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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Wearing anything less than four inch heels feels wrong for me these days. If I wear runenrs, I find myself walking very poorly, because they don't excite me. But apart from that, I need a four inch heel to feel normal, and a five inch heel to feel happy. It is strange how a body adapts sometimes.

  2. Sometimes I visit it, sure, but not that often these days. I have found that I am actually getting to sleep at decent times with a broken computer. I feel bad about uising my sister's for too long. And I like to go out, this is easy without the lure of the computer. I have a life, in a way. it's strange! I do more than just go to work! But on the down side, I haven't been writing. Maybe it is time to try and fix the computer. Writing matters!

  3. Well, a friend has black and grey, I think that is a great pattern. Red and silver would be nice, or all silver. I think silver is great, and a bit more visible. And of course, I would wear all black. Or black and another colour that complimented my bike. it all depends on whether or not I pick up a riding suit or get leather.

  4. Too much horror, not enough encouragement! The general rule as a rider is this - ride like you're invisible, because for most people, you are. Drivers are bad, but the idea of a bike is not to use it for riding on crowded highways, it is to take it to places where there is not much traffic and enjoy the feeling the ride gives. I know the dangers involved, but I still need to try it. As for not seeing me on a sport bike, and on a harley, it's not going to happen. I only like sport bikes, I think Harleys look... crude in a way. I need a bike that would suit my personality. And there is more than leather for protection. However, I think the best idea is just to learn slow and become a good rider. It is dangerous, yes, that is part of the thrill. But it only becomes dangerous and harmful if people ride that way. A good rider is a safe rider, and doesn't mess around in traffic.

  5. I really like silver as the colour for the lining. I am not sure why. And it has nothing to do with clouds or be being positive. Silver just goes well with every colour. And seeing the shiny silver sinde some of my shoes, it makes me wish I had a pair of silver stiletto pumps. Something to save for...

  6. I have heard a few very digusting terms about motorcycle accidents, a small band once took their name from the remembrance of a scene. To dramatically and equivocally define why protectice gear is important (you need your lid, your leathers, and anything else you can afford), here is the name of the band. 300 feet of face. Yes, it makes me cringe, but it explains why safety is so important. I have a friend who wears an armoured spine because there is no reason to take chances, no matter how good you are.

  7. Yes Francis, you can count on a picture of a blonde stiletto goddess standing in front of her sweet Gixxer. Stellah, as for "costumes" they are in a way, but they don't generally have a fetish look to them. Since am only starting out I don't know much abuot how one feels, and haven't tried a bike in stilettos. But I do know that the gear is important, wearing leather saves lives and skin. :smile:

  8. I don't put high heels on an equal playing field, I just wear them an enjoy. I take advantage of my feet, especially now since they have anm advantage of being a bit longer that the average. Sure, my height is also higher than that of an average woman, and then the heels make me tower over some, but who said life was fair? My only goal is to make sure that life is fun! :smile:

  9. Gee, Fox, I like your attitude towards the heels on the bike, and you are right about the controls... hey, if it can be done, we all know I'll be the one to find out. My sister whom I live with thinks that I shuold not be getting into bikes, because it's more of a guy thing and the image that comes with it could be bad. But then, if guys here are looking to be guys and wear heels, why can't this high heeled goddess get herself a nice silver GSX-R1000 one day when she's good at it? :smile:

  10. Windows "update". Why it nags me to run this horrid thing all of the time is beyond me. As a result, my computer died. This may be the last diary for a while. I am using my sister's computer for now, but the settings make everything different for the web sites I like, and none of what I need is on her computer. I doubt this will end up being posted on Jenny's board because of that. This will have to be quick, but I will do my best to relate to you how the heels went this week. Monday, the cookie day, in which everyone told me how good my cookies were. I believe I wore my black velvet stilettos. I was happy and in the groove of things. Even the unattainable biker boy was happy with the milk chocolate and peanut butter chip creations. I miss those cookies now that they are all gone... Tuesday - same black velvet stilettos, about ten hours in them, I believe. Nothing exciting to report, just eating more home baked cookies of goodness. Wednesday - the day that made me borrow a computer for this diary - five and a half inch white stiletto pumps, with the same white capri pants and pale mauve blouse that I wore it with a few weeks ago. Nine hours in these shoes, and I feel that I have recovered in full from the camping break. And the comments! I was able to be in my own office, wearing these high heels were I belonged, and everyone was noticing. I knew people were staring as I walked about, I had to deal with customers, they made comments When I was around the reps dealing with the customers in person, people noticed and commented. Someone looked behind the counter there where I was to get a better view. Conclusion - white shoes with stiletto heels stand out! Thursday - back to the black velvets. A day off, for the doctor (a checkup with my GP, everything is fine) and time with my mother. When not using the straps, the back part of the shoe extends upward, making the shoe look very high indeed. my mother actually said "Wow, those shoes are high!" and that was followed by "I am sure I had a pair just like them at one time". Twelve hours, five inch heels, hot feet. :smile: Friday - sandals are important, and on a more casual day, the usually uncasual Laurie was in her four inch stiletto sandals. With a black skrit and a light blue sleeveless top, It was still a classy way to look a bit dressed down on a day when everyone else chose to wear jeans. I would wear jeans if I owned a pair. I suppose it might be safe enough for me to buy a new pair now that my waist line is settling back to an acceptable measure of self dignity. :grin: Saturday - the same sandals again. I had to work, quite early, and those sandals were nice when things turned hot. And I wore them again today, Sunday, when I went with my sister for groceries. I would write more, but I need to finish up. I may be scarce as my computer freezes as Windows starts to load up. None of my meddling has worked so far. Time to wait for work on Tuesday and hasrass the techies for help. I will not wipe out the drive and start again. I need my writing from that computer. My plan over the next two days was to work on mk story and save everything to a floppy. And idea full of glory and greatness, cut short several hours before the implementation. So diary #30 may be the last for some time. I hope to be up and running in a week, but who knows. For now, motorcycles cloud my mind, and a desire for writing consumes my heart. Neither can be handled right now, and I find the prospect of being unable to work on my writing as the most depressing event since.... finding out biker boy was taken? Maybe even more so. Writing is my life, my passion, my need. I suppose it will be time to take pen to notebook, in a slow scribbled attempt to save my sanity through the only outlet that truly makes my soul sing. But writing this has helped so far tonight. I think I can read a book and relax for the rest of the evening now! Tomorrow, I'll panic. :grin: Like I ever panic... (If there are typing and spelling errors, forgive me, I did a very quick edit, time was limited)

