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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Ben, you said that we Canadians take off our shoes at home. I have noticed this. My mother is not like this as much, but then she was born in Denmark, maybe things are different there in a way I could only understand if I lived there for a few months. Everyone promotes hardwood floors as being wonderful, and it is a selling point for new homes that seem to move our city in every direction before the roads are built. They aren't a good surface unless a person has slippers. Other shoes can damage the finish. So why are they popular? I have carpet, and I wear my silver heeled mules at home. The heel is not stiletto, just thin, so it does not catch in the carpet. I used to go barefoot all of the time, and I still do in the mornings. I started wearing shoes inside as a way to fight the winter dryness. This can really ruin the skin on a girl's feet when carpeting is everywhere. With such a practical concern, it is a wonder that more people do not wear shoes inside. And for the record, I do not wear my shoes in the shower or bath tub. And no laughing if sometimes I fall asleep while wearing them. Even if it can be intentional.

  2. Well, blame to obesity for some of them, anyway, on parents who do not enforce internet time limits. Send your children out to play, take them on a picnic. Playing with a frisbee is not only fun, they are low cost and tough to break. It's simple and the goal is to throw it well enough so no one has to move much. That rule is what suckers in the kids, and then they are running all over, chasing the frisbee. Heck, here in my late twenties I love that, even if it is only once or twice a year. And I play barefoot (dog free zones only, of course). There is something about trying to move fast in heels that just does not go with frisbee. It is, however, a game anyone can play and it is a good workout. Frisbee in heels, I should add that to my ultra list. Oh, the point. Yes, people wear sneakers more, also called runners by some of us. But people have more things to do that require sitting still. Watch TV, movies, use the internet, everyone is working a computer related desk job... So it is not just about parents. And let's not forget the capitalistic machine, producing tasty yet high fat snacks and then marketing them at children? A parent can control what goes on at home, but is little Freddy using his allowance to sneak some twinkies and cheetos at the local corner store? Just do what I do - blame society! For sneaker and setting the conditions for all of this anti glamour and heels attitude.

  3. Here is a topic for discussion - have you ever been wearing heels on terrain people may think as unsuitable, and have you been warned? Do peop,e wonder why you wear heels in tough spots or do they think you will fall and be injured? I have decided to just be better in heels and I have been wearing them all over, four inch post heels on icy ground. It's soft ice, things are melting. But I tromp about in my heels and do not care. People wonder how I can walk in such shoes, and tell me to be careful, all the while wondering why I wear what I do. Sure, I like the attention. :smile: Strange then, how I manage well enough, and men in flat manly shoes have little slips on the ice. I am thinking I should go stiletto for this type of ground and allow my heels to dig in and keep me safe. Honestly, I have no trouble staying on my feet while walking on grass or melting snow or ice. The endurance part needs a bit more work, yes. However, that is only because I had to walk at a good clip to keep up to some other people I was with. We were going to a special place for a company meeting. Secret new internet service that they launched on Valentine's day. So today I can mention it. Hooray. I have rambled enough. Share your experiences! Do people tell you not to wear heels in some of the places you go? Do people worry about you? And do you wear heels on these terrible terrains?

  4. Hey Ben. You asked me "So do you like men in tighter pants, and what do you think other women like" Well yes, tighter pants are nice, MmMmm men in tight jeans. And you asked me what other women like? Like I care! I'm certainly not thinking like other women, so I could not comment. No offense, other women. I'm a non-conformist, after all, which means, yes, I would do something just to stand when everyone else was doing one thing. I wore four inch heels while doing an internet installs tech ride along. Why? Well one, I wear them every day, but also because everyone would say not to. My suggestion about the potato. Am I serious about men trying to enhance their genitals with tight clothing? When I read your post, this is what sprung to mind: You think I am serious? Even if I lean toward the idea, I'm always being cynical and silly. It appears that I am serious about an idea, and it's just a tease. I type up things to stimulate conversation, after all. You don't honestly think I have to believe what I say, do you? :smile: Life is too depressing for that, so why not just go and have fun? The potato idea is from a joke. And I think they make better products than tissue paper for women these days... If only people knew how silly and weird I actually can be. Wooooooohoo!

  5. If I ever had enough money to own my own place, I would put in tile. Hardwood floors are nice, but heels will ruin them. Carpet is too soft and I never like trying to wear my stilettos inside to build up my endurance, because everything is carpet and it's not as much fun, in some ways. The heel also doesn't make solid contact, the carpet fibres can cause shifting. A heated tile floor would be nice. They don't have to be ceramic, but large sqaure tiling that offered a good resistance would be great. It still sounds nice, but is strong enough to survive the abuse I would put it through. Just think of what they might put in a modern kitchen, and place it all over, entrance, hallways, and then use area rugs to accent and warm up the areas that may require it. Also, everyone should have a big kitchen.

