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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I have a dress that would look great with those pumps. It's a simple dress, about the same colour, so I would say, yes, great shoes, I like the colour, they'd look good in my closet and on my feet.

  2. Snow. Sure, it's pretty to look at, and it can be fun. On a Sunday, maybe... But during the week, snow is never fun. Congestion on the roads as commuters forget how to drive and chaos ensues. Cold weather limiting what one can wear, requiring more bundling up, and generally ruining my enjoyment of the outdoors. With that... Monday still had nice weather, so black stockings and black velvet stilettos were a good idea. I wore them about ten hours that day, well, maybe closer to eleven. Tuesday was warmer, much warmer, and to enjoy that, I decided a short green wrap around skirt and bare legs would look great with a white blouse and the black velvet stilettos. I was quite right about that, and the day was a very good one. Comfortable and enjoying the last of the nice weather. Wednesday, the weather was sunny but a bit cool. I had the day off (which I hate, mid week days off) and decided to go for jeans and my black ankle boots. There was a lot of running around that day, it was quite hectic. But I put in at least ten hours with those four and a quarter inch heels. Thursday it was getting colder, and I went for black stockings and the black velvet stilettos again. Friday, well, I decided to go with my Reeboks, See, the weather was awful. Miserable. Thursday brought snow, and Friday was cold. I took my mother to the doctor in the morning (she needed an inhaler and some anti-biotics, colds go into her chest very fast). and rushed off for my later shift at work. Runners were the only practical thing to wear, and the weather just ended up worse as the day progressed. Saturday found me wearing an old pair of black lace up shoes, no heel, just good treads for walking on ice and snow. I worked in my own office, and I needed to walk to work. It's been a month since I had any real exercise. It hasn't started to show yet, but Christmas is coming... I noticed that my feet were not happy Friday and Saturday, with a bit of pain in the arch Friday after work. Now, cold can cause a few aches and pains, and arthritis, but this seemed different. I am sure my feet are not happy when I am out of heels for too long, and show it by having problems. It's not debilatating, and it doesn't mean I'll wear heels all of the time, but it does mean I should wear them when I can. Sunday, being today, is nothing to spectacular. I'll wear some heels at home tonight, just to make sure my feet stay happy. But my feet are cold, so who knows. Weather. Go figure. Well, that's #40 and I am still writing. I may not be going higher any time soon, mainly because I'm going to need money for Christmas (and a dress for parties). Shoes, if any, will need to be practical, five inch heels or so should do it for being on my feet at a party.

  3. I find myself in a strange place, wishing to work more on writing but finding myself at a distance from writing this diary. I admit, the passion for this diary has dimmed in recent weeks. However, I know that there are some readers, so I will, at the very least, make an effort today for telling you a bit about what I wore during the week. Monday - It snowed. That was depressing, snow before November. And a lot of it. So it was a day for boots. Four and a quarter inch heeled boots. They are great for the snow. Tuesday - It was cold. Pants and, what else, boots! Something about black leather boots that lace up has appeal. Wednesday - new shoes are good, so the newest pair I mentioned a few weeks ago, the black leather stilettos, five and a half inch heel, were used at work. Nine hours and all went well. Thursday - Hallowe'en. The Valkyrie costume was a great success, everyone loved it, and I won a prize. Somehow, the outfit was made perfect with the fishnet stockings and the black stiletto boots. But everyone was thrilled that I could recycle soda cans into scale armour. I hope to have a picture to share, eventually. Friday - Reeboks. Why? Well... Casual day, still a bit of cold and snow remained on the ground (not for long, it was a warmer day). And a road trip was going to happen. My friend Jen and I raced out of work at the end of the day, and raced off to see our men. My Reeboks are just better for such a trip. I had worn my boots so much that they needed a break. And the rest of the weekend, well, I spent my time with Chris and this diary was always about shoes, not what we had for dinner or where we went or anything of that nature. I wore Reeboks quite a bit, the new black leather stilettos for a little while this morning, and that's all there is too the report. I find myself at a place where life is taking up more time in every area I dabble in, and in those areas that are major parts of my life, time is at a premium. So how do I balance it? I cannot find a way so far. And my writing needs attention. I have a book to write, based on a wonderful idea that I need to shape, that I need to bring to life. It has nothing to do with shoes. It is something I'll have to think about over the next few weeks, I suppose.

