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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. The picture will be at the bottom...

    Monday was thanksgiving, and to run back and forth in the early afternoon I wore stilettos. The running was really about driving a car. I wore my patent stilettos first, and switched into the velvet stilettos afterwards. The velvets are more comfortable to wear, and despite the height being the same five inches or so, they feel like they are easier to wear. Go figure. It was a very nice Thanksgiving at my mother's place.

    Tuesday at work was another day for the velvets, and so was Wednesday. They were long days, especially Tuesday which made it to about thirteen hours in five inch stilettos. It's child's play sometimes... but my feet can get a bit tired at the end of the day, and it is nice to be barefoot after that. It only takes a few minutes to feel better after those thirteen hours lead to tired muscles. That is a very reassuring sign.

    Thursday was a day for boots. With black opaque stockings and a short skirt, it made for quite the sharp outfit. I wore the boots for about twelve hours.

    Friday was back with the boots, and a new pair of jeans. I haven't had jeans for a while, due to feeling my old pairs would not fit right. But I decided it was about time to get a new pair. I would fit my old ones again now, but I donated them to charity in a fit of fashion depression. I should have known better. It will take some time to get these jeans looking perfect.

    It was a long day, as my sister and I went shopping. So it was about thirteen and a half hours in the boots. After the bookstore and a good deal of walking and standing, I realized I did need a rest. Or to keep up a good pace when walking. That always helps my feet feel better if they are tired. I think that increases blood flow and helps restore energy.

    Saturday. Well, Saturday can't really have too much in the way of details. Chris and I had a good day, we drove around, went to lunch, and I did wear the white five and a half inch stilettos, matched with blue jeans and a white top. Don't believe me? Chris took a picture!

    Posted Image

    This was taken on a small road going from Calgary to the small town of Bragg Creek. Yes, that is his car. I couldn't have a boyfriend who drove anything less than a sporty car, after all. Could I?

    After that point, I really don't feel like writing much more. It's late and I could use some sleep. But I may have a few more pictures to post...

    We shall see!

  2. Don't expect a female soldier to be wearing stilletto heels and charge up a hill with full combat gear. :smile:

    I agree with that, but there are going to be a few guys at the very least who would love to see that.

    I am not volunteering. :grin:

  3. Fox is right, it is about proportion. For taller women with long toes, it means a larger size. And that translates into the ability to wear higher heels. Provided we can find them. And of course, for the males here who wear heels, they tend to have larger feet and thus can manage the higher heels as well. Perspective. It's very interesting.

  4. I only enjoy leaving heel marks in the snow. It makes for interesting foorprints, and if you don't know the height of the heel, the prints make it look like a very small footprint. As for damaging surfaces, it is not something I find appealing. Someone worked hard to install that hardwood floor and get it right, and in an hour I can destroy it by walking all over it. It doesn't seem right, somehow.

  5. Well, Bubba, I think it's pretty rotten to have your first point illustrate that she is not a member of our community. Should that matter? If we go on the fact that she is a human being, and that she has been through something difficult, even horrible from her perspective, should we say "we can't help bceause she's not a member". Regardless of whether or not she posts here again, we should still be supportive in her progression towards being a survivor. Sure, she will need some time with a therapist to sort through the events, but human beings can be helped by knowing a larger group of people care about the individual. Who are we to decide whether or not she will be receptive? Why should we let that stop us from trying to offer our support? I say we should offer it, and then let her make the decision, instead of judging the situation in advance. All she needs to know is that people are there who feel bad for what has happened, and in turn, will offer comfort and supprt should she choose to accept it. If she doesn't, that is her decision, yet I think we should still make the effort to offer that support.

