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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Wearing a skirt on a windy day has a different reward that you may think. We're not looking to be noticed. I know for me, it feels good. I will often make mention of this with a line from the Simpsons, where the characters of Patti and Selma are caught in a tornado, and one says "I can feel it all the way up my skirt" So that's my cue that it's nice, and my sisters often give me that look or comment because they know exactly why I am saying it. It feels nice to have a cool breeze tickle one's fancy. I hope I used that the right way. Oh well. This is a shoe forum, enough about skirts and the breeze.

  2. Hey I would prefer is Men did the same thing, they would certainly be better for it. They would communicate and they would SLOW DOWN. I think it has something to do with the ability to urinate while standing, it makes the trip to the rest room so much easier and quicker, in that sense. Men should go in groups, talk about things out of the auditory scope of women, and just let go. And because part of your trip is quick, the rest of the time can be spent discussing things before the return. It would be beneficial.

  3. Terayon has incidcated something I suspect, the sense of forbidden. See? He has it right. I think some of the appeal is about it being different and wrong and bad. It shuld not be done, and historically, everything that should not be done has been a lot of fun. Just look at Medieval Church opression in Europe. Do not do this, do not do that. It is Christmas, so do not celebrate, be humble and pray. Oh sure, everyone brought gifts for Jesus and it was a grand old time, it's written in this precious Bible, but now everyone must deprive themselves of anything fun because religion is serious. As a result, everyone ended up partying that much more, because they were told not to. It was bad. And why was it bad? It must be fun! I think people have a predispoistion towards having fun and thinking that anything bad must have a factor of enjoyment.

  4. Yes, Bob, that is why we visit the ladies' room in such large groups. We like the company, because we can chat about things. At a party, this interaction becomes very important, and anyone seeminlg ymore popular than we are gets the critical treatment, such as "she has ugly shoes and thick ankles" But generally, it is about having time away from others to just reflect on what only we may understand. It is like this for shoes as well. We women wear our heels quite easily and openly. Some of the men here do this, but it is about boots and worn with pants, and while we know you can relate, you still aren't girls, and none of you are looking to be. So sometimes, a woman needs women to provide the good opinion. We cannot all mesh together as a group and expect everything to run smooth. We all need our seperate moments as well.

  5. Terayon is it just sore msucles, or are the pains located in joints and the arches? I have some slightly sore muscles after a good deal of activity in heels, but joint pain I had one day and it was minor. Knowing more about the type of main will help us determine if it is just your muscles strengthening, or if there are some other problems to address...

  6. Well Bob I would fix your predicament if I could. What would you like to be wearing for the board? Myself, I just need something that doesn't make me feel like I am wearing leg weights. Not that I can ever save myself for these wedges. Well maybe in 97 messages. I admit, I did not post for a while unless I had to, because I did not wish to spend my time in the wedges. And now I realize, what the heck is the point of that? It's just virtual, and I never have to own them for real. It's still fun to pretend... 97 to go!

  7. Fight is a subjective term. However, as we often have images of two people hitting one another as fight, we can find another word. Struggle? I like struggle. It can imply the physical movements of trying to escape, sure, BUT it also has been used as people trying to overthrow oppression. Quest? Adventure? Mission? The Plan!? Should we even dare to find a term to cover what it is we'd like to do when changing the views of society? Let's just change society. Shoes for everyone, whatever style you like! Oh, and two cars in every garage and a chicken in every pot and roaster. The only thing we have to fear is, the rising price of shoes in today's economy!

  8. Oh horror of horrors. The wedge heel has arrived for me. My time in something fun with a name that fits me is over. Such a shame. No more Kitten heels. I have been wedged. This is the one. And after my rant about the importance of having an arch shape, because of the word fornix, I still suffer this wedge. Oh the horror. Maybe you thought I was not posting enough. Maybe you were saying that I was not involved enough. Well, this should be the FASTEST 100 posts this board will ever see. I'll jump into it tomorrow and hopefully get out of these dreadful wedge things in two weeks, tops! Personally I would prefer a week. Maybe if I am making baguettes tomorrow I can fire off twenty or so replies to other messages. That might be a great start! Am I insane? Of course! That's the only way to be! Wooooooooo

