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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. On 2002-03-16 09:03, Trolldeg wrote:

    hmm, I seem to recall pictures of platform shoes from as early as the 18th century, whereas stilettos appeared around the 50s... how do you define classic?

    Classic is defined by what sticks out in a sense of social memory. Not many people know about 18th century footwear, but in our media savvy society, we all know everything from 1940 and on, it seems. Maybe even as far back as 1900. Why? newspapers, radios, movies, television, and now, internet. Classic cars, many people think cars from the 1950 and think of watching Greece or American Graffiti. More people look for a 70s muscle car than a Model T. Why? Image.

    So when people mention high heels, society in general thinks of the stiletto, and we all remember the higher heels of pinup girls in the 40s and 50s. Not many of us know about Early Modern Society and the fashions of the time.

    So classic is what we associate with a term as a collective.

    Okay, that was long, but I think it promotes the idea. After all, classic rock is usuall music from the mid 60s to late 70s, but rock and roll existed before that time and after. So again, society's concept of a term, and a term defined to suit society.

  2. Maybe we should all admire Firefox as the friendly police constable out to make sure we all post where we should post? In a funny hat, armed with a truncheon, and wearing boots with heels, he is the funkiest constable around... yeah bay-beeeee. Maybe it could be a hit comedy, but would the BBC ewver pick it up? (okay, so I am close to 300 and I am trying to pad up my total)

  3. This is all very frightening, this thread! I just wished to comment on the topic real quick. I was numb for days. All day at work, every TV was on a new station, people gathered around, they watched for hours if they could. Everyone was somber. I say at the retail desk watching TV with other employees, and noticed that even customers who had problems with accounts did not care so much about them. This is Canada and we are still numb. Watching footage of people as they fell was too much for me. I do not worry about the saftey of flying as much as how the increased security will affect people. It will all become more militant, and a vacation abroad will never be quite as care free as it should be. We all grow, we all bond, and there is good in what happened that day. It still seems incredible, but inside, I think everyone has a fear now. My sister had a few dreams about planes crashing into buildings after this, and I think she still has them from time to time. She works close to the airport, so she has low flying planes being very loud.

  4. Since this was my new shoes thread, I will let everyone know that I am going to do everything I can to get back to the Heels Online office this coming Wednesday and pick up three more pairs. Yes, payday came and it was nice enough to me. Something in a mule, something black with a five inch heel, so I can rotate for work, and something with a five and a half inch heels, because this is about an experiment at its core, and I need to prepare to go up as my body is ready. Look forward to some more reports!

  5. There is one hurdle that occurs many times. Moving up in heel height. My crazy experiment to reach seven inch heels and see if someone can walk in them has many hurdles. The goal is to be careful and have the muscles and joints stretch each new height. So when we look at hurdles, every half inch may provide one. I may pick up something five and a half inch on Wednesday, so I will report more on how a small increase acts a hurdle, and how high of a hurdle. In Calgary, I'm Laurie Heels, A Channel. (I cannot endorse the major networks here, that would be wrong)

  6. Doctors are not paid as much as they are in America, so the good doctors go where the money is. Doctors who stay here are either compassionate, or they are so awful no one wants them. We have a shortage, so a good doctor is tough to find. I found a good one, and cute, but thankfully not tall enough to have me hooked on him. That was a long time ago, and it seems the quality has fallen in recent years. Yes, taking off shoes at the desk can be a nice change, a cooling off period, I would say.

  7. They can always be repaired with some nails, glue and duct tape if they break. :smile: Custom heels, made from other shoes because you didn't have a spasm upon seeing them, caused by the intense desire to own them. Now, we fix your shoes so you can spasm with glee and like what you wear. That business idea is doomed to fail.

  8. I have had cheese curds on a dish called Poutine. This is a french Canadian thing, some may know it. I have had the cheese curds in that, but only in Ottawa, which isn't quite Provence Quebec but close enough to make it good. They take fries and smother them with cheese curds and hot gravy. It can taste great, but it is a LOT of fat to handle in one sitting. Poutine must be french for Bowl of Heart Attack. I think a small bowl would hold my entire fat and calorie intake for the entire day.

