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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. It's probably one of those temp files and user history things. I accessed the picture, and then a few days later I was seeing it on the page. Now, my history has been deleted from the first day I viewed the picture, so each message has the annoying red x in it again. So it is a computer thing that allows it to be seen after the first viewing on our wonderful page here, but for a limited time only.

  2. No one in Canada cares about the Commonwealth, it doesn't come up much. From a perspective of social history, however, it is easy to see the common links between the countries involved. I'm not going to go and study this, however, as no one is paying me for it. It would also require at least a week in each country to really perform an anthropological study of the people and culture, and then forge the connections between the countries. Who would pay for that? :smile: Still, I think the bond remains...

  3. Okay, well here is my new thread, let's stitch a skirt and jacket combination. Something reminscent of the days when people dressed well and looked good. Tell everyone about someone famous who always dressed well. We all know the glamour of Hollywood's past, and the damage caused by sex and violence being the focus of most movies. Who had a style you would love to see again? Who had so much class and beauty that it may never be matched? Share with us! Tell us about the heels they wore, if they did!

  4. Oh to have the glamorous attitude of old, where Hollywood made women into goddesses more than they made them scantily clad sex objects. Heels of any height were still eloquent and fashionable, and I am sure everyone can name some examples. Hey... I am going to post a new thread. Be right back!

  5. Pedal pushers seem okay for the boys in Denim. Then they just think of them as a very long pair of denim shorts. I have seen this a few times, and it looks good. Not superb, but still good. See? Any fashion choice for one gender can be blurred over the line and into a suitable style for another gender. So if they can do that with some type of heel now, everyone may end up happy. Choice is good, change is better, best is to just do you own thing, baby. (5 points to the person who can tell me the saying that my quote was based upon.)

  6. Yes, Chinook, one should drop by for tomorrow. Why is it not here today? Saturday is for going out and doing things, and Sunday should be the cold day with snow, so I can enjoy all of my baking and cooking and what have you. What have I? Pierogies, I hope if tomorrow is a good day. Chinnoks are good, they bring warm weather, melt snow, and allow me to wear the shoes I would wear. Without them, I am stuck with my beat up boots and suffer at three inches. Such is life...

  7. I've never been to Quebec and except for Montreal, I cannot say I have any interest. Some of the food sounds wonderful, but maybe a little to rich in the fat department for me right now. Summer is just after spring! Good girls and bad girls must be in shape! Quebec I think is a split between polite people and a few who think they are in France. We all know the stereotype about the French, right? I think I do, they like pastries and wine. Isn't that what it is? I am being silly on purpose now. :smile: And It has been 11 years since I went near the slightest bit of french language education. I think. I don't remember for sure, it was a long time ago. So the really big word you used Inga? I have no idea. Maybe it is something different than I am thinking about and it will make sense in the morning! B)

  8. Sometimes I think I shold move to Australia, it sounds so nice and warm. This is entirely influenced by two things, one of which is this kick of winter we seem to have. It was warm! Then one day, the weather imps decided that the snow for the mountains should torment the little city where Laurie lived. They laughed and howled with delight at forcing her to stick to three inch ankle boots for walking around. Okay, I am tired to the point of sleeping on my keyboard, so surreal images are floating about.

  9. This is just an update, not a celebration. I am at 160 with this post. 40 to go. I think I should have this problem cleared up by Monday for sure. If I can go to the actual site of heels online hre in Calgary and personally pick out a pair of five inch stilettos for my training program, then I will be posting entire threads of celebration, and I will be free from this hell that is the wedge. I prefer The Edge, not wedge, anyway. So cheers to 160, which I should have hit yesterday, but once again, I was busy. Sometimes it is just too easy to talk to a certain person, and time vanishes like a snowman during a strong Chinook.

