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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. You know, in today's world, I am not surprised that people blame so much on high heels with regard to foot problems. This is a dangerous society! Breathing the air could kill you! It's extremely unlikely, but if there is the remote possibility of something that can happen under poor conditions, then that means it can happen and the subject becomes a warning. Somwehere along the way, people believe that the problem is common, and an over developed super hero complex mixed with a subjective viewpoint creates a person out to save the world from itself when the world is okay with that particular subject. People warning us about high heels are just doing the same thing - taking something remote and trying to save us from it, regardless of the fact that it would only happen with ill fitting shoes and a lot of walking, for example. Most of us are smart enough to wear shoes that fit and know what shoes to wear for the given activity. We do not need to be rescued! People are starving, dying, living in cardboard boxes, and other people waste their time trying to warn us about a danger that we're smart enough to avoid. Isn't Planet Earth a fun place? :smile: Laurie

  2. Thank you, Igna. I try to be descriptive and informative. Your suspicions are right, I have yet to aquire such shoes. I need to build up to it, I figure, and it isn't easy to buy shoes with very high heels where I live. One day I may end up getting a credit card, and I could try to order something (the idea is not the most appealing). I figure I could start an experiment, and report to everyone on how it goes. Expect it to be a while before the experiment is in full swing, however. Laurie

  3. Sighting! Well, not on anyone's feet, in a store! A nice black pointed toe pimp (corut, whatever) with about a four inch stiletto heel and an ankle strap. Very nice. New inventory, not subject to after Christmas sale, price, Canadian $110.00. Darn. I may go back next week, but for this week, it was either buy a pair of shoes, or eat for seven days. Yes, I made the moral choice and bought groceries. Hey, I share the apartment, I must put in my part of things. Everyone weep and tell me that I could live on water only for a week. I'll go back, and hopefully they will have it in a size that will fit. It's tricky though, that pointed toe might mean I need a larger size. I hope not! In general, there are a few nice high styles out there. Not as many as kitten heels, it seems. There are a lot of mid heels with wonderful designs that would go with any of my outfits for work. My whole point was to try and "go up" of course, so that is what I will try. Keep an eye out, though, fashions seem to be more varied in some stores, and you might find a bargain. Oh, this is also #25 for me! *wiggle* Laurie

  4. A standardized system of heel measurement would be nice. Are we willing to go through the fight to have everyone agree on something? We would need one part of the number to symbolize the actual heel height, and another to express the size. Why we cannot measure shoes individually, and then just say "on a size 10 US" or "on a size 41 UK" is beyond me in some small way. I suppose what you are trying to do is create a system much like those used for movie rankings with regard to money. Sure, the $ value means a lot, but what was a dollar worth ten years ago, and what was the price of admission? Enter, the adjusted total! So we shold be compensating for shoe size, and saying that the height a person can handle at one size is equivalent to what another person can handle at a different size, despite the actual difference in the height. Creating a scale for this seems like a challenge. I'm in if anyone would like some help. Laurie

  5. *I enjoy the feel of the height and walk. 10 *Fashion - an indispensible accessory. 8 *For the extra height and confidence. 9 *A way to emphasise my femmininity. 10 *I am sexually stimulated by wearing them. 5 *A useful tool to attract nice guys to me. 7 On the third one, I don't exactly wear them for extra height, but I do wear them for the confidence. :smile: Laurie

  6. Platforms? Talk about awkward! We could all wear ankle weight and get some exercise. Oh wait, this designer says he can just build a heavy platform onto the shoe, increasing the mass and thus allowing for more exercise. I think platforms were invented for very short people who somehow felt shame, but could not master the incline of a high heeled shoe. So let's just jack em and stack em! Being short is no reason for shame. You are who you are, so wear normal shoes and be proud. Even a half inch platform seems a bit ugly to me. After all, it is the actual change in the foot's shape that creates the nice curves that make we walk with that wiggle. Why would I wish to lessen this? If we all wore heels for the sole purpose of being taller, then platforms would be fine. I suspect we all wear them because we like them and what they do for us overall, not just the height.

  7. I am still learning, and typing out messages at a furious pace, and I am actually trying to get something useful in most of them! Of course, I have always been eager, so I came here and ran before I could crawl, if you prefer that style of metaphor. I will get the hang of things, even more so now that I am reading more and writing less! Thanks for the tip!

  8. I have an intersting theory about this, but not everyone may like it. The continued thought of ankle socks with high heels in today's society often manifests itself in the area of fetish and pornography. I feel there is a disturbing trend here. School uniforms and plaid jumpers, pig tails, ankle socks with a lacy edge, and high heels. This seems to relate to an image of woman as a little girl. Perhaps it is meant to indictae that the woman is like a young girl, a virgin, trying to grow up a bit for attention. A rare stretch might be a tendancy to satiate pedophiles? I think the most accurate explanation for the attraction to socks with heels might be as a means to recapture one's youth. After all, are these not grown women posing for the pictures? They are being made out as reverting to youth, and so too would the viewer, in some way. As a fashion trend, socks and heels certainly were alive in the early 80s. I still think that it has a relation to a recapturing of a youthful time in life, but the heels signify the ability to be grown up and handle the more adult situations. Are heels and cute socks a regression to a time when girls felt pretty and care free at a young age? A time when they wished to grow up, but still hold onto the innocent values of youth? I think there is a link here. As far as the knee socks and heels, and other styles... pure European trend setting is a possibility, but then, young girls and even boys in many European countries had knee socks with their outfits. perhaps it is the same situation - a means to recapture aspects of youth while projecting a hint of adulthood. Laurie

