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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Grey business suit, with very well tailored jacket and short skirt. A great combination with black stockings and black patent stilettos. It's just nice to look my best for work. It makes me feel like I can strut around and own the place, even if I don't.

  2. Pagan comes from, Pagoni, it means country bumpkin, really, but became a word for the natural religions because as Rome progressed, the people who lived in Italy still worshipped spirits and nature, and of course with Christianity taking hold, everyone who was practicing something different was like a country person, practicing an old religion, and eventually, the word became a way for Christians to name those who were not following their God. Yes, history. My four years were not a total waste. :smile:

  3. Thanks Renee. The PVC isn't overly shiny, more like a very polished leather look. It's still nice. Thanks for the compliment on my outfits. I think Chris might like them, too, but I am just expressing myself with what I like to wear.

  4. Well, Bert, this is how I came up with the statement that ADSL is useless. I work for the company that provides the cable internet. ADSL here maximum down is rated at 2.5 million bits, and cable is ten million bits. When I can download megabytes in a minute or two, I have to wonder that my company has done something right. As well, in the competing area here in Western Canada, there are maybe 100,000 ADSL users, and well over 700,000 cable internet users. That report is a bit old. And independant reporting companies always list us as much higher on the north american listings than any of our competition. So I will correct my statement, and say, that where I live, ADSL is almost useless. :smile: You know I am biased, right?

  5. Sometimes in life we don't see things coming. We don't expect a moment to arrive, and suddenly it has not only happened, but it has changed everything in life and one's head is spinning from the change. This is such a week, I am happy to report. I have trouble remembering what I wore from day to day. I am lost in so much and the shoes seem a bit less omnipresent in my life in a sense, but they seem to have mattered more in another. I'll try to remember what I was wearing. Monday - I don't think I worked on Monday, and I was wearing my new ankle boots that day. They're a great pair of boots and they are being worked in very well. I didn't do much being out, but I did wear them the whole time. Tuesday was a black patent stiletto day, with stockings, and it was typical, about ten hours in heels, a good walk to and from work in runners to help keep the body shaped up. Wednesday is a day that changes everything. I did wear the five inch stiletto black patent pumps. It was a busy day at work, I was on top of my game, solving problems, and I had cookies for people. I ran up to our north office, gave cookies to some friends there, and was very nervous and excited for that evening. You see, your goddess had a date. And it was just a friendly date, or so it was supposed to be, but that moment where life runs up and does something strange and wonderful came along. Last week I mentioned that my friend Chris, who was also a customer, took me to lunch. He's a great guy, handsome, funny, and we get along really well. But when a friend and customer also reads your diaries every week, maybe something is destined to happen..... We'll put that on hold for a moment. Thursday was again a stiletto day, black patent, five inches, about ten hours in them. A short skirt, bare legs, and on my lunch break, a visit from a friend who is also a customer who is also a reader of the diary who is also something more now. Friday was that kind of day, lost to the world, caring about nothing, yet I still managed to knock down several huge problems that came across my desk and our counter. Ankle boots again, those four and a quarter inch stiletto heels are just great. After work, I met up with my sister and some of her friends from her company, and we all went out for drinks and appetizers. I showed off my boots, the girls were impressed, they like them. Okay, so my sister still makes comments about a house falling on me, because of the pointy toes, but I can live with that. I also picked up my velvet stilettos from the repair. They are looking good again. I wore the velvets for work on Saturday, all the while having a nervous day. Overall, it was fourteen hours in those shoes. Dinner, a movie, a quiet drive on a star filled night with a full moon casting a silvery hue across the trees and hills... For me, there is great pleasure in what I have to say now, but I am sure hearts may break everywhere. You've all followed my writing for 33 weeks now, and more than that in some ways, and everyone knows that I have felt lonely at times, felt that no one was noticing me for me. Well, it may be to your dismay out there, but Laurie, your high heeled goddess, has a boyfriend now. One she likes very much, one that, within the course of one week, has come to mean a lot to her. Life moves very fast sometimes, it takes us when we do not expect it, and brings us wonderful things. It has happened to me, and last night, Saturday night, I realized just how special that can be. And how special he can be. To know someone, and suddenly, one day, you just connect like you didn't think possible, it becomes incredible. And in some ways, I have the diaries to thank for that. So I am sitting here, on a Sunday, in my stiletto ankle boots, drinking soda and writing about this diary, wondering all the while about how my life is going to go from today forward. And I think it's going to turn out great. Chris, you're amazing. Everything is right in the world....

  6. Long black pants, a turquoise blue top with scoop neck, a black PVC jacket, and four and a quarter inch stiletto ankle boots. Excellent given today's weather, quite cloudy and with the threat of rain in the growing presence of a Western Canadian Autumn...

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