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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Shoe boxes with more information. Yes. They need that. I like to know the name of the shoes, their "style" so to speak, but there is a need for more information as to the design features and dimensions on the box as well. Material would be a good one for the box, I think. Instructions for wearing? Designers have better things to do than write these up, like spend their oddles of money on extreme vices.

  2. Wearing socks over stocking sis a necessity for some people who need to walk to work at a fair clip. But then, since we change into better shoes at work, the socks go away. It's quite the trend where I live and probably most North American cities where women must walk to work. One reason to wear the socks is to protect the stockings from the wear they would suffer in the shoes used for walking. I have found that not wearing socks can cause a nasty run by the time I reach the office if the stocking is not a shadow toe. Call it a required evil of our modern world..

  3. Why bother to divide things? Infinite variation is the best part about life. Just because I prefer one thing most, does not mean I would never dabble in another. So I prefer stockings with a garter belt, but it would not stop me from wering socks with ankle boots if that is what happened to come out of my clouded morning discussion with myself on what I should wear... Of course, it is a slush fest outside right now, and my only pair of ankle boots needs some repair. This point is now moot, and hereby declared invalid. :smile:

  4. Well, there are malls downtown, but I am not going to walk out in this bad weather. I was forced to do that today, and it wasn't snowing yet. It was just cold. I saw very few people outside today. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse. It's not an excuse, unless the excuse is about not being cold. It can wait a few weeks.

  5. Well, there will not be a new shoes post from me as I had hoped. I seem destined to never buy another paid of shoes. This time, we have very bad weather. It is snowing again, and should go tonight into tomorrow and through to Monday. Maybe in a few weeks I will report the good news. Right now, some dark podiatrist is scheming against me. My car isn't starting again until it warms up a bit, so I cannot even go look. Such a shame

  6. Come now, everyone. It is not okay to hide some of the real reasons you like what you wear. And what is the desire to have something you feel is forbidden become more mainstream? I feel that forbidden things are more exciting and more rewarding. Be naughty! Now then. My vast interest in people has a need to find out the psychology behind things. So what is it that makes you tick? Reach deep inside and bring the hidden reason. Do some of the men like wearing heels because deep down they wish to be feminine and soft? Do some of the women get a little more turned on by the shoes they wear but are too afraid to admit it? What are your deep dark reasons for wearing high heels? Post now! Operators are standing by. Laurie

  7. General commentary on the thread... applause to the people who "don't". Count me in the club! I think that the popularity of platforms stem from two sources. One being the need to burn more calroies. So let's make a heavier shoe for the foot as a training weight. Where do we put this extra weight? The second influence must have been from the old Frankenstein movies. The Monster certainly gives the impression of a clompy walk in big feet, and someone found this sexy. Poor person that must be! Thus, the platform was created. There was a third influence, but it isn't right to comment on such things, as short people are as valuable as anyone else in society, and should never feel inferior. Fire bad! Mmmph. Fire gooood. Laurie

  8. On 2002-01-24 14:17, Spikey Dan wrote:

    The local gentleman's club I go to on occasion, the dancers there always wear platforms. Only once in the past 3 visits I seen a dancer wearing non-platform shoes (Her shoes were 3" black stiletto pumps/courts with ankle straps). They just look bad. At least a few dancers shoe's does have a stiletto heel with their platforms.

    So you are saying that platforms get you off more than regular shoes when the women shake their thing for you on the stage?

    Egads, man, you would think that the bouncing breasts and wiggling rears would be enough for you. To suggest that the shoes make the performance good or bad worries me.

    Isn't it nice that it gets to be called a gentlemens club to counter the fact that it breed mysoginy and stereotypes where women are made into sexual objects? No gentle man would ever subscribe to that theory.



  9. Sighting! Boots, I think, with a slender three inch heel. The woman wearing them did not know how to walk in them. She didn't glide, she just moved from place to place, toes pointed outwards, arms swinging at an awkward angle... I think she was another fashion victim, in that she bought into the trend. Boots with heels. As I strut my thing in a pair of heels, I know I look good. I check for it. I work on it. It has to be about more than the fact that the shoes or boots have a heel. It should be about wearing something and using it to enhance your personality and actions as much as create a "look" that meets with the Fashion Daemon's latest trend. Of course, I would slay that Daemon in the name of originality, but so many others nourish it with a devotion to things they do not understand. So I am sighting trendy things, and trendy is bad. Live for yourself, not what Cosmopolitain suggests because this is what will get you a man and allow you to have the best orgasm ever. It is a funny magazine to read when looking at some of the letters about people who have been bad... Laurie

