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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Jante heels, from what I can tell of my clear heeled sandals, are reinforced. So I think they are sturdy enough for long days of walking around. As time goes on in my life, more exspensive shoes will come along, sure, lots of leather, mostly black. A thin six inch heel would be tricky, we all know this, but with the right design on the inside, the heel shold serve me well. It will be a matter of developing the tendons into the correct position. And yes, Yamyam, that would be nice if that were the only problem, finding the preferred height in patent. :smile:

  2. My computer suffered that dreaded fate we all fear. The reformat. It does have me back on the internet at my own computer, but I am missing a number of programs, MP3s and my writing is gone, as well as many web camrea pictures. There is a sense of loss, but also a sense of excitement at being able to rebuild what I had. Shoes, let's talk about shoes. Monday was a black velvet day. The heel tips were starting to go on these shoes, but I wore them all day anyway, a nice sharp metallic clicling echoed across the foyer when I cut across it during my day. After work, it was off to pick up my two pairs of patents from the repair, and it was like a reunion with old friends. I was into one pair right away, and I left the velvets for a fitting of new tips. Tuesday I decided to dress for the weather a bit, as it was warm. And I was walking to work that day. My four inch black patent sandals, a short black skirt, light blue tank top and black short sleeved dress jacket. This was matched with metallic blue poilish for finger and toe nails. I was very pleased with the look. Wednesday meant that with the black patents being mine again, I had to wear them. And that is what I did! The tips needed a good day at work, walking around and being worn down a bit, to remove the too smooth surface on the bottom of the rubber. It worked out well, and I wore them for at least ten hours that day. It was also the day of the boots.... Thanks to Firefox who managed to work some magic, I ended up with a wonderful pair of leather boots. Lace up ankle boots, pointy toe, four and a quarter inch heel. They are great. Thursday was a day off. So four inch black sandals were the order of the day, and in the afternoon, with one of my sisters and my mother, a walk in one of the many communities in Calgary. We had gone for a great lunch, then over to an area where there are many antique and knick knack shops. I walked around in the four inch heels without any problems as we took our time exploring the small shops and stopping for coffee in a Harley themed diner. Work had a department meeting that night, with pizza provided. I had made rice krispie squares the night before, while wearing the boots, mind you, and everyone loved them. I did not change into the boots for the Thursday night meeting, however, it was just too hot outside. Friday had me back at work, and I decided it was a day for boots. I had these new boots and I wanted to wear them! So I walked to work in them, wore them all day, even with my bruised toe hurting, and I wore them for the walk home. I had them off for an hour, and then, back on to go out to dinner at our club. Danish Canadian Clubm not some disco palace. I wore the boots for maybe fourteen hours that day. My feet were tired, and my bruised toe was not happy. But after a night of sleep, my feet felt fine, and Saturday I decided I would drive to work (it was cold!) and wear these wonderful leather boots with a long black skirt, a light blue t-shirt and a black sweater. It was a casual yet stylish look for work that day. My feet felt fine all day. My friend Chris came around to visit me at lunch (this is what I get for having friends who are also customers, they can find me any time) and we hung out and relaxed, which was a nice break from that really busy day I was having. It was grunt day as I call it, sitting and taking payments, being more of a sales agent than my normal problem solver self. It was one of those days where I thought I could leave early, and then some problem for the company owner came up (seems he was refitting his condo with equipment and could not get his digital services to get a certain financial channel) so it was Laurie to stay late and fix everything. I am so glad I drove. Today is Sunday, and likely I'll wear the boots again, on a quick trip to the grocery store for a few provisions. My dear sister is sick, and living with her means I am going to take care of her. At times like these, I wish I had a nurse's outfit, or at least the hat. I do have the white stiletto pumps for it... It was a great week. I mean, boots, dinner with family, lunch with friends, and everyone loves it when I make treats for dessert. Life is good. I might actually be popular one of these days...

  3. I jump a bit higher, and I do multiple jumps, in that I do three or four in a row. And I can do it on one foot. As in, jump from two land on one AND jump on one land on one. I did jumping jacks in heels once. About five of them. But the jumping jacks were in five inch heels only. And yes, the karate kick in four inch heels. I only do those when wearing pants, for obvious reasons, and generally only wear skirts with higher heels, so I think it's time to mix it up and practice. I've also climbed a ladder at work. That was with a skirt on and I didn't stay up there for long. It's tricky stuff. The step stool is easier to handle in heels, not as far up to go!