  10. Commonwealth countries feel bad for the Middle Ages, so we all try to be extra noble and good now. Okay, I have no basis for this, it seemed like a fun thing to say. After all, why would these countries cheat? Have you ever noticed that countries of the commonwealth are filled with very polite and apologetic people? In Canada, if I bump into someone, and of course it is my fault, it is the other person that says sorry to me! Like, sorry for what, being in the way? It is my fault and I apologize, but why shuld the "victim" in this bumping incident? I do notice a slight decline in this. People are angry and suffering from stress these days. However, most people still have some unwarranted sense of being polite. I imagine this is true in in Britain and Australia as well as a few other countries. Terribly sorry to take up your time with this message...

  11. It happens to me with slingbacks and ankle strap sandals, not as much as mules, mind you, but there are still moments. Even around the hose, when I switch into mules for just being at home, I have the problem. My sollution is to just find a new style of pants to love. Enter, Capri pants! Summer is so much fun. It isn't fun when someone bumps your table in the pub and your drink spills just a bit, and into the cuff of your nice short pants, however... :smile: I do tend to muse and ramble off the subject, don't I. A true sign of trying to look like I am not posting for the purpose of reaching 200.

  12. Rules should be brokeb every now and then. Socrates was not correct in thinking we should obey every law even if they might be bad. If someone says no heels, and you wear them anyway, so what? You have to accept and consequences for problems that arise, sure, but just go and be yourself. If you never try something that might not be liked by everyone, that what good is it being alive? We might as all wear wool sweaters of the same colour - creamy white. Me, I choose the black sweater :smile: It's more fun, so wear your heels and show off!

  13. Now Highluc, you do mean the less threatening medical situation, right? Coming soon from Ronco - The Home Surgeon Heart Bypass Kit! Amaze your freinds by saving them the doctor's fees and the wait times. Perform open heart surgery in your own home! Order now, and we will throw in the Vasectomizer! Only four easy payments of 59.95 and you will receive the best and only heart surgery kit you'll ever need! Yes, I am poking fun, having a lend, and I know what you meant. But it was funny. I have been in that mood today. If you people could read my work e-mails......

  14. Closed minded coqboy boot loving place. You know, Shockqueen, if you had not mentioned State, I might think you lived in Alberta somewhere. Not in Calgary, but maybe outside somewhere, in a town where Reform party stormtroopers think changing their name can save them. DIfferent countries still have similar experiences, and with cowboy boots, at that! I miss my kitten heels.

  15. Well Fox, just pass the idea to someone else to post. That person can have the glory of getting extra posts towards their footwear, and you have the satisfaction of seeing your topic come to life. When all else seems futile, be resourceful and break a few rules! No I do not advocate cheating, unless in a life threatening situation. Id est, cheating death or some similar thing.

  16. It is a cruel stereotype because some of us would love to wear such a look, and we may have men who enjoy that look. But then, since men enjoy women wearing the boots with a short skirt, that might be why the style is employed by prostitutes. If they offer a more appealing image, they may have more customers. It is cruel for everyone involved. Especially since I work on 3 Avenue, and at night a few blocks down on the same street, prostitutes have been known to hang out. It would be too easy to be confused for one if hanging around their turf. Woe to any man who ever thinks that of me. He may be going home in a plastic bag. Okay, I am not that mean, but still! Kitten's got klaws.

  17. Terayon, that's dishonourable. Some one may come for your thumbs one day... And in general, to everyone, I will never think Canada is better than any other country. No way that could ever be. Yes, Hockey comes from Canada, so you can understand that everyone was depressed for 50 years between gold medal wins. I do not even like hockey as much as the posts make me out to like it. I am just happy that this country did something for a change.

  18. Sorry Trolldeg, I was taught Danish by my Mum, and she only teaches me to speak it, not spell anything. In North America, it is just lox. I would have said that, but I wished to try and express some cultural aspect of where it came from. Oh well. Can I still be the leader, folks? Huh? :smile: And thanks Firefox.

  19. Geoff, maybe you do not understand how much of a threat a boring wedge heeled shoe is to my sense of non conformist individuality! "Love me for who I am, and never make me change. I will change on my own, and you may see it every day." That is my quote, I made it up. Copyright Laurieheels 2002. My point being, no matter how much you compliment me which should change my mind about wedges and make me feel better, I am not ready to change that perception, so it will not work. :smile:

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