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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. On 2002-03-19 07:26, Trolldeg wrote:

    Hey Laurie, I can be as tall as you, when I'm in heels. :smile:

    You're 5'8" in heels? Or are you trying to match my height in five inch heels? Clarity is a virtue!
  2. I wear some sort of heel about 95% of the time. I have not said anything except I love it, and I may go higher. I think they know, and it has always been known that I am a girl who likes shoes. Funny story my mother told me, about a relative in Denmark. Whenever this woman had a fight with her boyfriend, he would buy her shoes to make up for it and they would always get back together. I think that would happen to me as well. :smile:

  3. Why should we call them anything. Why should we call them? They can use phones, let them call us! Oh, riiiight. Let's not categorize. I mean, flats, low heels, mid heels, high heels, platforms, bare feet... Let's each call ourselves by a term with a sense of pride and refer to anyone else people. Or "hey you" if we need someone's attention. :smile: I hate categories. I mean, come on, what whacky category would you need to come up with for me? Oh yes, Insanity Girl. Quite right. Okay, think about everyone else then! I am in a surprisingly good mood.

  4. Way to go Terayon, you would make Gene Simmons proud. Little bits and pieces, remove the fear, the discomfort, any chance for guilt and shame, and what happens? You get mutual understanding! Just keep it going and keep it at a pace your Mum will be happy with, so she can adjust and avoid any guilt, shame, or fear issues. These are the killers of all good ideas, after all.

  5. On 2002-03-18 18:49, HeelDog wrote:

    Might I suggest the Jante 8890, black suede 5" pump with the double ankle strap.

    If not for you, maybe for me? :smile:

    Well Heeldog, those are on the list and very likely to be purchased by me. And for me, certainly not for you. But you can share if you like, have fantasies, whatever makes you happy. Just don't share that part too much...
  6. Yes, Melissa, it is about practice, and you have done well, two months and four inches is excellent progress. Just take it at your own pace, don't hurt your feet, and you'll get used to four inches to the point where you can run in them if you wished. I do not advise that, but if you feel that way, then you know four and a half or even five are attainable. I tend to be anxious and impatient about this type of thing, which is why I have the mysterious trainer. I need to be kept rational and safe. Let us know if you reach five inches!

  7. Calgary is awash in boots. Sometimes boots were the only style in a store that had a half way decent heel! I have noticed that most women wearing boots around the building have some sort of heel. And now, a few courts with heels, thinner a bit, blade stylings more prominent. However, from my quick glances, these are only reaching three inches on the women, both boots and shoes. I still get to be highest heeled girl at work. No platforms, just pure heel power. If only this weather would warm up, melt that snow, and then I could stop wearing pants to work and show off a bit more. I would be wearing skirts, let's not get the wrong idea here...

  8. You're quite right, Inga, I do know the feeling. I have seen some good looking men, great personalities, but I like tall men, and they are always short. Tall men are always taken. And now that my days are five inches taller, roughly, this is not going to get any easier. Sometimes I serve the customers who come in to deal with their accounts, and ther ewas one a bit flirty, much personality, and while he was cute, not really for me at all, and I was flattered, sure, but I felt like standing up. It would have silenced him in a second, I am sure. And these quotes about towering, well I do enjoy it. But I really need a Viking of a man to compliment my style. I know, have my Mum move back to Denmark and take me with her...

  9. Even though I would wear stilettos to a job interview, two things come to mind. One, I think five inches would be a limit for height. Two, if my company ever lifts their freeze and they ask me for a second interview, then I may not wish to wear stilettos. The 9th floor is where I would interview, and it is also where they keep the mail room. When I need to drop off things in the mailroom, I notice the floor has a weird tile. It is not flat, not smooth, and it is not good for wearing heels. It is like wind carved rock in a way, strange grooves and the like. I navigate it well enough, but it is not as easy as the rest of the building. Maybe where the interview takes place is as important as the position when choosing shoes... and yes, this is filler post, I am going to go celebrate the high heeled ranking promotion now. Bye!

  10. Bert, just be honest and say "these boots will make you taller and they can be very comfortable" and then tell your friend how he can wear them without people noticing as much. The only drawback is what happens once your friend is more successful with the ladies, maybe takes one home after a few dates, and then she sees that he is shorter. She may not be happy about the deception. Maybe just lead by example and let others fall into line as they are enlightened?