  6. "If" I am to be believed? It's downright obvious that women think in different ways than men. I can hold a double standard and make it work, after all. :smile: Okay, that's a joke, everyone relax. I always had a certain ideal for the man I wished to be with in my life. He had to embody certain qualities. The shoes are my thing, and I didn't want my man to be into that, beause I am selfish. But for men in general, they can do whatever they like. I am not dating them, after all, and I am not forming that intimate connection with them. Thus, I do not feel threatened, and I encourage them in doing what they like to do. I have found someone who is very much the embodiment of my list of ideals. I am lucky. I am most certainly going to keep him. :grin: With regards to Janise, well, she had the experience she did, and has left an imprint on her. She can only know what she has experienced so violently at this point. She obviously held a similar idea to mine, then, in that she wished to be with a man who was not into a certain aspect she was into. When she expressed this, it went poorly, and she has been left with an imprint she cannot remove with any ease. It is for us to show sympathy to her plight, and try to remove the scars of the assault. That means caring and understanding, and a willingness to acknowledge that she went through something bad. Our goal, maybe, should be to help her be a survivor, not a victim, well before we try to show her that not all men in heels are bad. There should be a natural progression to some things. Women think differently from men, yes, so we need a different approach in helping Janise get over what has happened. Let's not sit there and tell her not all men who wear heels are this way when all she knows is that a man in heels has hurt her. Let's heal the hurt first, then move on to change the perceptions.

  7. In Canada, this is thanksgiving weekend. Work is giving me time off for once, I actually will have a holiday free of work tomorrow. This is good news, which we will get to... Last Monday, it seems like a blur, far away, but I can try and remember. I drove to work, I know I wore five inch heels, they had to be the black velvets. I love those shoes. They can pick up a bit of dust and lint, but they take abuse better than a patent finish, certainly. And they are easier to repair. It was a typical day, maybe ten hours. Tuesday I had the day off. I didn't do much except for some sleeping and cleaning, so I wore my four and a quarter inch ankle boots when I did have to go out. They're comfortable, functional, and being leather, they handle whatever I throw at them. Wednesday had me back in my velvet stilettos, but after arriving at my mother's place for a quick visit before I went off to work, I fell ill, and I called in sick. I looked good, with a short skirt, stockings, and those stiletto pumps, but it was a shame that I was not feeling well and that I needed to avoid work that day to recover. After all, looking good should be shared with the world sometimes... Thursday I was back to work, still a bit ill here and there, but not to the point of being unable to work. I had walked to work in Reeboks and I wore my black velvet stilettos again. They really are great shoes to wear. I only needed them for about nine hours, however. Friday was a strange day. It was snowing when I woke up. On Thursday my sister and I suspected our car was broken, since a large cloud of smoke came from the engine when I started it in the morning. So I was forced to walk on Friday despite it being a rather early shift. I wore my Reeboks, thinking that the weather called for something flat, but that was a mistake. My boots would have fared much better, as the Reeboks quickly clogged up in the treads with the wet and slushy snow falling from the sky. I wore my four and a quarter inch heeled boots to go home. My feet were happy enough when I arrived at the apartment. And it was easier since I had switched into those boots for work. All I was required to do was walk out the door at the end of the day. The boots are not the best for ice, but I have good balance and I managed to choose my steps carefully. So on Saturday morning, I walked to work again, in the ankle boots. Now this makes the walk a bit longer, from 22 minutes to about 30 minutes, and it does wear down the heel tips quite a bit faster than I would like. Overall, I had about twelve hours in those boots that day, which involved a good deal of walking. I had Reeboks with me, just in case, but I did not need them. Today is Sunday, a restful day, and I may spend it barefoot. I have a number of things to do, and it feels as if there is little time to do them. But I will overcome, as always. Now, two things. The first being, there are new shoes. Sent to me as a gift from a reader, I really do enjoy them. They are black leather stilettos, with a heel that is almost five and a half inches in height. I have not measured them yet, but they appear to be around that mark. I have not worn them at work yet, as I still need to wear them at home a bit more to "work" them in. The second issue is one alluded to in the first few sentences of this week's diary. My company has upgraded my status, which eternally frees me from the rare threat of working on a Sunday, as well as ensuring that most holidays are now days off, not days worked. The nature of my job will not change, but paid vacations are a nice perk I need to aim for quite soon. :smile: It is a promotion in a way, but it is not anything that gives me more authority than I have already assumed with the company's blessing, or more responsability. It is very much like a reward for me, and I do appreciate it. So it was a good week. I may be a bit later in posting next week's diary, I will be, well, suitably distracted all weekend long. Let's leave it at that. I am not sure what will make it into the diary, but we'll see... and Chris, we need a camera!