  11. Owning a bike and nothing else is a privlidge for the young. At older ages, we all need a cage for the mundane tasks. it is the bike that sets us free every now and then. That is what I am looking for, those few hurs of freedom, a few times every week, to set me free from the cage, from the boring, slow paced life. Driving a car takes skill, yes, but it is even more exciting to have some HPs under you for a fun ride. Yamyam, a bike for you wuold be a great escape, for those times when you have just yourself to please, those rare hours where you can find the pleasure and freedom of being alone in the wind.

  12. I don't think I am going to push whatever bike I end up getting to such high Kph, not for years, anyway. As for the protective gear, we'll have to see how it goes. Can a pair of high heeled boots be worn to ride? I don't know. Certainly I have seen it recommended that a pair of boots with a blockier two inch heel be used by anyone riding a bike, and I have seen it when watching people ride while I've been crusing about in my cage. The bikes are usually cruisers, some choppers. Sport pilots usually get the full gear going. Calv, I am sure we have Triumph bikes in Canada. As for me being poured into leathers, right now I still feel like I'll have to be stuffed into them. :smile: Highluc - Prince is some short guy who likes Purple. I'm a tall blonde. :grin: But if it can be done, I think I'll find out. Dexter - Wow, sweet looking ride, I am a bit envious. I know that once I take a rider course I won't be up to anything 600 to start (everything I read says try a 250, at most something 500, no more until the skill is perfected). My goal is something like a Suzuki GSX R1000, which a friend of mine has and I just think looks great. And he rides it well. I am upset with him for getting married soon. :grin: Heels and bikes might not be wise. I will find out as I learn, I guess. I will not be taking any risks to find out, mind you. A quick trip to the store on the bike, say a two block ride there and back, would be a way to try it out and see how it goes. But all of this will have to wait for two things. One - I need a new Cage, er, car first. Two - Spring time in Canada. Learning to ride and then not riding for the winter would be bad for a beginner.

  13. Yes, yes, taller, soon... someone drop some money from the sky already If I had money I'd be picking up six inchers and wearing them often and working in a pair of sevens, or rather, working myself in for sevens. But I am discovering other interests in life, shoes may not be the only thing for me to drop money on. Give me time.

  14. Okay, so I decided that I would like to be one of those rare women who are into motorcycles. But before the image of a Harley riding biker babe emerges, that is not me. My personal preference is for super sport bikes. This is what I will aspire to ride, and indeed I will work towards owning one. So I thought I would start this topic so people could discuss things about motorcycles if they so desired. Talk about your preferences, if you ride, don't ride, if you have an interest, what type of bikes you like... and if you think a girl could wear heels with riding a bike, and I don't mean as a passenger. For me, I like super sports, they suit me. Sleek, powerful, zipping along without that awful rumbling sound... this is what I would love to do. How about you?

  15. I don't post here often enough, so... light blue sleeveless blouse with tiny dark blue flowers on it, a black knee length skirt, and four inch stiletto sandals. This is what I wear on a casual Friday. Not very casual, I know...

  16. I have made the decision to take motorcycle riding lessons, likely in the spring since autumn is almost here and I know such classes can fill up in advance. Barb Wire, I know of the character, and I think I have more brains than that. Valkyrie high heeled goddess on a super sport bike, trying not to go down while riding amongst the cages. A more modern view, sure. I think Super Laurie will certainly ride a fancy super sport, probably a Suzuki.

  17. Pepsi Blue looks like windscreen washer fluid. I might try it if it were free, but I would have to sniff at it first, to make sure someone was not playing a trick on me. Frightening what people create these days. I have had vanilla coke, I think it has a nice after taste. My niece says she hates it. *shrug* I'll have regular old coca cola any day, and in massive quantities, please!

  18. Francis, yes, those sound great, perfect for being a motorcycle star one day... goddess on a bike, in laced up boots... Trollie - side lacers? I never thought about it, but wow, they look snazzy. Curse my timing, the big paycheque shows up when I need to pay rent! As for platforms... TXT, I'll pretend I didn't see anything and maintain the peace :smile:

  19. Being in a silly mood, because here it is pay day and it was good, um, Highluc, get your own diary! :smile: Heehee Don't mind me, whatever keeps the threads and the board going is fine. I hope to have a collection that fills at least one house some day. But my interests are beginning to diversify, so it may take a while...

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