  6. It's nice that you like the old board better, but you should post there a lot more to give it your support! This site does require some navigation and practice, but in time, it is easy to swing in, see that there are new messages in a category, and read them without the hassle of searching through everything. Of course, only Jenny's board has the multiple threads for replying to a message which I prefer. So I will visit there every day as time permits. I hope there will be a bit more to read on Jenny's now that you have epxressed your preference...

  7. Two things, I suppose. One, the best shoe is the one that is comfortable for wearing. So heel or no heel, it has to fit. Two, if we look at fashion as a way to enhance the body, then what feature could a man enhance that would gather the most attention from a woman? So a man needs shoes that cause him to thrust out his pelvis. And something that makes him appear to bulge. If heels can accomplish the first thing, maybe someone can design some fancy underwear for the second. On a zoological level, one gender of a species does the attracting, and the other does the searching. Humans have it as women showing their plumage to attract the man. It can be changed, and it should work both ways here. There are a lot of fashions for men that are considered manly that I love. I think they provide wonderful expression, and a man with a certain style of shirt (the no collar high necked shirts that button to the very top)can get my attention while a regular dress shirt with boring collar may not do that. There is room to move, but maybe for men there needs to be more room. Men need to bring about patterns and colours and cuts, and eventually the accessories will fall into place as well. IThe change may need to be subtle, but that will have a wider trend in men's fashions become better rooted in society. And remember boys, the potato goes in front.

  8. Okay, so with the money I would spend on changing my first name, which I will never do, by the way, I could buy a super fantastic pair of shoes, or maybe two on sale! So that rules out the idea. Buffy? Oh please, as if I wish to cater to pop culture ideals, which are quite horrible. I am just curious about doing something different in heels. Always the adventure with me. Okay not always, but enough of the time. Right then. :smile:

  9. Ben you wrote: Laurie, I am curious about all the details behind you wanting to wear higher heels, and your training methods. I thought I looked through the threads on Jenny's site at one time. Or is this all secret? It's not a secret, it's an adventure in my life, and I choose to reveal it a bit at any given time. I wish to wear higher heels because I like the way they make my legs look. I have a pair with a five inch stiletto heel, but I need to work up to a day's endurance. So why not try six? And then seven? In part, I am doing this to see how far I can go, and to see if it can be done. Another part does this for someone else. The fact that my goal fits into so many little parts is just a benefit of what I like. I will post diary entries on both sites, the same entry, of course. And it will be a true story everyone can follow. It's only Monday night and already I have some good information for my next entry. Yiu just have to find out with everyone else what motivates me, and it will just be written about as we go along. I do like to write, maybe some people have noticed...

  10. Yes I do drive in heels, I have a towel to lay down and protect the heels of the shoes. I'm pretty good at it, well four inch heels anyway. The secret? I do not drive fast and I am very safe. When you remove the need for constant high reaction times, then wearing heels to drive is a lot safer. :smile:

  11. This was also posted on the Jenny board, but this version has the mistakes fixed :smile: It was a very long week. And here it is, I am on the eve of another long week. Time seems to blur, one day isn't much different from the next now, but there are some things to note. Every girl needs a pair of ankle boots with a good heel. My black boots just happen to have a three inch blade heel, as many may know. I have walked to work in them and then home all week. On Friday I wore them all day at work. Most others wore sneakers or simple shoes. Casual Friday is not my favourite day. They are very nice boots, and have a leafy vine embroidered on the outside of each boot. They are a pseudo suede, and not as easy to keep clean. The weather has been getting better, much to me relief. Snow slowly melts as every day the temperatures reach up above freezing. This makes that walk to work in heels a lot easier. Once I arrive at work, I prefer to switch into my black oxfords with the four inch post heels. They are a thinner heel, and they are a lovely shoe, as I have mentioned before. This is the standard shoe for my work day, and I have been wearing them every day at work for almost three weeks now. The Oxfords were also the key to my weekend, as I wore them all day Saturday, and then again today, Sunday. I even prepared dinner while wearing these four inch heels... I have worked my way up to a heel of 3 1/2 inches for home. The shoes I refer to as my "slippers" are an open toed mule in black leather, with a silver heel. They are not spike heels, but a cross between those and a blade heel. They would be blades but they taper on the sides. I love them. I even wear them to bed, which does make it easier to get up in the middle of the night. I never have to look for my slippers, they are always on my feet. So the week has been one of steady progression. Now, on Sunday night, as dinner cooks away in the oven, I find my feet a little bit tired. Today while out shopping, my big toe on my right foot had a bit of a sharp pain now and then. My feet are also very hot, so I will need to switch into my slippers for the night. As far as progress goes, I am building some great endurance, and not wearing any shoe under three inches at all. I do go barefoot for a few moments here and there, but my feet don't like it as much as if they were in heels. I can tell there is the development of some difference. Is this the first step do a permanent high heeled foot shape? Well if that happens, then I will live with it. It might be a requirement. I will stretch my tendons and take care of myself. I understand the health risks that might be involved if I push myself too fast. So tonight, I will go off to take it easy in my silver heels, and tomorrow is another four inch day. I hope to report something new next Sunday, so have some good wishes for me that I can extend my week into a full four inch week. I am driving to work most days, since I will be up very early. No walking to work, but more time in four inch heels. Take care, viewers, and have a good week! Laurie