  10. I know you might be desperate for this to break loose, but some of us are not. It's a difficult thing to explain. Maybe, sometimes, women like something to be for themselves, to set their identity apart. I have a feeling that if ev'rything all feminine and frilly were worn by men time and again it would not seem so silly but when silly is gone and it's no longer wrong will it still be as appealing? My point - Is it the thrill of wearing something ascribed to another gender that is part of the cause? They can make manly platform footwear and it would be accepted. SO is there a difference? Look deep inside. If one of the reasons for wearing heels is the thrill of the forbidden, then why would you wish things to break loose? For me, I like the fact that women do wear heels. It is a way for us to be more feminine, to flaunt our attributes. If men wear them, does the same thing happen? Or does it just take away the mystique that women can generate in a pair of heels? Do you take your car for granted? 100 years ago, it would have been the strangest luxury around, and everyone would have wondered and maybe some would have wanted one. Times change. Be careful with that, as they may change to take away what you really like about your interests in things you feel are socially acceptable. Laurie

  11. You're looking for responses? Oh dear. Now you've done it... Wll, I may not have as much experience to relate from. In University I was rather "flat footed" and I am still catching up. Well, heels are not appropriate for a ten minute dash across a campus, and since everyone else dressed so... casual (re slobish) I had to slum a little bit to fit in. So in the past few years, I have noticed that my toes angle in more. Just a bit, mind you. My feet are not wide by any means, but my toes are a bit long. Also, when not wearing any shoes, with my feet off the ground, they shape for about a two inch heel right now. This will change ove the next few months. And it is not as if my foot is locked into position, but it reverts to this two inch heel form when not in any shoe. I expect it to shape for three or even four in the next few months. Almost two years at my current job with a LOT of high heel wear, and I have only reached a two inch heel shape resting state. Time to crank up the height a LOT more. Two years and I have an easy time of walking on just the balls of my feet if barefoot. It is almost preferred. And I bet this message board will have all of the replies. That other board is not as cool compared to this one. :smile: Laurie

  12. Well, I am working may way up, as I am wearing four inch heels every day. My feet are good all day. Of course, I only have one pair I can wear this time of year. Four inch square post heel black oxfords. Yes, I go on and on about these shoes. I wore them for 13 hours one day this week, no big deal at all. I think I found a good coach! If all goes well this weekend, I will be posting in the new shoes section on Sunday night! :smile:

  13. I make it a habit not to go south of Lethbridge. Although, it is Montana that way, it's not bad. Calgary has a lot of sex shops. My friend from Toronto always comments on this when he visits "Wow, it's like every corner has either a sex shop or a liquer store!" Not exactly true, since only some streets are like this. I am thinking that a specialized item might be hidden away in one of these shops. Oh yeah, we're a fun town! The company that somehow employs me and puts with me is only a few blocks from a well known prostitute section. So when I say I work on 3rd Ave, people usually look at me funny. It can be minus twenty in a matter of hours here, we need all of the alcohol and sex toys we can get, I think... :smile: Oh yes, irony. Lots of it. TONS. Just ask JeffM. At least the searching will be fun...

  14. I am still going to see if I can try it out one day. Sure, most of it seems like a fantasy. So an experiment will put an end to the wonder. If I manage to find a pair with seven inch heels, after I have worked my way up past six (which means getting past five) I will give them a whirl. It is worth it once and for all to find out the truth of the matter. Right? This may take a while...

  15. I suppose Canada still has enough ties to the UK to allow us to have these shows. We aren't as strict with the pantomine rules as they are in UK. Here, many of the evil people in roles for women are played by men, but they draw the line at the main characters. So in Cinderella, Ella's mother and step sisters are played by men, and they wear nice but lower heeled shoes. Of course, if they have a ballerina playing Ella, then high heels are not used much except by the men who are playing women. I also remember one about Robin Hood, where the gender reversal was the same as our Cinderella. Only a few of the characters are switched around as to who plays them, and then usually, it is about a comical look at the baddies. The Sherriff was still played by a man, though. Of course, these are all tapings of particular performances which are then shown on TV. Interesting how the same tradition is different in two different countries.

  16. Today as I was driving along, I saw a woman crossing the street. She had on a pair of black patent stilettos, with very pointy toes. I could not get the heel height, I was moving along and she was wearing pants. Probably four inches. I must admit, wearing a pair of three inch slingbacks (and in cold weather!) I was quite jealous of her. I am developing a very strange need to be the premiere high heel woman of this city, but at almost one million people, is that possible? And is the jealousy about attention, or about a lack of ownership of that particular pair of shoes? One thing is for sure, my eyes are great and I will be a few years before I need glasses.

  17. Before I wiggle on down to a shoe repair, I thought I would ask for some tips. I have an older pair of shoes, and they have straps that go across the vamp and one buckles at the ankle, while the other is attached by elastic. The buckle strap on the right shoe is damaged, and the buckle does not hold as tight. As a result, the shoe can slip off of my foot. Is there any easy way to reinforce this strap, particularly around the holes, so that I can tighten the strap and not worry about it breaking? I like these shoes, but I do not wear them much for fear of injury. The shoes might be suede or imitation suede, I am not sure. Laurie

  18. I too have a pair of stiletto mules with open toe. White with a gold heel. They go great with tight white capri pants, and I wear them to work in the summer. Right now, my toes would be frostbitten, and it is very cold in the offices, so, they must wait for warmth to return. That could be next week, or five months from now. :smile: Deb, you're very right about them being good shoes, these stiletto mules.

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