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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Julietta, thank you. I am glad you like my writings. That is why I write, so other people can enjoy. Do let everyone know how it goes when you give five inch heels a try! We're all going to be eager to hear about it. YamYam, um, no. I am not covering him in velvet. Chris will remain unmaligned in such a fashion. :lol: Any other comments are censored on my part.

  2. Forgive me for being cynical, but I could see those floating, as the rest of a person pointed straight down in the water. Step in, and suddenly, plunge down into the water. The wonderful cork of the shoes causes one's legs to be pulled, and the body spins 180 degrees. I am sure it would be a funny sight. Somehow I don't think it would work that way. :lol: heehee

  3. Why, thanks, and I will do my best! I was going to wear something different today, but that means going lower. But with this encouragement, I suppose I'll have to think of some way to fix the shoes today! Hrm... ... 5.5 inch heels all of the time at work. I definately need to start saving up for new shoes.

  4. I thought a new topic for the girls would be appropriate, as this section can be a bit quiet. So ladies, share with everyone, what do you prefer in footwear styles for the winter? And what type of outfits to do you prefer to wear these shoes with? We can branch this from work information into parties, weekend wear, and whatever you might like, but the idea is to get a picture of what we wear at work. Yes, winter means boots, but do you change once you get to work? I will post my reply a bit later, I just thought it would be nice to present a new idea for discussion. So, let's hear it, what do you wear at work for winter, and do you switch from boots to regular shoes once you reach the office, or do you wear boots all day long?

  5. Shy? We're not shy, we're playing in the forums, posting, debating, discussing, sometimes arguing... Join in! Just choose a place to start, and give us your opinion. All that matters is you take part in this place, and further the discussion. What you have to say is not as important as the fact that you are saying it. Just remember to play nice, and everything should be wonderful! :lol:

  6. There's a picture at the bottom. An old picture, but worth posting again for the black patent 5 1/4 inch stilettos.

    A comment was made to me during the week, that the two words most brought up in my diary are Chris and velvet. Well, I cannot help but bring up Chris, sure, but maybe the velvet word can have a bit of a break.

    It was back to work, 2003, and I do admit, I was not pleased to be there. It meant not being as close to Chris as I would prefer, naturally. Work is fine, though I did feel out of practice. That statement only applies to the job itself, of course, and not the shoes.

    If anything, I have had some great success with shoes in the past week.

    Monday, I wore my black patent five and a quarter inch stilettos, with a short black skirt, no stockings. It was very warm out, above 15c, so it was time to look good and show it.

    Tuesday, I decided it was time to just go higher for work as much as I could, and the black leather five and a half inch stilettos were what I wore. I put in a good ten hours in those shoes. The only drawback - it was a very early day, which meant I was driving to work. With it still being dark outside when I go there, I did switch into flat shoes to traverse the treachery of the never melting parking lot. A warm day followed by a cool night meant it was very much the ice rink.

    At the end of the day, I decided there was enough light, and I walked to my car in my stilettos. I did very well, even over the ice. I can't say that the metal tips helped any, but I managed with some slow and sturdy steps.

    Wednesday was a walking to work day, but the five and a half inch stilettos came with me. They snuck into by backpack, somehow. :lol: So add nine more hours at work in them. I tried to listen to the distinctive clicking of the metal tipped heels as I moved about the building. It certainly is different. Of course, similar sounds come from very different shoes, and I have no idea why. But I know I am getting some attention with my metallic clicking.

    Thursday seemed like another good day to wear the five and a half inch heels, so again, they went to work with me, and another nine hours of heel wearing with a lot of walking ensued.

    This is when I noticed a problem. All of this wearing and having the shoes feel so wonderful on my feet has resulted in the shoes now being a bit too big for me! With a five and a half inch heel, this is not a good thing.

    The heels of my feet are slipping out of the shoes as I walk, and on carpet, this is bad, as the heels are actually starting to point under the shoes. The back of the shoe isn't kept in place by my foot, so it can angle the heel the wrong way as the shoe flexes along the sole.

    The obvious solution is to get some heel slip guards, but I have looked in stores, and no one has any in stock right now. I may need to dig around and see what I have that I can use to make my own. I promise not to cut myself.

