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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I like some of the styles men can wear. It is just that they do not wear them. Masculine styles, too! They are different, expressive, like the shirts that have no collar but still button up. I have seen some that look great! They are very different and certainly not limiting in choice. However, they are not seen much by me. I think it just takes some experimentation to find something that works for a man, looks manly and is still expressive. We shall see, I suppose...

  2. If you need to see heels, you can watch Regis and Kelly, they tend to have good full shots of the stage to show both hosts and their interviewee. The calgary shows are either done behind a desk or without a set at all. And Hollywood must be destroyed, or at least, captures, tortured and reprogrammed. Sex and violence cannot be as much fun as innuendo and class, can it? I say Hollywood takes some of today's fast action and mixes it with the class and suggestiveness of the past. It can be something new and exciting. Yes, we can see sex, big deal. Would it not be better to have some sexual tension, showing the woman dressed nice, with heels and good legs, and the man looking all hot and studly, and then we can have them kiss or build on it at some point towards the end. Why are only four or five movies worthy of an oscar every year? Should not every producer and director try to make a masterpiece? Or do they think we are all that dumb?

  3. I have never experienced this female bonding through heels with friends. With my mother, yes, but she doesn't wear heels anymore. Her back cannot handle it, though it is not exactly related to wearing heels for many years. I will say that it looks like I am going higher than she did, and she is concerned abuot my future heel wearing health. She would like me to be in heels for a long time, but at the same time, does not wish me to wear heels all of the time. Strange, isn't it. I suppose I need more friends in order to find people who like wearing heels. They will wear heels, but they do not wear them very often. I go grocery shopping in four inch heels, not many other people would do this.

  4. It can show two things. Either people with a thing for seeing women in heels are a minority, or the movie makers are trying to hide the fact that they are into heels. Marketing, of course, probably says breasts and long hair get men fired up. Yes, American men, drinking beer on a couch, and focused on breasts. Could we have this stereotype killed please? Anyone? :smile: Maybe some of us need to become cinematographers? Then these scenes can be shown as they should!

  5. All men that I seem to see have shirts tucked in. Macho cowboy thing? Most are not cowboys. Women tend to wear shirts out more often. As for nobility and having servants button clothing, it is proof that wealth is a physical handicap. How easy is it to button a shirt? Quite easy, but for some reason, these rich people needed someone to do everything. Certainly a handicap, sprained wrist from lifting the coin purse, I'll guess.

  6. No shoe dangling done by me, sorry. I am not sure why, Okay, I do some dangling if I am wearing mules, but then what keeps them on my feet if not gravity? Otherwise, no dangling courts. It just isn't something that comes natural, I guess. Maybe I can work up to it.

  7. I will admit to 1, 3 and 5. Yes, 5. You know, sometimes attention can be a wonderful thing. Deep down, if I peaked someone's interests and made them think about something, then I am happy. I don't even need to have direct attention from it. So I am brave enough to admit #5.

  8. A Step Up... Monday was an important day, as you may know. New shoes. Five inch stiletto heels on a court in black patent. Jante 8887. I wore them for a few hours that day, trying to wear them in a bit. It was a day off, so I had my four inch Oxfords for being outside. This is a glorious moment, of course, new shoes. I have been upset about not finding shoes for so long, and now, a company is based in Calgary so I can call them, go over, and try on all manner of heels. Monday was wonderful but for one thing. The weather was getting colder and that night, it snowed. A lot. Tuesday saw me walking to and from work in flat, boring boots. Why? There was snow! And nothing was cleaned yet, it was still snowing. Except for work, our building is always free of snow on the outside. The roads will be caked with the stuff, but our sidewalks and any open areas are clear to near perfection. I spent the day in my Oxfords, and walked home in flat, boring boots. They hurt my toes. As a result, wearing my new Patent stilettos was not as fun that night. I tried wearing them to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and the shoes were next to me on the bed. I do not remember taking them off. My feet must have been hot and swollen. Too much caffine does that. Wednesday saw another work day, and the flat boots stayed home. Back to the three inch ankle boots! A more comfortable walk, even over patches of snow and ice. It was packed down, now, and easier to move over, unlike walking through heavy, fresh fallen snow. Oxfords were again the shoes for work, and after a long day, back to ankle boots for walking home. It was so cold! Even a pair of socks over my stockings, in boots, could not stop my toes from feeling cold. It was like that Tuesday as well. Miserable! This did not make wearing my new patents any easier in the evening. My trainer and I had a discussion about the new shoes that night. I decided that they had to go to work and be worn on fresh feet if I would ever break them in and adapt to the heel and style. He suggested two hours in the new Patents, two hours out, two hours in again and then out two more, for my eight hour work day. Of course, I wore the new shoes for six hours straight before switching my feet with their tired muscles into my ankle boots. Three inch heels feel flat after wearing stilettos for six hours. Flat feet feel like my heels are hanging over the edge of a cliff! Needless to say, my trainer was a bit upset that I broke the rules (he, like the rest of you, should know that I dislike rules). Still he was happy that I managed six hours! Friday! A new plan for Friday, three hours in the new stilettos, two hours out, three hours in. And I actually stuck to this plan quite close. Happy trainer means less talk about saftey, more talk about the next shopping trip. So I managed three and a half hours in, one and a half out, and three hours in the new stilettos. Friday was a great day. It was quite cold even in the building and that made me miserable, yes, but overall, a great day for shoe training. Saurday saw me having to go into work for a few hours. A requirement since I had Monday as a day off. I brought my new Patent Stilettos with me and I wore them about six hours of total time with two breaks. The endurance builds, the muscles strengthen. I am paying great attention to saftey concerns and the health of my body in this. I converted a heel slip pad (which is quite uncomfortable to use) into padding for the balls of my feet when they are in my stilettos. Now, I have something to absorb a bit more energy, and Friday afternoon proved that this does work. What do I need now? The balls of my feet will have to build up some endurance, and the muscles around the arch and instep will need to strengthen and stretch a little bit more. All in good time, and done safe, slow, and not rushed. Tired feet must switch to fresh shoes. Hurting feet must be attended. I may not push myself too far at any step now. It is not worth it. To this end, I am going to try some stretches, some found in a copy of Shuz magazine I have from 2000. I think it is 2000. Why? Ankles. I need to strengthen my ankles and they need to stretch into new positions. The same goes for the arch of my foot, the muscles must be stronger. I can feel the development in my legs, from ankle to hip. Just like walking or running or cycling, sometimes you can feel that it hurts, and it is a good hurt, the type after some good exercise, without the same endorphines. Feel the burn! I do not think my walk is as good as when I am wearing my four inch Oxfords, but then, PRACTICE is the key here. In time my muscles will adapt if I do not push them too hard, and stilettos will be more graceful than Oxfords for me. I can hardly wait.