  4. I am not into writing today. It's not writer's block, it is just a lack of energy. I need to make my eyes focus, my fingers move, and I just finished dinner so I am not interested in that right now. Dishes need to be done, I need to grab a pattern for a cloak off of the internet, and maybe get the pieces ready for my sister to sew tomorrow, I need more scales for my costume, I need to make the head ornaments... There is a good deal of work to do, and not much time left to do it! Monday was a day off for me, so I stuck to Reeboks as my sister, mother and I did some shopping. It's nice when we all have a Monday off. Tuesday was a black velvet stiletto day. They go so well with short skirts and black stockings... Wednesday and Thursday were boot days. Wednesday with a very short black skirt, and Thursday, with a very long black skirt. A nice contrast between styles, I think. Stiletto ankle boots are a wonderful thing. Everyone needs to know this. Friday, I wore my boots AGAIN (where's the surprise?), with jeans since Friday is supposed to be a casual day. Saturday, I had to work, and I wore Reeboks. I was lazy, tired, I just wanted to get to work, so I slipped into them (they are that old and worn)and off I went. Yes, there was a comment on my wearing runners and not something with a heel. But then, when someone expects me to do something a certain way, I like to be a bit different. Today, being Sunday, I didn't do much away from home. A quick trip for groceries was too simple for anything but the Reeboks, so that is all I bothered to do. But tonight, I will wear a pair of black five and a half inch stiletto pumps around the apartment for a bit, just for conditioning. And that was the week, pretty much. There is no writer's block, but I am still a bit tired. So off I go to work on my costume, talk to the man I love, and try and relax before work starts again. Bleh.

  5. CLoset space, yes that is a premium. Without shelves, my twenty pairs are marching out the door. No monster could ever hide in my closet, he's trip over all of those pairs! It is a shame that only thirteen of those pairs have a heel high enough for me to wear these days.

  6. The pictures are really for us, but Chris and I felt sharing would be fun. Besides, he should be the envy of people, and showing a picture of me on his car is a good way to achieve that. He deserves the comments and attention for being with me, because I think he is worth being with. Okay, does that make any sense? Ah what does it matter, I know what I am trying to say. In time, I am sure we'll get better at the pictures, and maybe even share a few more. :smile:

  7. The garter and stocking combination is quite powerful. Even if men can suspect a woman is wearing them, attention is shifted to her. Seeing a glimpse is a real tease, and a good view, well, that would be mind blowing! I do have the problem of showing my stocking tops when sitting at work. It is not something I wish to do, but it happens every now and then. Sometimes, I think that it might be a bit exciting to show a glimpse, of course. So I am torn between keeping covered up and showing a bit of lace. But then, there's only one person I can feel comfortable with seeing the glimpses, or even with knowing that he is curious about what is under the skirt, so to speak. :smile:

  8. Lisa dear, it is simple! When wearing heels, your body changes the curvature. The ankles move into a different position, and the body just assumes a different shape. So the height of the heel, when shifting the balance point of the body, cannot translate into actual height gained. This is why wearing heels makes a woman look more attractive, as the experts say. Because the body takes on more dramatic curves. I know others can answer this with more detail, but consider it the evening news version of the answer, and not the 60 Minutes in depth documentary style.

  9. Wow, there is a good deal to reply to. One at a time, I guess. Dan - I have a cropped version of the picture, but I just decided to post whatever Crhis loaded from the camera. First impressions based on the original picture. As for the "yet" I am glad there is a winky after that. Luc - It takes me at most five minutes to adjust to being barefoot after a long day in heels. A shorter day, say eight hours or less, takes no time at all. To adjust, I keep most of my foot flat, and have my toes pointing up. They relax rather quick after that. There was a time when I first started out that did require lower heels for a time before going barefoot, but I have learned to go past that, I suppose. :smile: It's not so much a relief, but I was very much a barefoot child, as far as I can remember (which is not much). I like both extremes. Yamyam - there's nothing wrong with this particular North American car, lots of leg room for a goddess who enjoys it, and it does have some power. It also sounds great when displaying that power. I tend to find the driver to be the best part, naturally. :grin: Chris can answer some of the others if he likes.

