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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. This will be a short entry, I think. It is late. I need some sleep as it has been a long day. My week was well heeled, as is usual. Five work days in heels, alternating between by black velvet stilettos and my black patent stilettos on different days. Five inch heels are easy. And with anywhere from nine to twelve hours in these shoes on any of the given days. It's become quite typical, even expected. Well, on Friday, it was a very long day in them. Thirteen hours in the black velvets, which included an almost three hour drive. Now, the new car is wonderful, it runs great, it has fuel economy that makes it all worth the effort of getting it. Not even half a tank from Calgary to Edmonton. This should make the next six months much easier. Driving for long periods of time on a highway, while in heels, was easy. I think for the unexperienced, this is a great way to get used to the feel of heels when driving. If you have good distance between your car and the one in front of you, pedal manipulation will be minimal. Meaning, not a lot of foot work so you should get used to the feeling easily enough. Now, the other part of this diary is to talk about ability vs. endurance. Now, people have claimed that I have tried six inch heels and not been able to handle them. Well, I have not tried them yet, but I do wonder, what is more impressive, taking a few steps in really high heels, or spending a long period of time in five inch stilettos. After all, it does take some skill to be able to walk around the world's largest mall three times in an evening. Yes, it does help to have the arm of a wonderful man, but there is still a great degree of walking. I think Chris knows exactly how far we walked with our friends while figuring out our movie plans. Now, it is fine and well to claim something wonderful with regards to wearing a pair of seven inch stilettos, but how long can they be worn? Taking a few fluid steps might look great, but the image is not about a few seconds of walking, it is about the daily grind, bneing in heels as much as possible. After 46 weeks, I can slip into my favourite pair of stilettos and walk around as much as I like. The West Edmonton Mall proves this. I may not have had a chance to go to a six inch heel yet, but what I do have is the endurance everyone should develop before trying such heels. If it is someone's goal to wear the highest stilettos to work, or in public, then one should build towards it. Endurance is a key. Stronger muscles, increased flexability, all of this comes from learning lower heels and going up the heights. And since I don't need more than a few minutes for my feet to come down from wearing heels, I have demonstrated that this strength and flexability is possible. Chris can attest to this. I can slip out of my heels and suddenly I am walking around barefoot, without missing a step. I do believe that shoes by themselves are lifeless, as they just sit there. It takes a person to put them on and bring life to them, to extend the character of the shoes into something living. But part of this is also the ability to handle what we put on our feet. Certainly, skill at walking in shoes for a longer period of time furthers the image of the woman, and the shoes become a real enhancer. So my thoughts then, have been about how well I can do what I do, and rather than the image, I would like to focus on the ability. After all, most days, I cannot even tell the difference from my feet being in heels and being flat anymore. Both seem comfortable, although there is an unexplained thrill from wearing the heels...

  2. If you're talking about why they don't wear them in the winter, aside from the temperature, I think that they may be weighing the price of Nylons against the greater possibility of dinging the toes and causing a run (not to mention the pain!). :x

    If I hurt my toes, the pain makes me upset for a few minutes. If I have a snag or a run in my stockings, I just about cry, and I pout most of the day.

    Strange how that is, but that is one reason why I think sandals should be for bare feet only. There are exceptions of course.

  3. I wear sandals in the summer, I mentioned them a lot in my diaries. I walked to lunch in a pair of five inch tan sandals one day, and many times I wore my favourite pair of four inch heeled black patent sandals at work, and even to and from. I like to go with red toe nails for that. So it happens.

  4. I can see someone making a fuss, but some male police officer giving me trouble can ask me to step out of the car. When I swing my fishnet stocking covered legs out, and place my five inch black patent stilettos on the ground and stand up, is he going to think "how inappropriate for driving" or will he think "wow". Of course, I would not use my feminine charms as a weapon against a police officer, oh no. Logic, reason and polite conversation are it. I save the weapons of a feminine nature to use on Chris. :lol: It's more fun that way, and so much more rewarding for both of us.

  5. I love to see ladies wearing 4 to 5 inch high very thin spiked heeled sandal with a high ankle strap.


    If they do heel stands in them all the better.

    Heel stands? You mean shift their weight back onto the heels and stand on them alone, and not using the sole of the shoe at all?

    I can do that.

    Not for long, but maybe it is something I can get better at.

  6. I think the woman wearing the heels has something to do with whether or not they are sexy. How a woman presents the total package must invariably have an impact on the overall impression of the shoes being worn. Shoes on their own just sit there, but when feet slip into them, they come to life.

  7. I have to admit to being stupid enough to see what I can do in my Mustang.

    I have yet to bury the needle, however I have made it up to 170 km/h before backing out of it. :lol:

    I wasn't totally insane when I did this though, I picked a nice quiet, straight, dry stretch of freeway first.


    Should I be glad I wasn't with you when you did that? Or sad because I missed out?

    Or maybe it is only a matter of time before you show me this?