  8. They are very stylish, perfect for the office environment when someone would like to show a bit of flare. Now, for you it is only about the shoes, but maybe we can discuss accessorizing. Do you wear a belt with a silver buckle, maybe a silver coloured watch? You see, you need to accent the silvery zipper with other things you are wearing. But that's off topic... They look great, and you found them at Payless, which startles me. Blade heels are nice, and the height is impressive considering the source. I do admit, they are not a pair that would go with my image, I have become a stiletto girl, pretty much. But the pair you have there look good. I am glad you are receiving so many compliments on them.

  9. I love capri pants, and they go very well with stiletto sandals. :smile: It is closed minded to think that because an idea comes from fishing, it cannot be taken and turned into something both comfortable and fashionable. After all, we do have fishnet stockings, right? Now I am not saying every aspect of fishing life should be turned into a fashion, but capri pants certainly work well for me.

  10. I once heard somewhere that shoe models are usually around size six or seven. While I cannot confirm this, it certainly seems to make sense if that is the average sizer. Although I think the average size for women is 8, since that's what I see most of in stores. Ten? Higher? Well, amazonian women do need such large sizes, and they are preferred for being models on the runway. But if they prefer women with smaller feet, then wearing the higher heels would not be as easy for, oh, someone like me, I guess.

  11. It's what made us go to lunch one day. After all, he's a reader of the forums, a friend, a customer who has quite a number of services from the company I work for... What happened after that just became... magical. I had no idea about what would happen, and now, I'll never wish to let it go. Certainly the forums are partly involved in all of this. Being a moderator here has helped, posting the diaries has helped, and being a quick typer, well, that has been the most important thing.

  12. Why Black? Because it embodies the best of everything! Goes with everything, can never violate the stocking rule (do not wear stockings that are darker than the shoes) and they're just sexy. They look, well, cool!

  13. I'm not yet to the point where I'll say "whatever Chris thinks I look best in" but that day may arrive... For me, sexy is stockings and stiletto pumps, that's all there is to it. Yes I end up feeling like a sexy girl every day, that's fine with me. But certainly, a pair of stiletto sandals with bare legs and a short skirt works, or capris. I had a few whistles when walking in stiletto sandals and a pair of capri pants over the summer.

  14. I believe I did see something incredible when I logged in today. 500 users? More than 500? I mean, registered users? Normally I don't go to the bottom of the page if I am not logging in. But it is nice to log in and be official about seeing what I may have missed lately. And there it was, a count above 500 for registered users. Even if there are a few repeats and test accounts, the number matters most. We are over 500! That means 500 people, more or less, give or take, thoght this board was worth the small amount of time it requires to become a member. I can't wait for 1000!

  15. Seeing the pictures here really makes me hope I can obtain a pair of those wonderful shoes and give them a try. I don't think they'd be practical for wearing at the office, but they would be a lot of fun to try out, and I have someone to make sure I don't fall over. :smile:

  16. Stu, thanks. :smile: It's nice to know people can put into perspective just what I have done and not look at where I have left to go. However, one tiny issue. "and you got a boyfriend out of this to boot" I think finding Chris has a lot more to do with fate than the fact that I choose to wear certain shoes. It's a little bit more than just getting a boyfriend. It's finding happiness, really. Yet I am only picking on that point because I can, not because there is anything particularly wrong with what you are saying. Besides, posting is good. I don't do enough of that. All in all, things are exceptional right now. :grin:

  17. That's not something I can wear to work. The street our building is on has an unfortunate reputation at night, as a place where women use their bodies for money. I'd rather not send my reputation in that direction. Besides, "Hooker boots" is a phrase used quite often by people in various offices for our company, and it's not exactly the type of flattery I am looking for. :smile: But they are nice... I can see myself with a whip when wearing them.

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