  10. As I am the only one who wears them, I would much prefer that my partner by heels for me. :smile: I can see how social barriers can be broken when a woman shows public acceptance and support for her man's interest in high heels. So there is a good idea in this. But for me, I am selfish, and they are for me and me alone. His reward is being able to watch me try them on. :grin:

  11. I don't see a problem with the ratio of men to women here. After all, there are two groups for the men, with two different mind sets as is it. We have the wearers, who believe in fashion freedom. And we have the admireres, like my darling boyfriend, who just like to know there are some women out here who wear heels. And see them. And then we can look at the women, who here are pretty much wearers. But in each group, there are still differrent mind sets, and they break down into such specific groups. Some like platforms, some hate them. (evil platforms, grrrr!) Some are all about boots, others lust to see pumps, some prefer to slip into a pair of stiletto sandals. I do not see gender lines forming here, and I do not see men overpowering the women, despite the ratios. After all, some are looking to present as women from time to time, and they are certainly in a different mindset from those men who just like a pair of boots with a heel The whole idea of this Meeting Place is to bring unique individuals together to share in discussion of one common interest. High Heels. However, we all have different expressions of this interest, so right there we can see the diversity. To reduce it to men vs. women is not exactly fair to either gender. Maryanne, it is a shame that you feel you have to leave. I feel your posting is valuable, because we need more in the way of a unique viewpoint, and only by posting can it be expressed. It was great to see you posting, participating, and enlightening all of us. I have had a lot of people challenge me. Some have called me a fake, a man, a fantasy, and it did get me down. But I decided to stand up to it. People can be bullies, and we can smack them around in many ways, with words, by posting pictures, or just holding onto our beliefs and ideas and not letting them get us down. And if that doesn't work, Chris will be eager to go smack them around. He's a modern example of chivalry if I have ever seen one. He still opens the car door for me! (okay, I like to bring him up, don't hate me for it) Let's not be caught up in the idea of gender division, or of our Meeting Place as unfair to a certain group of participants. If people are being idiots, talk to one of the moderators. We do have rules, and we would like to make sure people act in a well behaved and respectful manner. This is a place for the individual to find a voice, a place for expression of ideas, and conversation. I hope we can examine the problems, deal with them, and continue to make this message board a place where people can feel free to visit and express their opinions. After all, we can hold to any opinion we like, but we should express it in a manner that respects all other participants. I for one am eager to fight for that, and keep our community together.

  12. In fact, I've had female co-workers at the office tell me they'd break their necks in the heels they've seen me wear, and they were dead serious about that too!

    I get this all of the time. Fellow co workers who tell me they would break necks, ankles, and other body parts. They cannot understand how I do what I do. I tell them that it is practice and that I can give them advice, but not many are willing to take me up on it.

    My friend Jen can wear some thicker heels with good height, and she makes jokes about me teaching her how to wear stilettos. I think I'll have to get her into it, at least for those special moments with her fiance.

    But you are right, Jeff, it is all about practice, and anyone can do this if they try.

  13. Brian mentioned stores, so I should comment. The boots are out, and wow, some nice ones, and stiletto heels are back, it seems. Three inch heels from the looks of it. Every store has one or two styles with a stiletto, in addition to a few sculpted styles and the thicker heels. So variety seems to be in, and maybe I can get something for winter walking that still looks stylish. It all depends on how good I would look getting out of that Mustang, I guess. :smile: Boots would do it, certainly.

  14. White shoes get a LOT of attention, even for me. White stands out a lot. So be prepared for looks, stares, questions, and compliments. Of course, five and a half inch stilettos earned me more comments at work than any other pair, and you may not be going that high. Still, it would be fun. They get a good deal of attention from chris when I wear them, anyway. :smile:

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