  9. That pair with the brass heel... That is on my list to try on Wednesday when I go pick up a few new pairs. I tried them in 11 and too big, so maybe if I ask they can get in 10s for me. And then they go into work rotation. If I get them, that is. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-03-17 20:38 ]</font>

  10. Yes Ben, secrecy and filtration are a large part of our society. And when it comes to advertising for products, then the deception really shines. It's horrible, is it not? Sure, you are right, everyone has to use filtration and secrecy, and there are times when people must ascribe to a standard of socially acceptable behaviour. Some things need to wait until the funeral ends, people are mounring! My secrecy and filtration is not really based on what others might think if I shared, but more a sense of wishing to keep something of myself to myelf. I suppose the secrecy part, keeping something private, determines what the filtration might be. However, I dislike the filtration and there have been times I have ignored it and talked about things anyway. The result? No big deal, no real reaction, maybe even a bit of humour. It is all so delicate a balance, and that is what makes it so awful that society has to be this way. The trick, I think, is to understand the motivations and the needs, and then dance around them with the free will. The most difficult part of that trick, how to do it without effort. Sometimes we should empathize with others, and we must change how we are acting to fit their mood, but still be ourselves. This is where we need to be multi faceted as people, so we can still share of ourselves yet adapt to any situation. Maybe that is not as easy as it should be, so society is doomed I say, DOOOOOOOMED! I still prefer to be a strange and silly girl at work and express myself as I like, but maybe our secrecy and filtration are important for the tricky situations, when we can see someone's emotions and we need to tread lightly for fear of trouble. No one can be in a good mood all of the time, emotions do not allow for it. So you have it, about the aspects people need, and I admit, there are times when caution should be employed. I think this is coming to an understanding now!