  12. This is one of those days when no one understands me at all... Shoes are not my only means of self expression, but they are a part of it. It's important to me. And if how I feel shouldn't matter, then what does? If high heels are the fashion trend, then it will not be easy to find a different style. Everyone has to understand I am quite limited in what I can purchase in life. No I cannot mail order, and no, this is not a city where these shoes are easy to find. Shoes are a matter of personal expression for me. If someone does not like it, meet me out in the alley in five minutes, please. No one grasps the fact that to be different for me exists on all levels. My personality is already quirky and certainly different, but it isn't enough for me. I should express it in other ways than just being the silly girl. My point is that I would feel as if I lost one of those ways if everyone else was wearing something similar to what I was wearing. It is a society of sheep and I have to fight against that. WHY? It's who I am, and I'd rather not change this part of me. I like it, it's fun, except for when no one understands how I feel. Hey, story of my life, I suppose! :smile:

  13. I've always wanted to be good enough in heels to show off some basic martial arts... Yes, six inch stilettos and a good kick. That could even get me into a movie. I still do not know why this interests me, but it would be important, a woman in the big city should defend herself, and if she is looking to wear heels all the time, she shuld practice. So I should practice. However, I find little comfort in performing this sort of thing in a short skirt. I tried it in the bathroom at work, once, when no one was around, and kicked towards the mirror in four inch heels. The kick was okay, but the skirt, well let's just say I see London I see France. The skirt flies everywhere. Maybe I'll work on yelling fire, yeah, that's it. And people were staring to think that I was normal! Riiiiiiiiight :smile: If that's so, I will just change my name from Laurie to Abby, thanks. -------------------------------------------- If you heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend, then you heard it from a stranger and it's probably a lie.

  14. Okay, so there is no one way to wear heels, you're right, but it isn't that, it is about anyone even coming close, or even in the same universe. However, you are right that men could not wear heels the way I do. I don't think men wish to wiggle as they walk and flaunt their freaky cool attitude. Still, I hate crowds and trends. I like stiletto heels. Crowds really make me feel lost as an individual, as if I do not matter. Maybe this is why I have developed a desire for styles that are still very classy, sexy and feminine, but different. All of these women at work have boots. Everywhere boots. Boots to the knees, with many styles of heel. I would not buy a pair, lest I blend in. So it's something other women do not wear for most of my days at work, four inch heeled oxfords. We who post here may realize that there are differences between two different people wearing the same pair of shoes, but North American society is, well, conformist and trendy, and they do not look at the differences, just the similarities. That's why I am nervous about this whole heels being super popular idea. It would be great for all of us, but how high would I have to go before the numbed souls could see me as different from the woman next to me? Society is too general, too boring, to ever stop fighting the trends.

  15. It was Ms. Carey, and she was some sort of spy. So she ends up in the water wearing her heels and apparently sexy diving suit. She also rides a jet ski in her stilettos. I find her quite trampy and in obvious need of attention, so she doesn't further the perception of high heels as normal in society. Stilettos? They are for tarts who think they can sing and use sex to sell themselves. That's the feeling I get. So when the rest of us are out and about, we can earn that same judgement, all because the shoes are often inserted into images for the pure sexual connotation. Still, Mariah must be good to film all day for a video and keep in her heels. It's one positive thing about her...

