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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Looking at the pictures again, I notice that in the ones with the mules, the model is wearing stockings???? Um... not too flattering in my opinion. If they were black shoes and black stockings, fine, but with white, you need to show the toes, it's the only way. Maybe it's a fetish thing, I don't know. but a fashion perspective would dictate that it's very, very wrong. Nice shoes, of course. Polished red toe nails would look nice with them.

  2. Power posting? Me? When have I ever power posted? Okay, yes, that time, and I'll admit, that time, and yes, okay, that was power posting on that day, and... Okay, so I can power post. I have computer time available and I am going to use it! I am not looking to be the first to reach 1500. I just post as the mood for writing takes me. The Sky Father's will is the Wind itself, and where it takes us is where he would have us sail.

  3. Six inch heels at work. I'll do it at least once, on a day I don't need to walk much. :smile: It's not trouble walking in them, it's the speed. Well, I may develop the speed I need in them when I get to them, who knows.

  4. Can't have everything, and can't have the things we want the most... While driving (wearing five inch black patent stiletto pumps) I saw a woman who could one day be my rival here! Black pumps, four and a half inch heel or so, BUT chunky, not stiletto. More of a conical shape, narrow at the top then wider at the bottom. She was thin, of course, not curvy like me, and thin is in. She was a blonde as well. I think my hourglass is much nicer to hold onto though than her spear of a body would be. :smile: to her!

  5. You went to the race in Assen? Wow, cool. I hope they show it here on the weekend.. or sooner! I'm hooked, what can I say. As for letting troubles wither away when riding, this is what I need ni life, exactly what I am looking for, and exactly what the people I know who do ride try to tell me. Spring better get here soon...

  6. Why? Because my mother did and I learned it from her. Because they make my legs look so much better. Because they give me a feeling of confidence and superiority. Because I find them comfortable for most things. Because they look great. because no one else does and I refuse to conform to the fashion trends. Because I'm sexy as all get out when I wear them.

  7. Well, let's here from someone who wears heels for everything, maybe... :smile: At work, when I am in the front, helping peopl in person, I sometimes have to swing to the side. See, we have a service conuter, people can pay bills as well as have their problems solved. if I am there and have to take a payment, then I need to either move back in my chair (it has wheels) or swivel to the side. When I sit out there and cross my legs, I always have to turn my chair to the side in order to work. At my desk in the back, I place my feet on the roller legs and point my knees nuder the desk. Long legs, however, usually mean that I cannot cross my legs when sitting at any desk or table, one knee always ends up pressed against the underside.

  8. Four inch patent sandals, witha short black skirt, short sleeved black dress jacket, and a light blue high necked tank top. Why sandals? Electric metallic blue nail polish, for both fingers and toes. I must not have worked hard enough, my finger nails are still in good shape! :smile:

  9. Mange tout, doesn't that mean eat everything? I would like to take some of the tomatoes and the corriander and use that as a dressing for the noodles. That would be my first idea. Banana and coconut, ideas of a dessert come to mind, but I am not good with desserts. I'm not in a cooking mood today, so the ideas are a bit short. I think that if we go by the twenty minute rule, the only way to prepare the lamb is by cutting it up. Without the limit, I would love to remove the bone, butterfly it, pretty much, and grill the whole piece.

  10. Ducati makes a nice sport bike as well, most European racers use them, at least in the races they are showing here... As for women on bikes, I think it would be better if the woman rode it, not just sat on the back looking pretty, helpless, and owned. Riding is supposed to be freedom. It's better to be in control of that freedom, I think. One day they'll be an interesting picture posted here, that's for sure...

  11. The black velvets were left at the shoe repair when I picked up my two pairs of black patent stilettos. So they are being repaired as we speak. I wear them far too much. It will be a week before I can get them back, they're busy this time of year. But that is no matter, for the price I can do with black patent stilettos and my black patent sandals. I think it's about time I went looking for new shoes. Maybe the stores will have something more stiletto than normal? And higher than normal? Maybe Heelsonline will get in some new shoes instead of trying to clear out, oh, the same three pairs of size 11s that they do every few months...

  12. Yes, we love wearing heels, those of us above 5'4" who wear them... *boggle* Who cares about height, the shoes are a conversation piece. My mother can tell anyone who I am now with two things. Blonde, in very high heels. Everyone knows who I am with that description. If someone has seen me, they'll know exactly who is being talked about. My mother did that to me today, she called the wrong number by accident, and the person at work had to come by and say hi afterwards. Heels define a person quite well.

