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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. On 2002-03-23 06:00, Nata wrote:

    It would be a challenge :smile: but I think I am not up to it ... B)

    It is a big step, or rather, many tiny steps. No one said you have to be up to the challenge, of course. Leave that for strange girls like me!

    I have seen pictures of seven inch heels, and it does make me feel... overwhelmed. Can I do it? Not now. I need to work my way up. It is my experiment, and the best part about it is this: if I fail, it's no big deal, because it was an experiment.

    Just think about the next heel height the same way. It is for you to try, and if it does not work out, you tried and you know for certain it is not for you. Be happy, that's the most important thing. B)

  2. To carry on a subject from another area... What do you thing is the world's most dangerous question? I suggested it was... "Can you do me a favour?" Because answering yes could mean anything, possibly result in poverty, injury, or death. Can you think of any other Dangerous questions people can ask? Questions that make you cringe, questions that could spell disaster no matter how you answer? Not to spoil it, but I think another is when a woman like myself asks "Do I look fat?"

  3. Awww, that's sweet of you to say, Fox. I do not know if I can live up to such expectations! Princess Laurie? I think I need time to work towards that. A tiara and elbow length gloves? That's never been my style. It's time to change how we see a princess, I think.

  4. I was not such a fan of sugar when I was younger. But I am a soda pop addict, so I suppose it would help to be young again. I can say, that skipping dessert saves money, and one day that saved money will be used for shoes. And then I can show pictures, get more attention, and be featured in more community stories! I think I should run and hide right now... :smile:

  5. You are right, Nata. So long as some of us are wearing stiletto heels and getting people to notice, they will never go out of style in that sense, and there will always be something to talk about here, if only because some of us are out there in heels, making the difference. :smile: Of course, there are many reasons to discuss things, so fading out will never happen.

  6. The Community story is fun, but commenting on it should go in a different thread. So I am starting this new topic. Why? How the heck did I get dragged into it? And dessert? I hate dessert most of the time! I think I would rather ay for drinks... Now that I cleared that up, feel free to keep writing in the community sotry, and maybe we can discuss the plot over here? Don't change the story on my account. It is a story, after all, so let it live as it will. I thought that since my name was used, I would make sure we know that I am not a dessert person, but I am glad the fictional Laurie is. I bet she would not put on extra pounds from it. :smile:

  7. Fox, you just asked the world's second most dangerous question. What more could we want? Money, power, unlimited closet space for hundreds of pairs of shoes and boots... B) The world's most dangerous question is, of course, "Can you do me a favour?" Watch out for that one... If you'd like to comment on this, bring it to the general discussion area, as it will end up going there anyway. :smile:

  8. Laurie seemed a little confused by the offbeat comment, but she was the type to take any compliment she could get. "Thank you for saying so, I like to think I put some effort into well worded self expression."

  9. I might stand a certain way, I might tap a heel on the ground, sometimes a bit rhythmic tapping. I also play a bit. Slip my foot out of my shoe for a moment, slip my foot back in... Of course, the playing part is new for me, I always wore something that laced up or was sling back. Almost always, at any rate. I also like to slide a foot when turning. It makes a different sound and perhaps gets someone to notice. When working the counter for dealing with accounts, and I need something from the file closet, I tend to do that. People can see all of me, and I like to make them notice. Of course, I cannot check to see if they are noticing, I am busy digging for different information. I like to think it works...

  10. Posted Image

    Hello! I realize some people may not visit Jenny's forum, so I decided to repost. It is also excellent practice for me as I am a writer, and certainly not informed about web coding. Expect more pictures, I think.


    I have to be me.

    No one else is going to do it!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-03-21 06:32 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-03-21 06:33 ]</font>

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