  9. You are the lucky one. I was a teenager, but I don't remember when. They were lower heels, maybe two inches. Black, as I recall. They are long gone, and almost forgotten. The oldest pair of shoes I have now is about four years in age, I wore them to work today! Only a three inch heels, yes I know, but a pointier toe, a simulated suede (or real, the regular price was a bit higher than normal, but half off sales are wonderful) The nice part, scooped sides and criss crossing straps across the vamp with a gold buckles to secure the straps at the ankle.

  10. I have this thing for slingbacks with a higher heel. Three inches and up, but four is best. Preferably slingbacks with a buckle on the strap. Maybe it is some subconscious bondage fetish? I don't think so, but anything is possible. Black sling backs are wonderful, as are slingy sandals. Why? I do not know, but four pairs in a row in my closter are like this, slingy! Two pumps, two sandals. all with hights between three and four inches. I buy what I can fit, and fashion here isn't so focused on the higher heels.

  11. A pair of black oxfords with a four inch post heel have been sighted on my bedroom floor. Rumours indictae that I wore them to work today, but nothing has been confirmed :smile: In the real world? A very nice pair of boots with a thin three inch heel was worn by someone who works for another company. Knee high, a bit of a patent, I would think. Where do I purchase mine? Laurie

  12. Name: Laurie, to you nice people Age: closing in on 30 Gender: Female Location: Calgary Occupation: Problem Solver Height: 5'7.75" Weight: I believe the correct term is mass. As you did not use it, I shall not tell. Shoe size: US 10, Europe 41-42 What's your favourite heel style: stiletto What's your favourite shoe style: slingback pumps Do you wear your heels outside: like, duh, of course! What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: four inches at the moment, look for it to climb (:smile: Your highest heel height: five inches How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: 2-3 days a week (B) Your highest heel height: Now, summer. Stay tuned, this may change. Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Stockings. Preferably tose that go with a garter belt. Always black, fishnet are popular. Anything else you wish to add: The numbers on my income tax form. I need my rebate. Alas, my company has not sent me any information to use! OH. Oh, never mind then. Add, add, ah. This is long enough, I shall stop here. You would like to learn more? Read some posts!

  13. Shoe stores have been co-opted to ruin my life and make me cry. Only Sterling Shoes remains a success for me. There, size ten is actually size ten, though not every style is made in my size, even thogh it is the top of the "standard" range. Internet? Oh how foul and evil, to attempt to order something with credit, and risk having it all go wrong. I fear this option, and I like to walk around in the shoes BEFORE I pay for them. It's the only way to know for sure!

  14. It is winter. Our city by the mountains is back in the cold. They say it will be more spring like for the weekend, and then back to winter next week. The trends? Boots! Boots to the knee! And some good heels, many three inch heels, a lot of blades, not many chunky. For shoes? Blah, I am the grand mistress, the rest all wish they would strut around in shoes with four inch heels. I do see other women in high heels from time to time, but some that I see around the office building may try for three inches one day, and wear something almost flat the next. Consistency is lacking. Laurie

  15. I have not purchased, but I find that I have had a similar experience. I have purchased new shoes, and then not worn them, sometimes for months. After such a time, I return to them, only to find that I enjoy wearing the shoes so much that I feel sorry for not wearing them non stop from the moment I purchased them. It has not happened of late, but then, I have not purchased new shoes in a while.

  16. One of the reasons people like to go on and on about this is because they like to be right. We all know the secret to wearing shoes - get something that fits. We have fetish fantasy on one side, crusading for a better world according to a miniscule minority on the other. Feminism shold be a good thing, but not at the cost of personal expression and opinion. So I think the rumour continues because someone is trying to impose a value set upon us. Feminism wishes us to believe that our bodies are our own. Well then hush about the bunions, I'll wear what I like! It's my body. :smile:Posted towards no one, of course.

  17. All day long is a subjective term. Perhaps we are talking about people who are night owls, and so they wear the seven inchers in the last few hours before sundown, which is all they see of the "day" Maybe they are for real, but I think we need that proof. Everyone start chanting "proof proof proof!" I'd give it a try one day, sure, and then provide an objective report. First, I shuld find some new shoes (as if) and move from four to five. Then to six, then seven, and I'll try the whole day. My history sense is tingling! We shall see if someone can build up to this. Or we can find out just where my pain thershold might be. Who knows!

  18. It is all very interesting. One idea, lose the rating system based on shoe styles. Starting over after creating havoc on the original board? That's a crime, I tells ya! :smile: I am willing to give this a try, but I will miss using the old board as everyone migrates here. I liked the colours over there... Change is good, and usually I support that idea. So I will do that now. Change is especially good when one remembers to apply that to clothing each and every morning!

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