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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Yeah. I am not into it today. But we all know how I get, I say this, and then type up some really long diary. So give me a moment, forgive my momentary lapse of creativity, and we'll be into the diary in a moment. Monday turned out to be a day off for me. It had been sad on Sunday, having to go home. But Monday was a new day. It was a day for boots, like most days seem to be now. Four and a quarter oinch stiletto heels are almost too easy these days. But the boots are nice. Tuesday and Wednesday were very much the same day, five inch velvet stilettos, long hours in them, at least ten both days, and not a problem to show for it. This is lacking some challenge here! A day when five inch heels are just something on my feet? Thursday, Friday and Saturday were boot days again. The weather isn't as nice now, and the boots are very comfortable for wearing. Short skirts, long skirts, both work well. I have a pair of stockings that used to be heavy black tights. A bit of scissor work transformed them into something comfortable to wear. They look great with the boots. And I can wear the boots for twelve hours easily, even fourteen, and my feet are just fine. The challenge is vanishing now, I am as comfortable at these heights as I am being flat footed. Today is Sunday, I am lazing about, just wondering about life, missing my man, and trying to think of something I can do for dinner. I'll wear the boots, mot likely. They're great to wear, easy to wear, but then, that leads me to my next point. Chris and I have had some discussion about it, and it is about time I started to go higher. No more putting it off. Six inch heels are something I need to get. The fact that he has a glass coffee table makes me nervous. So we'll see, and hopefully I'll have a pair by the end of the year. I'll have to cut this short, and I apologize for that. But to the main point of the comment here, I think I was missing some motivation in this goal I set for myself. I lost track of it. The whole idea was to work my way up to try out seven inch stiletto heels, just to see if it could be done. I think I may get back on track for that. It isn't the focus of my life, but it could still be something I can try, and something I can prove. And I have someone to share that with now.

  2. I am sure that it wouldn't be a problem for some of us to wear those on the street, with regards to being noticed. A woman in heels is rare enough, no one will single us out for the height, we'll just be looked at for the fact that we aren't like other women. Men wearing them outside might have a different time of it, but then I cannot comment there. I am thinking that seven inch heels aren't really the best style for walking around in public, of course. The mobility would be limited to the point of being unable to get anywhere at a decent speed. But it would be fun to try!

  3. It's difficult for you not to miss those shoe stores when I am dragging you into them and being critical of the heel heights on the new styles. Of course, the one place there that carries shoes by Jante was a good one to go into, at least we know there's an option for purchasing something. Pictures could be a very good idea, if done properly. :smile:

  4. At first, yes, but once they are worn in, no not really. Leather is easier to break in, I admit that. It's better that way, really. :smile: But a girl of my means settles for what she can get for shoes. Thankfully, I didn't have to settle when it came to a man. I held out and found a great one. :grin: Yes, I know, but I have to express how I feel. Leather shoes don't matter quite as much when compared to that.

  5. I am not tipsy often, drunk even less often than that, but for me, the alcohol made walking a bit more of a challenge. But then, it is the same challenge for me in high heels as it would be if I were in low heels and flats. If I am drinking that is. It's not the balance, it is managing to go in the right direction. I only had three inch heels at my last company Christmas party, and it wasn't easy, and about the same when I had my alcohol night with work at a local sports bar, when I won the racing contest fastest lap honours while wearing five inch stilettos. We're all different, I guess.

  6. Live, from the apartment of Chris, this week's edition of the training diary. I figured I would write this a bit earlier today, because I'll be busy running around later on. It will be brief, as I am kind of, well, distracted. Monday was an interesting day at work. A very happy Laurie was working out of a different office, and wearing five inch stiletto pumps in black patent. She can strut her stuff like no one else, some days. It wasn't a long day, maybe ten hours in these shoes. Tuesday was a velvet day, five inch heels all day long, I don't remember how many hours, but work went well enough. Wednesday was the same, a relatively calm day at work, five inch black velvets, maybe twelve hours in them that day. Easy stuff for a goddess, I am thinking. Where is the challenge these days? Thursday I decided to be a bit different, and wore my four and a quarter inch ankle boots with a short skirt, black stockings, trying to look a bit, hrm, I don't know, just good I guess. It was the day our north office lerned we were having an inspection, and that meant "EVERYTHING" had to be cleaned. Wearing a shorter skirt and trying to go through stacks of binders that are on the floor, this is a very bad idea. Friday... oops, distraction, sorry, where was I... Friday, yes, back to the boots again, with pants, and I managed seventeen hours in them. That's quite the long time, I know. My friend Jen and I were going on a road trip, both of our boyfriends live in the same city a short distance away. So after a few hours of two scandinavian girls telling blonde jokes, we were here. I am sad to report the fishnet stockings I was wearing under my pants did not fare well, seventeen hours pretty much put holes in them all over. My last pair. *sniff* Saturday I kept to the boots. Chris and I were going to spend a lot of time walking around the world's largest mall, or that's the claim, anyway. I'll say it's an accurate one. We walked around for about four hours, and the boots did not give me a moment of trouble. Nothing. Just happy walking time with, between you and me, this amazing guy. And today, being Sunday, five inch black velvet stilettos. Just for tooling about the town before Jen and I have our blonde joke telling road trip home. Yes, I know... Last week I was very excited about telling everyone that I had found someone in my life. Someone who likes the fact I wear heels, but likes everything else about me as well. And this week, all I can say, is that I think I'll have to keep him. Anyone out there who would write me e-mails hoping it is not working out, well, I don't think anything could ever make that happen. I like that people are happy for me, and I am happy as well. Oh, and Chris, I left out a few things, a few things that could be considered impressive, involving a certain white pair of shoes. Since you are the witness, you'll have to tell people, if you feel like sharing. You could just keep it quiet and torture everyone...

  7. If we were all honest people, then we'd never have to fear anything with regards to information being stolen. We run the board in that way, honest and open, but some of our visitors might not be, and that causes our potential members to feel that the internet can be a predatory place. But by forcing people to register, we can then ensure that the bad element does not go around under a mask of anonymity. Freedom is precious, and must be balanced in some way to ensure it remains. Otherwise, it degenerates into anarchy. That's so not cool. :smile:

  8. My bank does not offer any of those services, I checked into it. And to have a credit card, one must have credit, and the only way to earn credit anywhere else is to have a credit card. I have decided I need a savings account that I never touch, and I'll build up that way. The bank can see me hoarding money and then need a way to make me spend it, and what better way than with their credit cards?

  9. While Chris and I were at the movies, we happened to have an interesting reaction to a scene in the film. Without ruining the movie, I will set it up. Lucy Liu's character, Sever, enters a room filled with guns, and Antonio Banderas, who plays Ecks, follows her inside. He asks her "Where did you get all of the ordinance?" She replies "Some women collect shoes..." Needless to say Chris and I looked at one another with big smirks on our faces, because yes, some women do collect shoes. :smile: And some men appreciate that. (I hope I remember the lines the right way. Thank goodness for the edit feature)

  10. Well, heelsonline closed down. So I have to find a new way to buy myself shoes. Should I dare try to build a savings account, make the bank think that I am nice, and actually end up with a credit card? It may come to that. Shoes can only be repaired so many times, after all. Time to plan, time to plan. If anyone has any thoughts about places in Canaa that could provide some great shoes for me, I am eager to learn about them!

  11. I think it would be better if shot on a sunny day on an outdoor court, something asphault, for better litting and more difficult terrain. A broken down playground would showcase my abilities that much more. Why not push it to the limit? And it would preserve the flooring in the gymnasium. I won't say anything else, I do not wish to be held to anything. Chris, I think we need a camera...

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