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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. It was a week for velvet stilettos. These are my favourite pair of shoes, and they are perfect for me. They fit well bare foot and with stockings, they have a nice five inch stiletto heel, and the velvet material allows the shoe to be more flexible and comfortable than a pair of patent pumps. These are my favourite pair. For a while, I felt that I wasn't wearing heels enough, and that I was not walking as well in them as I could. But this last week at work, I realized that I am doing a great job, I have a sexy stride going when I need it, with smaller steps and some swivelling of hips... all I need is a bit of warm up time in the morning when I first put on my shoes. So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I wore my black velvets. On Wednesday it was a very long day, as at the end of it, I was off to the car dealership. And now, non shoe related adventures. Laurie has a new car, which is about time. Her almost seventeen year old car has been on the road for far too long, and at 186,000 km, it was time to let it rest. After almost two weeks of doing things to get a car and then waiting for one, it still had not arrived. So being a few days late already, the dealership decided to let me borrow a car. A dark blue chevy malibu, which my sister and I nick named Boo for the three days we would have it. Blue, malibu, boo, okay you get it by now. On Wednesday we needed to drive around in it a little bit, so it was a fourteen hour day in stilettos. Thursday was about the same amount of time. Friday I opted for runners, and jeans, because it was Friday, and I needed a day to be casual. It's nice to recharge. WHen I have my boots repaired, I'll wear them with my jeans again, but money is tight, even for heel tip repair. Saturday, however, was no time for casual. It was time to head back to the dealership and pick up my new car. A 2003 Chevy Cavalier, and if you don't like these cars, then keep quiet, because I love my new ride and it is becoming an addiction. It has a dash board clock, a CD player, four doors, things most people might take for granted in their own cars, but having driven a mid 80s remnant for so long, I am thrilled to have the features that I do. I still cannot believe it is mine! Now, in order to pick up this car, I had to go in style, so I wore a pair of black flare pants, a tight pink blouse, and the black velvet stilettos. And thus my sister and I, looking nice, picked up the new car and drove around for a few hours. It was great. On Saturday evening, my sister and I went to a Christmas party, and I wore my black velvets, naturally, with a black dress. My sister wore skimmer flats, but that's her style and they are cute shoes anyway. I did notice a few people at the party looking at my shoes. Envy? Jealousy? Amazement? People who know me expect me to wear them. And it is a sad report I make, because thin and high heels were not very present. A few pairs around four inches, maybe only one or two pairs that were true stiletto. I, of course, reigned as the high heeled goddess, strutting about without any trouble in my towering heels. Most women were wearing low and mid heeled shoes, a lot of sandals with lower, blocky heels, and it was boring! I didn't have much fun at the party. Except for seeing my good friend Jennifer drunk, even though she protested and said she was not. She's a happy drunk, at least. But my sister and I always have fun together, so those two things made up for it. I have three more parties to go to this month, two of them formal, and the other a department party for work with no guests allowed. But the last party before Christmas is the one Chris is taking me to, and I have a feeling that one will be the most fun. Today is a lazy Sunday. I need to cook soon. Some sort of tomato meat sauce for pasta. Hearty, low in fat, but delicious and well spiced. I should get to that, and there is much to do, being December 1st. Christmas tree must be unpacked, the advent wreath lit, and things should be made tidy. A lazy day, a busy night. Such is life, I suppose. It is the start of the Christmas season, and it will be a busy time for the next month. We shall see what the diaries hold for me, and whether or not the snow will stay away until I can re-tip my boots...

  2. The company has an office in Edmonton, I hope to transfer. A new job means waiting on benefits, missing out on pay, and neither are acceptable. I really do not wish to bring in a lot of the personal aspects of what goes on for me and Chris, but, simply put, if I had my way, I'd move at the end of December.

  3. Now, I know an Advent calendar is supposed to be a countdown to Christmas, and they are usually 24 days, so when you mention 27, I am going to guess that this is one of those new non denominational New Year countdown calendars? It's strange to see them, Spider Man and barbie calendars that go up to 31 or something like that. Not the traditional ones I grew up with, that had Christmas themes. But then, it is nice that the world is strating to realize that not everyone celebrates Christmas. At the same time, it is sad that they are trying to make more money off of this fact. I'll just count the days until 24th, and a wonderful Danish Christmas.

