for special times going out if I can master them and find a tall man to acompany me. I will report on how possible it is. Maybe I will have pictures! I will have pictures, so everyone can look forward to that. Let us hope Monday goes well and that I end up with new shoes. If not, you will know about it! If so, you will know about it. Expect something here or in the Mega forums about this... Not a short diary after all...

  17. Well Ben, I am not going to bother to reasrach it, just type it up based on what I think I remember. So this shouldn't take long. Ha! Men in heels a s an historical fashion trend came about through nobility. Tall was good. So if you wished to elevate your social status, you elevated your height! Men and women wore shoes with heels to have them seem taller, and thus better. It was a social convention for the rich. Of course, we are all thinking about French Renaissance and beyond, with the king and queen, and the nobles in fancy heeled shoes. The trend starts earlier, with women in Italian countries. Yes, countries, or states, they are all independant and feuding on some level. Maybe competing is a better word. Women wore a type of platform shoe, because this helped them appear taller and thus elevated their social standing, It was one platform, no heel or anything, and it was only to be taller than the other women. It seemed quite vicious from what we studied. Everyone was out to be better than the rest. Being a Floertine Courtesan was tough work! So we end up with height being equal to social status. So why did this go away? Well, face it, the majority of people were poor, lower class, and why be a foppish upper class twit? That makes you feared and hated. As we broach the Victorian period, men go back to the military ideal that was so prominent in the middle ages. Ever notice that Renaisance nobles and kings were quite fancy, and when we see Victorian pictures, nobility often dressed in army uniforms? Heels are quite impractical for war, after all. So during the 1800s we have a europe at war, and war in the Americas, and everywhere, really. The social status for men is now tough and rugged. It reverts to a more Medieval ideal, of man as warrior, defender, very manly. Go hunting and go to war and be strong again. So fashion swings in a new direction. These styles seem to flow into the 1900s and become stereotypes so rooted in our society that it is difficult to break. When we reach 1960, and we start to have a make love attitude in America, look what happens to the fashion trends? All through the 60s and 70s there are platforms and heels and very blurred fashion lines. People are being self expressive, competetive, and out to show off. This is a very renaissance ideal! And you can see how the American culture decided to look down upon the Vietnam war. Of course, what we have is only a section of society feeling the war is bad, and being very vocal. Rock and roll was always a bit expressive. And as we move through the 70s, we have two very different styles of music to contend with. Disco, and Punk. Punk is about individuality through tough looks. Disco is about flashy fashion for its own look. Disco died out and became ridiculed. Punk and metal moved and changed into the 80s. Men in heeled boots and wearing platforms were now associated with the disco era, and that was a time to be ridiculed. The 80s had Pop music, hair bad glam metal, and a lot of punk. I do believe music and fashion are connected, it is a social hinge. As we move into 1990, what is the big movement? Alternative, and the part of it that has the most fame is grunge. What is grunge about? Looking grungy, of course. Torn and dirty jeans, lumerback shirts, and still Doc Martens, beat up boots. A very plain androgynous style for men and women. This could not helpe create self expression. And other prominent music style of the last fifteen years are all about simple looks and conformity. Hip hop has baggy pants and ball caps, and the metal of the 90s was simple black T shirts and black jeans. This has run along a strange path, I know. It is late and I am throwing together ideas as I go. My overall point is to show how our society has shaped our ideals. I didn't even get into the movie industry and the Arnold and Sylvester style of action that made a manly look important. What society needs is to stop following trends. We need less Pop music and more of everything in music. We need movies that are different, not ten made from one general script. (Go see Lord of the Rings FOTR, a movie that shows that love between men is okay, and it is brotherly and right and all about loyalty, and does not have to be feared as homosexuality) So if we would like to change the world, we cannot do it by fighting the medium. We should be subversive and use the medium to motivate our goals. Once upon a time the King and Queen set fashion trends. Now, pop starts and actors and models make the difference. Who put them in charge? Our political leaders are now boring, and our jesters set the trend. So it is a reversal, is it not? If we return to a renaissance, if we create that mood of free thought and competetive expression, then we can cast aside the stale social conventions that make thin blonde women under 18 into stars and say that men must wear army boots and women clunky heeled sandals with a platform. It is all about perspective, is it not? Let's change it. Thanks for putting up with my rant, by the way.

  18. Terayon, you are a little young for the thread. No wonder you posted about a current model, and not a past movie star. That's fine, we do welcome your input, it's great! I do think you should keep up with this section, as it is always a good thing to know about how the world was, so it can shape how it will be. Trust me, some of the women we are talking about were real symbols of feminine strength and sexuality. You might find it interesting! :smile:

  19. Charlie, thank you. :smile: However, you commented on my signature, so it must be time to change it. Expect a new one sometime sunday MST. I find that being silly and making people laugh makes me feel great. And I laugh more as well. A surreal point of view always helps. Maybe that is why I enjoyed MPFC so much without being the typical Universtiy geek. Usually guys like that, but I think a few of us girls here break the stereotype, right Inga?

  20. I will have an excellent cottage cheese and potato filling, it tastes wonderful. I made them once, and they were great. Considering I stole a recipie from Martha and made it better (I tend to do that with her recipies) I am quite proud, especially since I got it right my first time. I'm still not going to cooking school. I don't think they allow short skirts and heels for a chef. Baggy striped pants seem to be the rage, matched with clogs. How horrid.

  21. I hated using the net when I was in school for that. I liked books, lots of them. I think we all know that everyone has an opinion, and on the net, we can see all of them. That isn't always good for writing up a paper, as not everyone knows what he or she is talking about, even if he or she pretends... Books are always a wonderful medium for information. The smell, the feel, the lower cost of the electric bill, and they look wonderful on a shelf when not in use. The computer is the medium for long distance social action, and that is the true value. Information for the masses. Maybe not always specific information, but general attitudes of the world prevail over corporate America trying to sell us everything. :smile: This had no point, I just woke up from a nap (it's Saturday!) to fix a lack of sleep from last night. I'm not yet making sense.

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