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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Closed minded coqboy boot loving place. You know, Shockqueen, if you had not mentioned State, I might think you lived in Alberta somewhere. Not in Calgary, but maybe outside somewhere, in a town where Reform party stormtroopers think changing their name can save them. DIfferent countries still have similar experiences, and with cowboy boots, at that! I miss my kitten heels.

  2. Well Fox, just pass the idea to someone else to post. That person can have the glory of getting extra posts towards their footwear, and you have the satisfaction of seeing your topic come to life. When all else seems futile, be resourceful and break a few rules! No I do not advocate cheating, unless in a life threatening situation. Id est, cheating death or some similar thing.

  3. It is a cruel stereotype because some of us would love to wear such a look, and we may have men who enjoy that look. But then, since men enjoy women wearing the boots with a short skirt, that might be why the style is employed by prostitutes. If they offer a more appealing image, they may have more customers. It is cruel for everyone involved. Especially since I work on 3 Avenue, and at night a few blocks down on the same street, prostitutes have been known to hang out. It would be too easy to be confused for one if hanging around their turf. Woe to any man who ever thinks that of me. He may be going home in a plastic bag. Okay, I am not that mean, but still! Kitten's got klaws.

  4. Terayon, that's dishonourable. Some one may come for your thumbs one day... And in general, to everyone, I will never think Canada is better than any other country. No way that could ever be. Yes, Hockey comes from Canada, so you can understand that everyone was depressed for 50 years between gold medal wins. I do not even like hockey as much as the posts make me out to like it. I am just happy that this country did something for a change.

  5. Sorry Trolldeg, I was taught Danish by my Mum, and she only teaches me to speak it, not spell anything. In North America, it is just lox. I would have said that, but I wished to try and express some cultural aspect of where it came from. Oh well. Can I still be the leader, folks? Huh? :smile: And thanks Firefox.

  6. Geoff, maybe you do not understand how much of a threat a boring wedge heeled shoe is to my sense of non conformist individuality! "Love me for who I am, and never make me change. I will change on my own, and you may see it every day." That is my quote, I made it up. Copyright Laurieheels 2002. My point being, no matter how much you compliment me which should change my mind about wedges and make me feel better, I am not ready to change that perception, so it will not work. :smile:

  7. OUR, it is our, not are. If you would like me to lead, yes I will, but you must pay me. Hey, I have bills to pay, shoes to buy, and, um, oh yes, I must try making gravalox, and salmon isn't going to just fall from the sky! And it tastes so good, how can I not make my own version? So let me know when you have a money order ready, and I will lead this crusade fr shoe equality, even if I am not 100% sure about it.

  8. You know, Firefox, from that angle under the boots, I come up with another visual, of heeled boots that are masculine. Do not ask me why, but I can see it. I think people will take notice and maybe you will start a manly trend! It may not be a stiletto trend, but it will be something men can do and still feel all manly and secure. I see something that is a mix between a manly western cowboy boot and a high heeled fashion boot. I cannot elaborate any further, the image is still lost in haze.

  9. I do remember my first pair of heels after univeristy. No more 2.5 inchers, I moved up to a full three inch heel! A slight flared bottom heel, very thin otherwise, black fake suede and pointy toe. Crossing vamp straps as well, and sides that are cut down to the sole. They even have a gold buckle at the ankles! And I still have them and I can wear them! The heels from University now sit in a plastic bag, awaiting either donation or disposal. I cannot decide if they are still servicable. From before that, more of the same, but as I posted above, I cannot remember the exact style, I just know they were black. Black, now there is a surprise! And yes, I am posting to get past these wedge things!

  10. Ooo, more things to make me reply! How wonderful. Ron, thank you for the concern. I am well aware of the drawbacks, and it is because people like you care enough to post messages about the potential problems. I know that a higher heels and pointier toe means a larger size. This eliminates the toe crushing effects as the toes do not go into the very narrow point of the toe box. The idea behind the training is to find a safe way to the higher heels without pushing. I admit, I do push sometimes, but I am learning, and I have a good trainer in many ways with regards to saftey and proper progress. Hoverfly! Well, as for the ball of the foot, a cushioned pad for an insole could help. They make some that are partial insoles for the actual ball of the foot. I have also seen magnetic insoles, but whether or not they work to keep circulation flowing is beyond me. I thik they will just set off more metal detectors. Still, there are options for padding a shoe, provided the shoe is not a snug fit.

