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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Um, without typing away too much, I think I found someone who sees me for me and likes me for me. He doesn't seem intimidated by the qualities but rather, very interested. But I won't say more right now. I think men are intimidated by both the heels and the personality, and the blonde hair. But I may not care about it anymore. I think that if a man has confidence, then he'll find a way to see the good in those things, but anyone who has self doubts would be intimidated, yes.

  2. It's difficult when one is intimidating in a sense. You can imagine that a man would need a great deal of self confidence and an outgoing personality to strike up a conversation with me. Women may be jealous and not wish to befriend me. I cannot say what it is. I just know that sometimes life is a bit lonely. I try, though, I do try.

  3. You'd think the people who sell these shoes would trawl about the boards like this one and recruit models. I could easily do what this Randi was doing and be paid for it, and we know I already have a fan base. Some company could have a great spokeswoman in me... But alas, there are no offers and no paycheques rolling in. I might as well stick to trying to be a writer.

  4. A short black skirt, black stockings, a long knit sweater that looks a bit like a shirt of mail, and black four and a quarter inch stiletto ankle boots. A bit much for Walmart, I know, and I snagged a stocking on the way out. Such torture to have to be in public with a hole showing in the wonderful black nylon material...

  5. I drive an automatic, naturally. I tried to learn manual, or standard as they call it here, back in University. I stalled about ten times in a row and gave up. So I figure I need proper lessons to master it. Not just someone saying "do this, now that" and laughing every time I stall. :smile:

  6. Training shoes are boring. It's nice to stand out and get attention. I now have a reputation, and I know that if I wear Reeboks to work, I'll get comments about it. Once people get used to an idea, one becomes a celebrity for it, and not doing that things almost seems wrong. So hey, get out there, try it, and eventually, people won't care and will actually expect it from you. After all, no one thought I would go camping, simply because I wore heels every day and thus didn't seem like the type who would camp, and could not camp since heels in the wilderness aren't so easy. And yes, people wondered if I would be wearing stilettos, the motorcycle boy made several comments about being stuck. I think he has a fetish.

  7. I might be popular on the board, but sometimes being popular in real life means people to be with when hanging out in a pub, and people to join you when having dinner in a restaurant. And just people to be there and share life's memories. I am making cookies as we speak, so we'll see my standing improve a bit more at work, perhaps...

  8. Vanessa, there are some good points there about walking in the shoes. I do think they need to include some information on how to shop for a pair that fits right. I do some pretty amazing things in heels (they'd be normal and overlooked in a pair of Reeboks, sure) and it's all because of the fit and the training. Still, it's an excellent bit of advice for beginners, but I don't know what plaster is in the reference. :smile:

  9. If you have good reflexes, the heelks don't matter. I am pretty good at driving in heels, and I'll try and relate a few things. One - place a towel under your feet. Two - rest your foot with the heel along the floor of the car. Three - use your ankle for the strength in pressing the peddles Four - save your leg strength for moving the foot to the brake as needed. I don't know if it makes any sense, but it's what I do, and I sem to be doing well enough so far. Oh, I think there is one last thing. Five - be alert, watch the road, leave extra following distance. If you have more room to stop, a half second delay in your hitting the brake won't matter because you've given yourself a full second of extra time to brake.

  10. I think that for special occassions, ornaments are a wonderful feature. They can really add to the look of an outfit. I'm not so keen on them for everyday work use, but they certainly fancy up a look when one is off to a company party or an evening out at a super fancy resaturant.

  11. The computer is running again, somewhat, but not perfect. Thanks for the offer. I'll need to work on it a lot over the next few weeks, getting it back to an acceptable level of clutter for my own enjoyment. If you have access to free word processing programs for Win98 that are spectacular to use, then that would help a lot. :smile: And yes, this is post 1350 for me. 150 to go!

  12. Okay, we have... hrm, 455 members, and only 97 replies in here, well, 98 now, and not every post here is someone's introduction. I think we need a few more people to come in here and introduce themselves to the board in a bit more detail... I am sure everyone agrees.

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