  11. The snow is still on the ground in Calgary. Parking lots and street corners are caked with it. The temperature is still cold. Spring, where are you? Monday was a driving day, and I wore my ankle boots (3 inch heel for anyone new) and changed into the new five inch heel Patents at work. I wore them for three and a half hours and took them off while I had lunch at my desk. I tend to sit with my feet locked in a high heel position during these moments. I tuck my legs under my swivel chair and keep the balls of my feet on the frame legs that lead to the wheels. In the afternoon I managed another three hours before I changed back into my boots and drove to pick up my sister from work. Tuesday morning started off in much the same way, and I had another three and a half hours in the morning with some walking around our building. Trip to the mail room, trip to some other department, and after all of my filing and report update and some dealing with customers, it was time for lunch. Again, a break, and three and a half hours in the afternoon. The difference with Tuesday - I had to go see the doctor after work, and instead of doing the sane thing and switching into my boots or my Oxfords (I had both along), I wore my Patents. I walked to the parking lot, which meant crossing a street, stepping over the little ridge left when they plow the streets, navigating the ice patches on the road, and then the parking lot which they never clean. I cannot say I enjoy this part of my adventure on Tuesday as much as I would like. It is interesting when heels dig into the snow and jab into some packed on patches of the white. I feel awkward walking across rough surfaces now that I am at five inches for my heel height. It is as if I lack the grace I would in the office, and I am so slow and uncertain about my steps. Yet I push on, because I do push myself sometimes. That's why I have a "trainer", to make sure I stay safe in this. I drove in five inch heels, which was a new experience for me. I must say, it worked well enough for a slow drive through downtown Calgary. The trick is laying down a towel on the floor of the car and testing foot positions. Normally I would balance my foot on the heel if I had flat shoes. When wearing heels, I try to balance on the end of the heel, but that is not going to work in five inch heels. It also leads to heel damage. So I tried resting my right foot on the back, and I only need the heel to come into play if I need to speed up or apply some brake real quick. My doctor moved to a new office, and of course I walked into the wrong building. I did a lot of walking in my Patent heels on Tuesday. All told, from 1pm until 6 pm, so a five hour stretch with a good deal of walking. My feet were a bit tired, the arch muscles needing the most rest. Wednesday, I walked to work in my ankle boots, and it was another three and a half hours in my five inch heels, lunch break, and three and a half hours. Nothing exciting to report, it was mostly sitting around with desk work or customer issues. Thursday I had the day off and I went with my sister to see a new doctor for her. This clown will not be her new doctor though, he was a joke. Anyone who knows anything about Alberta can understand that it is not easy for anyone to find a new family doctor. I started out the day in my oxfords, as I knew I would be walking quite a bit and the evil of snow still grips our city. When we came home I decided I would switch into the five inch heeled patents for a few hours around the apartment. And I fell asleep for about two hours. Never lie down for just a moment of rest, it can lead to big naps. When I managed to shake off that clouded feeling that sleep can bring, I left on the patents while I meandered around the apartment. Then my sister and I went to see our Mum and do a bit of shopping. I left on the patents and out the door we went. I wore them from Noon until 8:15, and yes almost two hours were me having a kitten nap, but still, another six and a half hour stretch with some involved walking. We all went to dinner at a hotel lounge and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Walking for a buffet line without effort, struggling over the fresh falling snow outside. At that point I was really thinking I am a stupid girl and why am I pushing myself? I made it, and it was worth it. Friday was a push day. I drove to work for another early morning, and I wore my Oxfords to drive. They have a thicker post heel and they handle that parking lot a bit better. I switched into the patents and I went four hours in them, had a half hour break from them at lunch, and then another four hours at which point I should have switched back to the oxfords to go home. Vanity took hold, I am sad to report. My sister and I were going for Sushi at our favourite place downtown, so I left the patents on my feet and I went to get her. I felt really good wearing them, and I had them on until 7pm, so a seven hour stretch this time. The drawback is the weather. This does require some intensive cleaning of my shoes at the end of the day. I have a scratch, well more of a gouge, on the back of the left heel at the tip. I decided I would not be upset about that, and I would just keep wearing the shoes. No need to be upset, I can afford to replace them if I would like to do that. Saturday, well I did go out in my four inch Oxfords while doing some shopping. My car had a burnt out headlight (bulb or globe, take your pick) and I prefer to replace these myself because it is easy. Five dollars for a bulb at Walmart! And five minutes work to change it. Yes, very unlady like but would you rather I paid someone to change the headlight or should I spend that money on new shoes? :smile: Being stubborn as I tend to be, I changed the headlight as soon as I arrived home. This meant four inch oxfords, in the snow drift at the front of the car in the parking stall, and yes I was dirty after that, yes I managed okay, it works and I am a mechanically inclined girl. I would rather cook, but life is not about rathers, it is about musts. And yes, I realize some may think changing the headlight in heels is some faker fantasy, but if I were worried about that, would I have bothered to post it? No, so that means the story is as you read it. I wore my five inch heels Saturday night at home for about five hours, just to keep in some sort of shape with them. Adapting to a new height is not easy if the weekends are too slack in the training. Next week should see new shoes. A trip to the heels online office for three new pairs! Buy two, get one free. How wonderful. I will report on that next time. For now, it is Sunday, and I am going to relax. I may need to go shopping, but that will be quick and done in my oxfords because I can ruin them now, they are only four inch heels, and as the weather grows warmer (will that actually happen this year?) I will be ready for five inch heels for most situations. Until next time...

  12. : what does the woman have to overcome to wear high heels on more than rare or special occasions? Is it how the heels feel or how they look? Okay, it is how they feel first, and almost as much, how they look. I am going to find the blend of comfort and style. The shoes will feel good on my feet all day, and they will look good on me. What does it take to move beyond heels for special occasions? PRACTICE! That's my worn out line, I know. Muscles need to be exercised in order to wear higher heels. The foot must learn where the change of pressure might be, and it has to adapt to this. Joints must become used to extending to a new position. This can take time for some of us. I push myself a bit, much like an athlete will push to get better at running or blaying basketball. The idea is to exercise the feet, ankles and knees, and that is what wearing a higher heel can do. I am lerning this right now as I spend my work days at five inches. One thing to keep in mind, of course, is that pushing can be bad. To become better at wearing heels, one must have breaks. Wear a higher heel, then maybe sit and slip off the shoes, or wear something a bit lower for an hour. We cannot lift weights all day for better muscles, we must do sets, and rest in between. The same can apply for learning to wear higher heels.