    I am glad that the shoes have been worked in to the point where they are extremely comfortable to wear, of course.

    I haven't worn heels since Thursday, but not because of any problems. It is COLD again, and the weather is only suited for my as yet to be repaired stiletto boots.

    However, I think the main thing to note about the week is the relative ease in which I was able to walk around in what are now approaching extreme heels. Three days at work in five and a half inch heels, without any pain or being tired, this has to be a wonderful sign.

    Could six inch heels present much of a problem? I don't think they would, if they fit well enough. I had a week of very little heel activity, and I jumped back into the full throttle force of work without so much as a flinch or a wince from my feet.

    Would I ever want to be a high heeled woman, always forced to wear a pair of five inch or higher stilettos? No. I think it is far more impressive that I can go from being a bare foot girl to a high heeled goddess in ten seconds. All I need is to slip into my leather five and a half inch stilettos, and I own the world. I click along at a good pace, everyone can see what I can do, and I feel empowered.

    So consider five and a half inch stilettos a new standard for work. If we consider that I was only starting to get into four inch heels for daily wear and branching out into five when I started this diary, I think we can see positive results. They've been a bit slow, but well worth it.

    Hey, a girl who can karate kick in five and a half inch stiletto heels has to have been doing something right...

    Posted Image

  7. I wish I could offer some advice. I can try, however, I am finding that I can't become a permanent high heeled woman. Those goddess powers are getting in the way. I can go from bare feet to five and a half inch heels, wear those heels all day, say, up to ten hours, then go back to bare feet again, and not have a problem. So as everyo9ne else seems to be indicating, if you wish to achieve thisd, you'll need your feet in a high heeled position all of the time for many months. I would have no idea how to do this, since I enjoy being able to go from 0 to 5.5 in and instant. :lol: And I am sure when I buy a few pairs that are six inchers, I will quickly build up to that. But long days are not enough, because that has not done anything to make my feet take a permanent shape. You need unrelenting high heeled positioning.

  8. I moved this because I felt the direction of the conversation was more suited to everyone, not just the gals. And for the record, it's a garter belt and stockings for me, single pair, and that's how I like it. :lol:

  9. Well, she hasn't seen them very much, so I don't know. She does have a very cute pair of Mary Janes she loves to wear everywhere, including the snow covered park. But I think it best not to involve her in anything heel related right now. Although when I told her how many pairs of shoes I have in our apartment in Edmonton, she did give me an amazed look. But right away, she figured out the importance of having different shoes, to go with different outfits, and she gave me quite the explanation of how it should work. She already knows exactly how it should go.

  10. The holiday season is ending with some speed now. And this last week doesn't have much that is shoe related. With snow, cold, and boots that need repair, heels took a back seat to the need to unwind. And for some reason, I am not going to mention the moments with heels in them. And I am not going to say why, either. I did make an attempt at fixing my boots on my own last Monday. I cut my finger pretty bad, and it's finally healed to the point of being a white mark. But I did get some heel tips going from a pair of old shoes I was throwing away, and glued them on. Everything seemed perfect. Until I was out in the snow and one came off. So the boots were not worn anywhere. They lasted all of five minutes from my handy work. Okay, so I will have them repaired on my next pay day. Of course, with my going back to work, there will be a return to details about wearing heels. My black leather stilettos with the near 5.5 inch heels will be in regular service now, since they have been worked in enough. And as always, my black velvets and one pair of my black patents will be there as well. Five inch heels are a way of life for me when it comes to working, or doing most things when I don't need to walk over ice and snow. :lol: I did have a relaxing week, well, Chris and I did a lot of relaxing, and trying to forget about the troubles of the world. I didn't even use the internet very much. It was a week to just turn off the world, and I did that. It is a shame that there was nothing more to write about! But at least everyone can be excited that I am going back to work, even if I am not. I've told you what shoes I'll be wearing to start out this year, and it will be looking to a regular use of higher heels. Yes, there will be the need to buy new shoes, and soon. I am sure everyone will wish me the best in managing that. Higher heels? It would be fun to try six inch heels, but I think it would be proper if Chris were there for the first time I wore them. So they will not just go from out of the box and off to work. As for pictures, well, maybe we can work on that as well. 1 or 2, here and there, when the weather is a bit nicer. Now that New Year is here, we can all look forward to bigger and better things in our own lives, and I think I can do the same in mine! We can hope this involves heels as much as everything else. First I need some rest. It does take quite a bit of energy to keep up with a nine year old girl. But I would never trade a moment of it for anything in the world. Happy New Year and welcome to 2003!