  4. Everyone knows me for my shoes, so going up in height will just be following the expectations of my co workers and dazzling them with the ability. I just fish it was easier to find a pair of six inch heels in my price range that did not come in patent only. I quite like velvet.

  5. Well, Turbo, if the news reports the negative aspects of America and that isn't all there is to it, maybe the news needs to report some positive aspects as well. Tragedy makes the news, of course. I think the need here then is to have international media report on the good things with regards to America, not just the bad. Then our perceptions may change and your argument will have that extra bit of proof to stop the controversy here :smile: I am sure we have had attempts at forming a militia group in modern day Canada, but I can't see the group standing up to the government past the start of hockey season, or for that matter, past the first fresh batch of morning donuts at the Tim Hortons. :grin:

  6. five and a half isn't so bad, but six is going to be tough. I can see my mobility and speed reduced somewhat when I get there. And getting there is a matter of money for shoes, and finding the shoes in stock. I don't keep up with people who walk fast in my heels, but I make a good pace at work at five inches and do okay with the extra half inch. We'll have to see... Practical experience is the best means to test the truth

  7. Okay. Time to jump back in. One, I put down a towel in my car when I wear heels for driving, and I have driven in heels up to five and a half inches. The towel protects the shoes. If I am wearing my reeboks, I put the towel under my seat. I learned the hard way about damaging shoes. I did not use the towel for my favourite sandals because of the clear plastic heels. They are tough and take the abuse without looking damaged. But I did wear off the fabric on the very back end of the sole above the heel. In winter, things get bad here, but we'll see how winter goes with multiple towels, changed often to keep the car clean.

  8. Thanks, PC! I have come to realize that the attitude has more to do with being a high heeled goddess than the shoes themselves. So you're quite right. Special person all my own? Certainly different. WHat you see here is what I am in real life, as well. Not just acting for the camera. Competition is not something I get a good deal of, because I am so far out there already, that no one can catch up! :smile:

  9. Turbo, your patriotism is certainly running rampant. However, I must point out that many immigrants choose to stay in Canada as well. I've been to America, several times, several places, and honestly, I like where I live. People choose to move many places around the world. Moving to America means becoming an American, living an american dream. I can't see how this is so great, in a country where diversity is frowned upon outside of ethnic restaurants and people form their own militias because they do not trust their own government. America has some good things about it, sure, but no one country is the end all and be all of great living. Our world is a mess, and that which we can do is simply live our individual lives as best we can and treat others with dignity and respect. Ultimately, if America feels that Iraq is a threat, they'll go and showcase the military might by invading for humanitarian reasons. Troops need combat experience, and Americans seem to approve of kicking bottom on those considered evil and up to no good. It's quite convenient. Certainly a war is a different alternative to just working out differences that go back 1000 years and many wars, but who is to say that war is a better alternative? Understand the root of the problem, and the problem can be solved. I don't think anyone is looking to see how far back this issue can go. 1096 C.E. springs to mind.

  10. Terayon, um, I don't find bodily wate products to be particularly fun and enjoyable, so I take issue with your choice of words. It's nice you have such toys at your tender age, but, there have to be better ways to describe the level of enjoyment. Crude means and expressions lead to a crude life. Besides, "sweet ride" is generally the term used by anyone and everyone I know. :smile:

  11. Sort of gothy things? Not really goth, that look. Trust me, I know it all too well. Goth's look, well, dead! There's more of a victorian sense to the clothing at times. Sewatshirts with hoods, or hoodies as we call them, are more of a trendy thing right now. There is this growing movement about youth rebellion aruond bands that take a heavy rock sound, throw in a bit of rapping, a touch of techno, and make something new. But everyone does it now. This has nothing to do with the topic, so I'll stop now.

  12. Considering that one year has now passed us by since this strange and very disturbing event, or events rather, I thuoght I would revive the topic. How do we feel a year later? For me, if anything, there is moer of a sense of sadness for those people who were left without their loved ones. Children without parents, especially. But then, television here has been flooded with stories abuot these people the past few days, so hearing about the sad truth has been a bit omnipresent.

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