  4. There are certain North American sub cultural groups, generally based on a more popularized item of culture, in which the word fine can be a compliment, when pronounced a certain way. Women would not take such a pronounciation as an insult if they are in tune with the particular verbal interplay of that sub cultural group. Some of them are good, close, some are not, but one is extremely close. Nothing Nothing means something, but it does not mean there has to be an argument, unless the man takes "nothing" to mean that there is no problem. Nothing is generally said when one wishes to talk about something, but does not wish to initiate the conversation. So, the one hint I will give here, is that when a woman does say "nothing" and you know it is something, be gentle, talk, try to offer comfort and support. Because she will want to talk, and you will be expected to listen at that point. Chris, maybe you could post the point scoring list to offer some humour and insight to this subject? :lol:

  5. If you're going to wear shoes that show your toes, best to paint up your toe nails and show them off, rather than hide them or mute the effect with nylon material. I have seen a lot of women wearing black sandals with black nylons or stockings, but as far as mules or slides go... I did this a few times, and it was okay, but only because the fit of the shoe allowed it to hug my foot rather than let it slip out. But there were times when these delightful open toed mules with a three and a half inch silver heel did not wish to stay on my feet. They always worked better when I was barefoot. And had polished my toe nails a nice red. But they are now too low for me to wear anymore, since for heels I prefer four and up.

  6. No time to do the diary this week, it was a busy day. My Sunday started early, and I went to help my friend Jennifer pack up her place, well, parts of it, to make sure she has it all done by next weekend. She is moving back in with her parents until her wedding, so she can save money. I wore heels during the week, felt very good in them, Monday thru Thursday, and I even wore my four inch stiletto sandals one one of the days when the weather was warm. This is Alberta, seasonal rules do not apply. It was nice. I guess this is somewhat of a diary, so I'll just leave it as an official entry, I guess. I have a heap of dishes to do, laundry to fold, put away, and ever so slowly, some packing of my own to do, for an impending day in 2003. Later people

  7. It's far more complex than you'll ever realise, boys, and I an not willing to explain it to you. There are words, tones, gestures, a full range of subtle means that men miss, and even if they say they can, believe me, they don't get all of it. On the other hand, men can be quite obvious when doing the same thing. I know that one of the security guards in our downtown office has a thing for me, and I know it has a lot to do with my shoes, and despite the fact that he has seen Chris and myself being, well, quite passionate in the building's atrium (just kissing, people, relax) he still exhibits the little things that are so easy to read. Chris, don't hurt him too bad, okay? Now, for the other way around, I think women have a whole scheme of skills they can use. Maybe men have these between one another, I am not sure, but really, it is a total package that women use to convey things to one another. And when we can't, we go to the bathroom in groups. Yes, be worried when you see this! We're plotting! It is exactly as you expect!

  8. Girly would really be "traits that reflect a usually feminine point of view" Az, yes, there is a hidden language women use, and no, I'm not going to tell you a darn thing about it. That would be an unfair advantage for you. But it is more that females can have an understanding, and that we can communivate this understanding between one another in ways men do not see. I am sure men can do the same thing. Estrogen. It's powerful stuff. Therein lies the difference.

  9. I'm cooking right now, so I am not too interested in writing very much. Cooking comes before the diary, naturally. It's beef stew, and so far, WOW. So imagine when it is done in half an hour! Last Monday was a holiday, Rememberance day, so I didn't do much, so nothing can be reported about that day. Tuesday and Wednesday were black velvet days. I looked very good, especially on the Tuesdsay, when I wore a black tank top with a white collar, a black sweater over top, a slinky short black skirt, black stockings, and of course, the afor mentioned five inch stiletto heels. Thursday I had the day off, but I still dressed like it was a work day, and I wore my ankle boots/ Those four and a quarter inch heels are now down to four inches, as I have worn the heel tips to the point of cracking, splitting, and breaking. So I need to have them repaired now, but I don't have much time to take them in. Let's hope the snow stays away for the time being. On Friday, well, casual day, jeans and Reeboks, so I doubt that people are interested in that. Saturday, the black velvet stilettos again, because I like them that much. They go well with a pair of flare trousers I have, but the pants are not so long that they cover too much. They fall just below my ankles when I am wearing heels. Today is Sunday, and I am cooking. So go away. Stay out of my kitchen, I am in there barefoot and working hard. And no, not pregnant. No lines here. Being barefoot makes sure I take better care not to spill anything. The end result means cleaner floors and less clean up. This, I like. I don't have any bit of social commentary today, because I need to finish an excellent beef stew. So I will just rush off to work on that now, and bid you all, um, a good wekk. Yeah. Oh, and for Chris, because I like to make a big deal about you, you get this special mention. Hi sweetie.

  10. A miniskirt can show too much when sitting down, but in the cab of a truck, who would be high enough to notice? Still, manly legs need a manly outfit, so... And as for Hoverfly's Payless comment... nuh uh. The stores in the malls can provide some fodder at decent prices and some style and height. So I might as well start there if I can afford it, and leave out Payless.

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