    But then, I am not the one setting the record for the drive between two Alberta cities... :(

  8. I am sitting in front of my computer, with a sore neck and a headache. I have had it all day, likely the result of a very poor sleep. I may keep this brief then. For the week, lots of stiletto wearing, the most on any given day, fifteen hours. It was Thursday as I remember. This included Christmas shopping which meant a lot of walkiing. Of course, my feet were fine at the end of it all. Hot, but otherwise in good shape. My subject is going to be about driving, as I have a wonderful new car. More speficially, driving in heels. I know that there is a whole area of the shoe and foot fetish webspace that deals with peddle pumping. Personally, I cannot imagine what the thrill is. The excitement of driving the car should be far more enjoyable that seeing a foot press the peddle, even if in stiletto heels. But maybe the fetish aspect comes from a perceived difficulty in wearing such shoes for driving. However, I do not know where that difficulty resides. I have driven a great deal in stiletto heels. I have always driven just as well as if I were to wear flat shoes. My reaction time has never been hindered, but that does relate to the fact that I rest my foot a different way than if I were wearing my Reeboks. I find that I need to rest the heel along the floor, and rather than pivoting on the heel of my foot, or the shoe, I am moving my foot at both the knee and ankle a bit more than normal. In flat shoes, the ankle does most of the work by pivoting the top of the foot so more pressure is applied to the peddle. This pivot point does not work with heels unless one tries to pivot at the end of the heel tip. To counter this, I need some ankle movement, and then to push with my entire leg, not just my foot. Of course, the muscle power used for this is quite minimal. The idea for proper driving, then, is to combine some ankle motion with more activity in the leg to compensate for some loss of ankle power. After some time, it becomes instinct, and the difference in driving with heels is not even noticed. I had to sit in my chair and practice in order to try and remember how I do this when I am driving. So it is possible to drive well in heels, just as well as wearing flats. The key, of course, is to pay attention. Hands on the wheel, eyes watching, ears listening... if you are prepared, then any concerns about reaction time reduction from a pair of stiletto heels is not a real factor. Gee, that felt like a lecture.

  9. Yes it does, but I would rather be ignored than seen as a side show attraction. "Yes, step right up, only two bits for a gander at the lovely lady of mystery, who can wear stiletto heels!" *audience gasps* "Yes, she does that, and quite well! See her stand and walk, see her jump, kick, and dance!" *Muted whispering of astonished crowd* "Yes. see her now, she is amazing, she is an oddity, and she must be seen to be believed!" *sounds of crowd deciding two bits is too much to pay* I dearly hope I never end up regarded in that sense by the general public. I am not an oddity, I am just a woman who likes what she likes.

  10. I have received a few strange looks, and noticed a few whispers, when people who are not used to seeing a stiletto heeled goddess happen to see me somewhere. This is from the women. I always thought I didn't attract attention, but in reality, I guess I never noticed. The men are looking, but not at work. It is out in public that I get the reactions. At work, no one cares what I wear anymore. It's expected.

  11. To avoid being boring, I figure I'll dispense with the day to day and just comment on a specific point in the week. I did have a lot of time in five inch heels over the course of the week, and I am developing a new weapon, an intentional strut I can use when I really need it. It isn't something I walk with all of the time, as it is obvious that I am doing it for effect. There are still times when subtle is best. And the new car is just wonderful. Since picking it up just over a week ago, I have not had to fill up the tank. And this includes a fair bit of driving. I think this car will serve me well. And it looks great. Now to be able to make the payments! However, the really important part of the diary is Saturday night. This was when my sisters and I, and one of our friends, went to their company Christmas party. First, a report on the shoes. Now, I don't really focus on shoes a good deal when I am not the one wearing them. I give a glance, usually notice that the heels are no where as high as mine, and forget about them. But lately, I have been trying to observe more, and find out what the trends are. Now, a formal party such as this is a wonderful place to find out the footwear fashion pulse. For thin heels, stiletto and post and similar styles, there was not a one over three inches that I could see. There is one style I think we need a name for, and I am going to suggest rapier. It isn't quite a blade, because it tapers and gets thinner, and while being very thin from the side view, it is still wider across the back, not at all stiletto like. That rapier heel seems to be the highest, but not the most common. Blades and blocks still predominate amongst the younger women. The women in their thirties and older are wearing the narrow heels, but the height is as I stated above. And for those girls with thicker heels who were around four inches, the shoes had a platform. At least an inch. Sometimes more. Very ugly looking platforms at that. When a dress is going to cover most of one's shoes, a thick platform is not flattering. Now, When leaving I did see a girl from another party walk past, she had on a pair of shoes with a five inch heel... and a two inch platform. They looked nice, but it is still cheating, so it doesn't count. And despite the shoes, she still seemed absolutely tiny! And as an aside, I cannot figure out this new fashion trend for the young girls, that appears to be a very nice knee length dress, sometimes longer, but it looks like pants are worn underneath. Fashion designers, can you not make up your minds? As for myself, well, I remain that high heeled goddess, alone at the top in a pair of five inch stilettos, no platform, and strutting with intention throughout the party. And if that seems common place for me, then, you should know that I did a bit of dancing. First three songs in a row, then another four a short time later. All in stiletto heels, all high energy songs (the last set had some BeeGees, ABBA, "AND" the Grease Megamix, how can one not get out and dance?)(I guess that shows when I grew up). After all, it is not just about wearing heels, it is about wearing them well. I think I proved that I can do it all, in the highest heels, a short black dress, and I know that in two weeks, if all goes well, Chris can have a wonderful replay of that. The rest of you can be envious, because I doubt he'll want to share any of the pictures. You may have to beg him. And even then, he's the only one who gets to see me in action. I really like that.

  12. Well, the jealousy is because they're not me, but it isn't bad jealousy. Everyone has good things about them, so for me to say something about others being jealous doesn't mean I think they hate me. Just that I can do something they cannot, and maybe they wish they could and are upset that they cannot. As for the car and sexy stride, well, the two go well together. :lol: And while not enough women are wearing stilettos, I take the laternate view, in that I feel more special for being one who does wear them, and thus that makes it all the more exciting to be where I am in life, and to be with Chris.

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