  9. This report will be a day early, as last week's diary was a day late. Last week we can blame on me being busy, and a very talkative trainer. This week, I know my Sunday will be spent at home baking bread and maybe making soup. Yes, done in heels, but that's all there is to it. Monday was a very early day at work. I chose to walk, and I did this in my three inch ankle boots. I was going to drive, but I had a bit more time that morning and a walk always does a girl good, especially for high heeled training! I did change at work, and on went the four inch heeled Oxfords I wear so much these days. I had my job interview that day, and I dressed well. A black skirt and stockings, a red shirt, ribbed knit cotton, and a grey ladies' blazer. The interview went well, but as of yet I have not heard anything good or bad. I headed home in the ankle boots and left my chances for the job up to someone else. I did my part. Tuesday was a day off for me. I was using it to prepare for a possible second interview. I had to research some web sites that provided services for customers, and I was putting together some samples of my writing style. No, I did not use any of my postings from the message boards. I wish to have this new position with my company and not make this V.P. uncomfortable. I did wear my white mules with the five inch gold spike heels for most of the day in the apartment. Yes Mr. Trainer, I didn't get a chance to mention that. Surprise, I suppose. Wednesday found me taking the advice of my trainer and I walked to work in my four inch oxfords. My muscles were a bit sore from the new height for such vigorous walking. I noticed two things. My feet were just a tiny bit tired, which is different from other walks to work in a lower heel, and I could not walk as fast as I prefer. Even if I would like to try larger steps, I cannot. In some ways I feel this detracts from the exercise value of walking to work, but it does increase the muscle strength for walking in heels. At the end of the day my feet were tired from running around at work, and I switched into the ankle boots for the walk home. Thursday found me driving to work, so it was Oxfords from start to finish. After work I was with my Mum and sister as we did some shopping and later we went off for a very simple meal while watching Canada's women's hockey team win gold. Go Canada. All of this in four inch square post heels, and nothing more than a few tired muscles were the result. I did need to rest my feet a bit when I arrived home, but part of that is going a half inch lower for the heels on the shoes I wear around the apartment. Friday was another day for trying the Oxfords on the walk to work. Again, some tired muscles that were being used more, but that was it. I was not sure if the Oxfords would be worn to work, as our early spring suddenly fell apart. Cold air flooded Alberta, and snow was threatening. I am thankful that I had the chance to wear the Oxfords to work that day, and the snow held out for the afternoon. I did have to switch into my ankle boots for the walk home. The snow was falling in a steady manner and had made a nice blanket for the ground at that point. It is best not to take a chance and push myself. If I slip and fall, or step onto a snow covered grate I cannot see, bad things will result. Having a heel stuck in a metal grate while cold air and snow make my walk a little less fun cannot be good. Saturday - A few hours were spent at work today, working on some account issues for customers. Snow was still out on the ground and the roads, so I drove, and I wore the three inch ankle boots. I am surprised how easily I can manage while wearing a three inch heel in the snow. I walk around as if I was made for it. At work I did switch into my Oxfords, and then back to the ankle boots for cleaning the car of snow and going home. After that, it was off to dinner with one of my sisters, joining our Mum and her man for his birthday. Danish Smorg. I ate too much, I fear. I did not have a chance to switch into my four inch oxfords again, so the ankle boots had to do for the night. The Oxfords are still in my car, outside, freezing as we speak. At least they are protected. And Sunday, tomorrow for me, and almost today as I finish this, will be spent at home, and it will not be eventful. I hope not. I need a good rest! Until next week, I bid you a good week.

  10. Any company dumb enough to pass on a good employee because of the height of a heel deserves to go under. I wore four inch heels to my last job interview, but if I had been able to find something five inch I would have worn that pair. It is best to go as you are to an interview, and be hired based on who you are. This avoids any surprises.

  11. Well Ben, it has happened no matter what type of shoe I am wearing, over many years. Maybe I wasn't clear, but it isn't high heels only. And it is very slight. I only notice because, well, they are my feet. I didn't mean to cause any confusion. My feet are just strange, and as best as I can remember I was a barefoot child. Everyone freaks out if I mention the slightest little oddity. I'm an adult, I look after myself. My feet look normal except for one toe with a bent nail but you would only notice it because I cannot put on any nail polish there. It has been that way for as long as I can remember. And I am wasting one of my last posts in Kitten Heels for this, and it is a non-issue! :smile: Hope you enjoy!

  12. Terayon, are you named after the modem? I should suspect you are a Rogers customer? Maybe... And the girls at your school are all mindless sheep if they are into the fashion trends. Don't date any of them, find the gothy one who goes against the trend. She'll be the most fun. That was me in high school, so trust me on this one.

  13. On 2002-02-19 18:13, Ben(Canada) wrote:

    Of course I am also wondering how you are interpreting "feet being deformed"? Laurie, I read an earlier post where you said that your big toe has become slightly bent inwards through wearing pointed toe shoes. So I would like some clarification on that as well. Personally I do like the look of toes that all point nicely forward.