  16. My only comment is about individuality. Sometimes I feel that I would like to be the only one in heels. Why? To stand out, to be different. I do not like to conform. I do wish for men to be free in expression. Sometimes I feel that if men wear stiletto heels in public, that it would take away from me and what I am trying to do in an attempt to be different. It's a tough line to walk. Support non conformity and free choice, but do not support it when it threatens my own non conformity and free choice. Everyone should just live life and be themselves. I may need to find a safe way to blend ultra fem and goth and still go to work without risk of being fired. I only have one day a year to do this, and next time it's Hallowe'en, I'd rather wear a costume and not just my own clothes in a way that makes it look like a costume. We all have goals. So let's just go for them, and those who really need to be different can find a way to survive.

  17. Well Ben, I plan to just try it out. I can cheat if the first attempt for a regular seven inch heel does not work, but it is not my intention. Ballet boots. Well someone asked me that once, a personal conversation, and what seems a long time ago now. I don't think I would try them just for the sake of reaching a certain height in heels. I am not as thrilled about the look. This whole experiment will happen as it happens. I will post most of the comments about the training for the seven inch goal on Jenny's forum, because I like the reply system better than here. All I can do is try. That, at least, can make the difference. I hope that it can be done in a purem traditional manner with regards to the style of shoes I choose. Everyone will have to wait and see.

  18. On 2002-02-08 05:50, Ben(Canada) wrote:

    Laurie, I think you are a breath of fresh air compared to the women I have often stumbled onto.

    I think it would be pretty neat if you could get to the point of being able to wear 7" heels for an extended period of time. I know some are saying this is not possible but who knows.

    Ouch,a cliche. Thank you for the compliment! I'm just being myself, and that just happens to be different from EVERYONE else. I like that. Non conformity is good. Even if I do not like something, it would never mean other people should not do it. I think that is where the problem is in society. Most people do not like something, and automatically look down on anyone taking part in that something. Living like that is awful.

    Now, seven inchers. Well sure, some people say it cannot be done. Maybe that is true. But I'll still try...

    Within our hearts a flame burns, a passion for life still smolders, a desire to chase our dreams and fulfil them still glows. Should we let the fire die? Should the light go out of us? Should we give up hope?

    Hell no.

    Embrace everything that you might desire, and work towards the goal. Some days it may seem impossible, but just hold on a few more, and possibility will begin to blossom.

    So even your desire to ask women about their shoes will be fulfilled some day, if you just try.

  19. Fancy clothes and shoes are for women without brains? What the heck kind of women have you been hanging around with? And if they weren't in fancy clothes and shoes, what was the attraction? :smile: I would think these commentators are jealous of the sexy AND smart woman who gets the attention. As for is it okay to ask, well, it seems to me that if you have a relationship with someone and you ask about shoes, there shouldn't be any problem. One barrier you might face is that when you ask, the woman is thinking you are asking because you like wearing. So diplomacy is needed. You have to express that you are curious and an admirer, and simply that. How? WHy would I know, I'm just the woman likely to be asked, not the one trying to do the asking. Unless you get a really good feeling or connection from a woman you just bumped into, I would wait until you can ask someone you know and thus can judge the personality for possible reactions. It's like being a detective. You need to get clues as to the woman you are watching, and then use those clues to formulate the question. So it's empy and non specific advice. I cannot speak for anyone else other than myself. And sometimes that is dangerous enough!

  20. I have been wearing socks with my ankle boots on the way to work. Why? To protect the stockings. A fast paced walk to work can rub on stockings, so they need protection. Once at work, off go the boots, off go the socks, and the well kept stockings find their way into some higher heels for the day.

  21. On 2002-02-06 08:08, Stu wrote:

    Laurie, your announcement in the other forum that you are starting training with the goal of being able to wear 6" and 7" heels attracted quite a response. So now I guess "the shoe is on the other foot" concerning your inquiry into the darker reasons why people wear heels. As someone who has and will continue to wish you the best of luck in your endeavor, I still have to ask: What forces are driving you to do this?

    None of them are dark and mysterious. That's a shame sometimes. I like the way I feel when I walk in heels, I think they make me look more interesting, the shoes are sexy so I guess I feel sexy, and they make a delightful sound that I know causes people to take notice. I'll never make a good government spy now, I make so much noise when I walk. I think the benefits of wearing high heels certainly makes up for that.

    I feel that I look better in heels than in flats, as well. My body has a better shape for it. Those small changes make a difference, you know... So look good, feel good, it's about that.

  22. Straight legs are important, yes they look good. How would it look if the wearer had crooked legs? Some bow legged shape, and then trying to wear heels? It would be a disaster! So yes, straight legs, up and down, which may not be good for riding a bicycle or a horse, but perfect for heels :smile: This bit of silliness brought to you by Dreamchew, the new gum that is also a hallucinigen!

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