  13. Terayon, for the people in your age group, heels are the big thing. If we look at some older women, the dynamics change. Some women think comfort means flat and roomy shoes. They look at footwear as if shoes should be like cars. Shoes are like shoes, and they are about personal fashion. Some women feel they cannot wear heels, they feel heels are bad, a tool of male opression, and many other things. To overcome a social stigma is never easy, but thanks to fashion trends, the people in your age group are getting into heels early, and this may help for heels in general. It may hinder us thin heel girls from finding what we like, but it is a start.

  14. Jodi, I have to take issue with the way you select people. So if someone has the skills and the personality for anjob, and they wore something that you felt was not as appropriate as it could be, you would not hire that person? That should never be a consideration. If there is a dress code, than that is as far as you can go when reviewing what someone has put on for the interview. We each have our own individual sense of fashion, and we cannot project that onto others. I must say, it would worry me if I was up for a position and yuo found my shoes to be inappropriate for my outfit and you then hired someone who was not as good at the actual job. I am hoping you will explain this a little bit more and show me who I am misinterpreting what you said. I feel that personal bias about fashion cannot come into an interview. Companies have dress code policies so we can eliminate that bias.

  15. Terayon, you made it past the first step. You were not kicked out into the street. This is a very good thing. Your Mum knows, and did not yell or scream or make you get rid of them. Instead, she is offering to keep it between you and her. This is wonderful news, and I hope you and your Mum can build on this from here. You will find a bit of acceptance and happiness... and then it will grow a bit more.

  16. On 2002-03-15 05:09, Ben(Canada) wrote:

    Have you seen "Finding Forrester". There is a part about telling the kid to sit down at the typewriter and type whatever comes to mind. This is a well-known way of getting rid of writer's block.

    Well Ben, I just realized, you mentioned Writer's Block. I do not believe in such a thing. I believe in Writer's Detour, which is when a writer cannot keep going along the same subject at that point. A good writer can always write something, and is never blocked from writing. But any writer can hit a point where the ideas seem stuck for that particular moment, and a different path has to be taken.

    My perspective is that I like to write about something different yet still related, or I like to edit.

    Yes, edit. Read over everything already written. This will focus the mind on the subject again and then the detour is removed and instead of going backwards, the writer goes forwards.

    Youca n call it writer's block if you like, I suppose it is close enough. I still feel that a good writer can always write something. This may lead to four or five stories or essays being worked on at once, but at least the creativity goes somewhere.

  17. Okay, let's deal with the trainer thing. First, he asked not to be talked about when possible, so I respect his wishes. Second, I need someone to make sure I stick to a plan and do not push myself. My trainer is there to provide me with what I need. One day he will talk about his role, and how it is actually just something that is part of something else, and until then, I am glad he is getting more attention than I am, yes. B) Okay, I am smiling, not to worry. :smile: No further questions, this press conference is over!

  18. I've now come to the conclusion that if someone working in my building wishes to have higher heels than me, than good luck and go for it. I think it would be interesting to see someone go higher than five inches and try to trot around.

  19. The fridge needs a general clean every few weeks, at the very longest a month! I am not talking about wiping it out to perfection, as much as I am saying clean out those jars with almost nothing left, and make sure nothing is evolving in the very back behind the jar of pickles. Revenge of the Moldula, the fuzz monster! I cleaned out a while ago, and my refridgerator still seems empty. My freezer section, on the other hand, is a disaster zone. My wardrobe is okay right now, except for shoes I never wish to wear again still cluttering the floor. Bad shoes, grow higher heels or get out!

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