    End of your quote

    I wrote that? I don't own a lot of pointy toed shoes, they do narrow or sound... no I do not think it was me. My toes are still natural. That's not to say my natural toes are perfect, the smallest toe on my left foot has always had a problem with the nail and so that toe looks a bit strange. Lucky for me, most open toed shoes only reveal for toes, not all five. Other than that, the smaller ones curve down a bit, they always have. My feet look unmangled, thanks. I did mention that I have what I feel are long toes...

    Why women buy bad shoes.

    (1) Is it because they aren't smart and don't know how to pick shoes?

    Yes. Some women are slaves to fashion and do not know how to pick shoes. They wear what they can get for the image only, and so they suffer. Image is nothing, Sprite tells us. Of course, they then tell us to Obey our Thirst and drink Sprite. So they create an image of Sprite as thirst quenching. Hypocracy, but I still like the basic message. Image is nothing.

    (2) Do the shoe salesmen push them into buying shoes that are too short and narrow?

    In some stores, yes. The clerk has told me a few times that "those look very nice" but it was not her foot rammed into a small shoe. Most are looking to sell, so they push items a bit. HOWEVER...

    I was in Sterling last Friday, and the young girl working there was telling a young teenage shopper to take the shoes and wear them at home only for a few weeks before a party. The point - the clerk was actually giving good advice to help someone have a better time in shoes! I did not notice the exact pair, I was bust being disappointed by the styles the store had.

    (3) Do they think shorter pointed toes look nice?

    They may think they have big feet and smaller shoes make a smaller look. They also are a bad idea.

    (4) Are some women's feet wider and they want them to look narrower by buying a shoe that is too narrow?

    That is very true.

    (5) Do they find that a loose fitting shoe results in their feet sliding forward?

    No idea

    (6) Some women's feet are tougher than others.

    You know it! :smile:

  14. Cutting off toes is part of a Cinderella Pantomime where the wicked Step Sisters try to fit the glass slipper. I think the myth grew from there. Tom had the answer, buy shoes where the toe box has room. I just make sure the size is large enough for my toes. I do not force them into the point, hell no. The toe point should be empty, and my toes safe in a rounded position. Put it this way. Slip into a pointier toed shoe. Now feel where your toes are. If you have a ncie round curve along the line of toes, and an empty point, then the problem disappears, because the toes are not mashed into the tight space. If the heel is high enough, the shoes do not look like clown shoes, they look elegant. My lower heeled shoes with pointy toes are larger in this way, and the lower heel can make my feet look a bit larger. That's not much of a concern so long as they look good and my feet remain in a natural state, with toes where they should be.

  15. Power to the Humantiy Liberation Front! Free the sheep from the clutches of oppressive society and ignorance. Smash through the barriers, bring the light of truth and individuality to the world! Unite, open minded people, and let us bring our mighty army down upon those who would destroy our freedom to choose! Let's start with credit card companies and advertising agencies. Oh, and Podiatrists, yes, we must visit them...

  16. I know this is a day late, but it could not be avoided. My trainer and I talked a great deal and the night slipped away. Week two of my days in heels started with a busy Monday. A day in four inch Oxfords was acompanied by an early start at work, and so I drove. So I didn't walk, you say? Oh I did walk. Such a surprise, everyone in the company was attending meetings. My day was Monday (a few hours of notice is wonderful), and I needed to drive out to one of our warehouse locations for the session. This required a walk in four inch heels over ice and snow from the parking lot to the north end offices, and then from the offices over more patches of ice and uneven pavement to the warehouse entrance. Such a busy day with a lot of walking. I am quite pleased that I managed it all! My feet were a little bit tired from trying to keep up to everyone on the bumpy pavement. I felt fine, otherwise. Tuesday was a regular day, walking to work in my ankle boots and switching. At the end of the day, a decision that may have been too soon. I decided to walk home in my four inch heels instead of changing back to the three inchers. This led to very tired feet, and an experiment that was far too soon. I realize now that I do not need to push myself, I'm not yet 30, and I have many years of high heels before me. My trainer had some wonderful advice. He thinks that if I am to try walking outside in my oxfords, that I should walk to work, not home from work. The reasoning behind this is that my feet are not tired from a long day, and I would have more energy and endurance for the exercise in the morning. I can bring a change of shoes or boots, and by the end of the day, I can go to a lower heel for the walk home. This allows me to rest my feet at the end of the day with a heel I am used to for everything. I do not push myself too much during a day, or for too long. Wednesday was a regular day, the same as any from the previous week. Thursday is more interesting. In an effort to help employees with our jobs, the company arranges what we call Ride Alongs. One on one days where an employee goes into the field with an installer for our internet services. Of course, I did wear the four inch heeled Oxfords for this. I managed quite well, even in the ice covered alleys that the warm sun does not find. Patches of ice and snow that lay unmelted between houses posed no problem for me, yet men in flat manly shoes seemed to have trouble. I did not need any effort to stay on my feet, they did. I was asked how I could wear such shoes, and of course, I replied "practice". It was a nice feeling to show that a woman can wear heels in strange conditions and still be graceful. Friday was a shopping day, and maybe four inch heels were a bit much for all of that walking. The sad part lay in the lack of shoes for sale that meet my standards. Everything is ugly right now. I did see one pair of designer shoes, but they were priced out of my range by quite a bit. Four inch spike heel, classic design, they would have been perfect. Saturday saw another day in four inch heels. By Saturday night I realized that I could use a break, so my venturing out on Sunday for groceries and similar items were met with my three inch ankle boots. Everyone needs a day of rest, even the high heeled girl in training! It was a week of good progress, with some over exertion, I admit. I will try Wednesday as a day to wear four inch heels to work, and I will have a change of lower heeled shoes with me, to prevent the stress of tired feet pushed too far for their time. I may not be able to purchase new shoes for a few more weeks, but if I do, it will be posted in a seperate report. Until then, I'll wiggle my hips and strut around in my Oxfords, and dazzle everyone with my growing mastry of four inch heels.