  11. Veronica, dressy is a subjective term. Wear them wherever you feel comfrtable wearing them, and let everyone gaze at you, and be jealous of such wonderful shoes. Fashion is what you make it, after all! :smile: They sound like great shoes, I wish Calgary had stores that sold such styles...

  12. Voluptuous, maybe? There is a P in there as I remember. And I wear heels when I go grocery shopping, it's no big deal. Three inch, four inch, sometimes I out class the rest of the shoppers who are not worried about how they look at that moment (good for them in some sense) and even if I am wearing clothes that are quite casual, I am wearing heels. Why? I am used to them! As for meeting one's love in the grocery store, that could happen, but the stereotype is about you checking out the melons and squeezing them, or some such thing. Produce section. You could always try the internet as well, unless you are hung up one seeing someone before you can be interested in the person.

  13. Well, watching the women play, you would never know the difference. Penalites, acrobatics, fast skating, the only difference is the size of the players, and some of the men's team for Canada happen to be, well, quite small and fast! Curling, riiiiight. Hockey could be a mixed sport as well, but hockey purists may not like to hear that. Men's hockey can be a bit rougher, but men of all sizes can play. So why not a few women who are competetive enough? As for curling, yes it could be mixed and would not make a difference, it is all about skill. There is yet another area to break down a few barriers. Our list is getting quite long!

  14. Well, this is 120. I did what I said, and I may get in a few more by the end of the day if things pick up a bit here. I did not make baguettes, just a loaf of whole wheat bread. And now, spaghetti and low fat meatballs. Go me, right? Domestic goddess thank you Nigella and all that? Who knows. I did watch Canada become gold medal hockey champions of the world. And all through it, 3.5" heels. Silver heel, black leather open toed mule. Not a thin stiletto heel, not a blade heel, somewhere in between. Not bad for a poor Canadian girl. 80 to go!

  15. This movie was out a few years before I was born, but I seem to remember watching it a few times. If I remember correctly, and often I do not for things so long ago, did not the Blue Meanies have high heeled boots? Okay, it was the era of peace and love, and quite a trippy movie from the looks of it. I am sure many of the cultural references are lost on me, save for when they are brought to light in some episode of the simpsons or what not. But did these mean, hate mongering Blue Meanies wear heeled boots? It would be strange to have them be so strict and authoritative, yet open to expressive and gender blurring styles. Anyone who can remember please post! I think it could be an interesting discussion.

  16. Well Bob, I thank you for your kind words. It would be nice to have a few hundred dollars and maybe a credit card to use every month. My collection is small and I wear the same three or pairs all of the time. Being dedicated to something I cannot afford to expand is quite dreadful. I would like to move up to five inch heels for work in March, but I may not be able to afford new shoes until mid April. This in itself is depressing for me. So eager to move forward, and no way to do it. Life is too freaking expensive sometimes. EVen what I save up and budget ends up going to some emergency or another. Still, I will wear every pair of high heeled shoes I have until they fall off my feet in pieces. Now that would be a video I could sell. Thanks again, and thanks for listening through my little rant. It's as long as it is because I promised to post 20 today, and this will make 18! Muhahahaha!

  17. I work for the Cable Company and I have discuonted Cable service, including high speed internet for two computers. It's also the company with 80% of high speed users in Western Canada. I think we might be okay at what we do! Speed? It's great, when I am not trying to use a music sharing service. Web sites fly open all the time. But I live downtown, where all the good fibre is and more nodes than you can fit in a truck. Life is good sometimes... Everyone should use cable as often as possible, yes. And if you don't have cable in your city, find some investors and let me know, maybe our company can expand outside of Canada and the U.S. Wouldn't that be wonderful...

  18. I would just like to type, how happy I am, that Canada once again rules, and they have their gold medals and everyone is happy. What a great game. And my bread turned out. This is a great day! Hooray for Canada, tops in Canada, both men and women. It's about time everyone knew that! Woohoo.

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