  13. It's a cute little bike... for scooting about it is great. I have heard a few people suggest that a very low cc bike would be good for training, but n the road to a super sport, it might ber a bit under powered. One does need something with a bit of a kick to learn the twisties. It had a great colour scheme on it though. :smile: The issue with heels and bikes is more for the emergency issues, a high speed manourver that goes a bit wrong, and faced with doing something to prevent your ride from going down, you need some good reaction time. I think it is possible, but whether or not it is practical remains to be seen. As for the contrast of colours with the leather... maybe, but when looking at the colours bikes come in, a racing suit looks to be a better compliment than the black leather treatment. Of course, all of this will have to wait for March... I think that I would be happy buting leather pants in the interm, just for the sake of owning them. And matching them with leather boots that havea nice stiletto heel. Yeah.

  14. My computer is still broken, and I cannot use my sister's computer to make a boot disk for some reason. it doesn't like any of our floppy disks. Why? Who knows. No computer for Laurie... I am not motivated to write the diary today, I fear. And everyone will rush along to tell me "oh, that's okay, you can delay it" but if I don't write it today I know I will not bother to write it. I have skills, I'll make it through. Monday doesn't count, it was Labour Day, and I was so unmotivated to even get up. I made cookies. That was about it. Tuesday - off to work, and black velvet five inch stilettos were the shoes of choice. The weather was not so nice, and it is time again for black stockings. Now, everyone should know, I refuse to wear those dreadful things called pantyhose. I have brought it up before, but I would like to mention it again as the time for covering up legs is almost here to stay. Nothing can be more comfortable than a garter belt and stockings. Yes they take longer to get on, well, not for me, but for some. I prefer it anyway. And with that, Wednesday and Thursday were also black velvet stiletto days with stockings. Thursday I wore pants with them, and my favourite thing to wear to work, my very long, black brocade jacket. I was complimented a few times on the jacket, and the heels at least once that I remember. People are impressed with me, it seems. I even did my jumping demonstration. This is what I get when I work in our north office. And I also took my patent stilettos to a mall at lunch, for new heel tips. I did bring my five and a half inch black stilettos to work as well, for wearing at lunch. The idea was to wear them to the shoe repair, and have one tip fixed on the velvets that has been gouged down a bit. It was interesting, seeing me walk to the parking lot in one pair of extreme stilettos, carrying another pair of stilettos (the velvets). I did get a few looks at that point. But since the repair was busy, and my patents would not be ready for a few days, I did not leave the velvets. I would have liked them done over lunch, but it did not happen. Back at work I was back in the velvets. There is a lot of standing up and walking when I work out of our North facility. What the day did have though, was a successful walk outside and a drive as well, in five and a half inch stilettos. I think there was a gentleman who was curious about my shoes when I was at the mall. He was still lingering outside the shoe repair shop when I left. And I wore the velvet five inch heels to Ikea, my sister and I went shopping for a table and a bunch of small drawer boxes... my sister is organizing the apartment and making a craft work area. So I was able to walk all over Ikea in five inch heels. At least I don't feel over dressed, because Ikea is quite trendy and many people show up after work. Thursday night, I walked into the yet unassembled table and bruised my fourth toe on my left foot. Friday and Saturday were four inch sandal days as a result. I was walking to work both days in my Reeboks, which was not so much fun, but I managed it despite the sore toe. The sandals really helped me at work. Open toes are easier when one is bruised and hurting. Sunday, today, was Farmer's Market Day. A write off for shoe reports, but a good day for cooking. I made tomato chicken soup. It is just amazing. I made the chicken stock from the bare bones of frozen chicken parts left from old meals. Fresh veggies made the difference today. Mmmmm... And that's it, really. I managed to write more than I felt up to, and I am happy about that. Even when I do not wish to write, I am great at writing. Maybe there is a bit of ego there, but I do think I am developing a talent. Whatever. :smile:

  15. One inch as high? These people quite obviously do not work anywhere near me. After all, when I wear the four inch stiletto sandals in black patent, they are referred to as my low heeled shoes. Quite the difference depending on the wearer, I guess. Dress codes should only concern shoes as far as saying shoes should be kept in good condition, and nothing like flip flops that look trashy. At work, girls can wear whatever they like, and I am sure men could get away with a bit, however, my dear friendly biker boy wants to get a pair of sport bike boots with the metal plates on them and he was told they are not appropriate, they won't look dressy. I wear weapons on the end of my shoes, and he cannot wear armour on his boots. My advice was to change once he gets to work, but I think he'll save his money instead. Blah.

  16. I think colour matters to me because I like to look over and see the shoes in my bedroom, there on the floor... we have an extra littkle plant stand from Ikea, and my sister brought it to my room. She set it up in front of my closet and put my white 5.5 stiletto pumps on the stand. It looks nice that way, and the silver reflect at night from the hints of light that are outside. It makes it interesting and very much a visual display.

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