  17. Yes I like that, that's the idea I am trying to get at. I am not sure my form is that good, but that is my goal. And you will all observe that her skirt has high slits up the sides for a good reason, to allow the flexability to perform such a kick. When I tried it at work (no one was around) I noticed I could see up my skirt with ease. I think that I may wear pants if I ever learn to kick that well in heels and I decide to post a picture as proof... Yes, I am weird. Go figure.

  18. Those items like secured credit cards are not advertised where I live. I am not sure why. I may have to pull teeth and crack skulls to find a bank that can offer me such a thing. They are all about money, and I am depressed when a bank declares a year as bad because they made less than a billion dollars profit. That's my money they happened to take for "service charges" and used for their high powered investments. Yes, society is evil. What can anyone do about it. I will scan my bank's web site for the above options and maybe I can start asking for advice on ordering over the internet! Yeah! See? Positive in the face of oppressive societal evil. Woo hoo.

  19. The internet requires a credit card, which I do not have and I refuse to get. Just because I am older now does not mean I feel safe having one. One week after applying for credit card: "A new credit card, woohoo!" Two weeks after receiving credit card: "Oh no, why did I order all of these shoes? I went over my limit!" That is what would happen. Not to mention that I prefer to actually try on a pair of shoes before buying them. And yes, Payless pretty much finished off the only store I knew of that carried heels, but that was when money was unpredictable and my love of heels had really grown up since then. Curse that Payless shoes! Still, the other girls who work on 3rd Ave., on the street corners and not in a building like my corporate slave self, must have a place they shop... Oh who knows anymore.

  20. I tried to find some shoes today. I tried a number of different chains in Calgary, the more prominent ones, and only one place had anything that looked like a proper high heeled shoe. Everything out there has ugly heels, nothing slender, square toes, and it is difficult to find anything four inches or higher. Of course, I can purchase some fancy name brand pumps from Holt Renfrew, (Stuart Weitzman) but they are about $100.00 Canadian over my budget for today. I spent enough money on other things, like clothes, a second piercing in each ear... And sushi for dinner, my sister and I are quite happy now. But no shoes! I thought I was at another location of the store I saw some great shoes in, but maybe not, as they were nowhere to be found. The style was only a new release for the season a month ago, and now, nowhere. I will have to go out of my way to search for these shoes again. And I just bought this wonderful new pair of black pants that have a wonderful shiny finish. Polyester Elsatine mix of fabric. Very nice, and they will look great with patent pumps, if I ever find a pair in this mixed up city! If anyone knows of a store in this Cow-headed town that will sell a proper pump with a proper heel at four inches or higher, let me know! I needed new shoes for an interview on Monday. A new position at work, so everyone wish me luck! I may need it if I have to wear old shoes, especially if they are under four inches. That would kill my whole image right there. Now as I have been wearing four inch heels quite a bit lately, I should take the weekend as a break. I will see if I can. Look for the weekly roundup Sunday night (Monday morning for many of you) in the ultra heels section. I'm off to feel frustrated now. _________________ The message ended a line ago. Why are you still reading it? That's just weird. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-02-16 05:39 ]</font>

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