  9. Male heel sightings where I live = 0. This number does not count the obvious female impersonators riding in a rickshaw late one night when we were having a sort of party in front of an apartment building, and people were on their balconies all talking. Ah, summer. I miss it. It would have been a great scene for a TV show, all the neighbours talking, and then screaming drag queens going down the street in a rickshaw. Other than that, it's cowboy boots for the boys.

  10. Now that I am up at five inches for work, yes, standing around hurts. I was waiting for the restaurant to make me a BLT and my feet were not happy. That was not fun. Thankfully I am building some resistance now and it should not be so bad. It is also boring, having to stand and do nothing. Maybe we fidget for more reasons than just trying to keep comfortable. We do it for some personal mental stimulation - we need to do something!

  11. I am tired and I am posting, this is dangerous time! Wow, brain trust. I have decided that we are all insane as well. Why? It seems people with a genius level of intelligence usually go insane. Whether they be scientists who go mad, or artists who maim themselves or even end up depressed enough to take their lives. Now everyone, please, do not harm yourselves or others, and no suicide. But feel free to be a mad scientist and take over the world. My rates as tactical and cultural advisor for such an initiative are reasonable and provide many diverse skills to assist in conquering the world. Everyone needs some help now and then, even the insane people. Oh, and one last thought. This board can be anything and everything we make it. All we require is a dream and a stable internet connection!

  12. Yes, snow is still around. I am delaying in walking to work, and I shold leave now. I didn't even eat breakfast to make time to visit the forum! It will be around four or five more days at least, and I hate it. Someone buy me a plane ticket to anywhere the snow isn't!

  13. Bowler hats? What year is this? And hey, I have my eye on a nice pinstripe suit at one of my favourite shops. Add a white blouse with a nice collar, some stiletto heels, and it screams sexy professional. Umbrellas? Useless in cold weather with snow. But I love your take on Wall Street.

  14. The rant forum is fun! Yes it is quite exciting to find a sense of community on our message boards. Others, they are full of people making it up as they go, trying to pretend fantasies came true, and generally try to be mean and abusive. We have something more fun end expressive here, and from what I have seen, people talk about their fantasies as fantasies, and I think that makes a difference in how we all perceive one another. That's wicked. And of course, how could this place not be fun, Inga and I are posting here. That makes it worth a visit. :smile:

  15. Hwy, what matters is the olympics right now, and Canada is tops for both men's and women's hockey. What matters more than that right now? NOTHING! Okay, many things, but still, it is the measuring stick for the next four years. Cope with it! :smile: And welcome the the board, Richy, nice to see you!

  16. I had a talk with my dear trainer, and he does not wish to have it brought up right now. I understand his motivation to just keep to the background and let me write and tell the story. He offers his opinion and advice, and worries about my saftey. He encourages me, and I know what he gets out of this, he likes a woman in heels! We each have what we want out of this. So maybe we should leave it there for now. One day I will post pictures of me and the shoes, somewhere, and eventually, I'll force him into a picture. Oh if he reads this he will be having quite the talk with me. Oh well. Sorry everyone, the trainer has spoken, and as the trainee, I have to respect that. I'll work him up to it one day.

  17. a thousand users? This will become such a busy place? How would anyone keep up? Well if most of them lurk as they do now, it may not be so bad, and more of an audience should have me writing more and entertaining everyone. Okay, it could be a good idea.

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