  11. Now, now, Heeldog, such a conspiracy would have to have motivation. We need to prove the motivation before we can declare an official conspiracy. If the movie makers are trying to leave us wanting more of shoes, then where is there attempt to give us more and profit from it? Once we find this, we can smash the conspiracy and free film from hiding so many things. This would make an interesting Independant film. A bunch of men who like seeing high heeled shoes set out to destroy Hollywood because film makers conspire to leave out shots of women's shoe in films, thus unravelling the social fabric for some twisted end. No?

  12. On 2002-03-16 09:03, Trolldeg wrote:

    hmm, I seem to recall pictures of platform shoes from as early as the 18th century, whereas stilettos appeared around the 50s... how do you define classic?

    Classic is defined by what sticks out in a sense of social memory. Not many people know about 18th century footwear, but in our media savvy society, we all know everything from 1940 and on, it seems. Maybe even as far back as 1900. Why? newspapers, radios, movies, television, and now, internet. Classic cars, many people think cars from the 1950 and think of watching Greece or American Graffiti. More people look for a 70s muscle car than a Model T. Why? Image.

    So when people mention high heels, society in general thinks of the stiletto, and we all remember the higher heels of pinup girls in the 40s and 50s. Not many of us know about Early Modern Society and the fashions of the time.

    So classic is what we associate with a term as a collective.

    Okay, that was long, but I think it promotes the idea. After all, classic rock is usuall music from the mid 60s to late 70s, but rock and roll existed before that time and after. So again, society's concept of a term, and a term defined to suit society.

  13. Maybe we should all admire Firefox as the friendly police constable out to make sure we all post where we should post? In a funny hat, armed with a truncheon, and wearing boots with heels, he is the funkiest constable around... yeah bay-beeeee. Maybe it could be a hit comedy, but would the BBC ewver pick it up? (okay, so I am close to 300 and I am trying to pad up my total)

  14. This is all very frightening, this thread! I just wished to comment on the topic real quick. I was numb for days. All day at work, every TV was on a new station, people gathered around, they watched for hours if they could. Everyone was somber. I say at the retail desk watching TV with other employees, and noticed that even customers who had problems with accounts did not care so much about them. This is Canada and we are still numb. Watching footage of people as they fell was too much for me. I do not worry about the saftey of flying as much as how the increased security will affect people. It will all become more militant, and a vacation abroad will never be quite as care free as it should be. We all grow, we all bond, and there is good in what happened that day. It still seems incredible, but inside, I think everyone has a fear now. My sister had a few dreams about planes crashing into buildings after this, and I think she still has them from time to time. She works close to the airport, so she has low flying planes being very loud.

  15. Since this was my new shoes thread, I will let everyone know that I am going to do everything I can to get back to the Heels Online office this coming Wednesday and pick up three more pairs. Yes, payday came and it was nice enough to me. Something in a mule, something black with a five inch heel, so I can rotate for work, and something with a five and a half inch heels, because this is about an experiment at its core, and I need to prepare to go up as my body is ready. Look forward to some more reports!

  16. There is one hurdle that occurs many times. Moving up in heel height. My crazy experiment to reach seven inch heels and see if someone can walk in them has many hurdles. The goal is to be careful and have the muscles and joints stretch each new height. So when we look at hurdles, every half inch may provide one. I may pick up something five and a half inch on Wednesday, so I will report more on how a small increase acts a hurdle, and how high of a hurdle. In Calgary, I'm Laurie Heels, A Channel. (I cannot endorse the major networks here, that would be wrong)

  17. Doctors are not paid as much as they are in America, so the good doctors go where the money is. Doctors who stay here are either compassionate, or they are so awful no one wants them. We have a shortage, so a good doctor is tough to find. I found a good one, and cute, but thankfully not tall enough to have me hooked on him. That was a long time ago, and it seems the quality has fallen in recent years. Yes, taking off shoes at the desk can be a nice change, a cooling off period, I would say.

  18. They can always be repaired with some nails, glue and duct tape if they break. :smile: Custom heels, made from other shoes because you didn't have a spasm upon seeing them, caused by the intense desire to own them. Now, we fix your shoes so you can spasm with glee and like what you wear. That business idea is doomed to fail.

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