  11. Calv, it is a shame to hear about everything you have been through. But I know in life that things have a way of turning around when you least expect it. Hang in there, and do keep visiting the board and letting us know how you are doing. With some effort, you'll find yourself some place you can manage at, and suddenly, you'll achieve something great without even realizing it. My mother is always fond of saying one thing "It could always be worse". When things are bad, I try and think about that saying, and realize what good things I have left. I know things will be fine. :lol:

  12. People can think whatever they wish, make whatever comments they like. Now, if we sit here, and have a cynical attitude about people making comments behind our backs, about the way we live our lives, and we actually care about that, we might as well join the army and go off to die in some distant land over an issue that political leaders are too immature to settle. Let's just be happy, and live for ourselves. If others cannot understand this, then guess what? We should pity them, not be upset with them. If people comment about JeffB when he is not in range to hear them, so what? So long as he is happy, living his life, and no one is getting in the way. Cowards snipe with hurtful comments out of ear shot, and why should we fear them? See? This is easier to deal with than we think.

  13. Now Chris, you do need to mention that two are your step children, after all. It seems the public is making us into celebrities, and the scandal sheets are out! Everyone, this is how it is. I tried to avoid this subject a bit for a reason. A very depressing reason. I found out in my early, well, early to mid twenties, that I would never be able to have a child. First it was medical suspicion, and as time went by it was confirmed. I am not willing to discuss it, I don't need this being an issue for commentary, debate, or sympathy. I don't need to drag everything out into the open here. Let's just put it like this. I have a chance to make a difference in a certain little girl's life, and right now, this matters more than genetics. Now, as moderator, I expect that we will get back to the subject at hand, and stay on topic here.

  14. I wish I had more to say. Sure, I wore heels over the Christmas period. I did have to work three days last week, including Christmas Eve... So it was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for wearing heels. I even wore my five inch black velvet stilettos at my mother's place while handing out presents. It wasn't big, only four people total. It seems a shame, to be part of a small family at Christmas... But then, Christmas bankrupts a person quite easily in this commercialized world. More people would bring more financial strain. I hear that so many families are now drawing names at Christmas because no one can afford to buy something for everyone, even if the gifts are kept small. No, I did not get any shoes for Christmas. Please don't go pestering Chris about it, I like what he bought me very much, it has more meaning attached to it than any pair of shoes. And today when I woke up, there was a lot of snow everywhere. Since I have not had the money to fix my boots, I don't think I'll be wearing heels very much in the coming week. Cold, snowy, and stuck wearing flat shoes. Such a fate is most difficult to endure! Now, I do plan to have a nice relaxing week of vacation with Chris, and we plan to just stay in for the most part. Vacation for me is simply a way to stay home from work, after all. I wish I had more to post, and already I think I have taken nothing and stretched it into a longer post than expected. Yes, this is the writer's skill, or gift if you will, and even Seinfeld would have a difficult time in taking this subject and stretching it as far as I have. General frustrations of life abound, money is scarce, winter is here, and my job is still in one city, and my heart, in another. At least there's a new car that's great on fuel economy to bridge the last two problems. And most importantly, I go into a new year having found someone that makes the most important part of my life feel complete. Happy New Year.

  15. And if I had the money, I would be buying all of those shoes in the store windows (provided they fit me) and travelling the world with Chris, to show them off. Then we could have some real sightings! I have seen a number of three inch heels, blades mostly, of late, a few stilettos, but the trend of long pants seems to go with them. And women with small feet, who remain shorter than me in their heels (even when I am in my Reeboks). I would think that women would be crazy for heels, given that I am seeing a lot of women who are not as tall as I am.

  16. I think I will be making some New Year's Revolutions when I get back to work. I like spinning in my office chair at work. :lol: It is difficult to make a resolution when one is living six months for planning, and week to week for finances. I guess I will resolve to say no to my mother a bit more, that might be a good start for me. And I resolve to actually put some money in my savings account on pay days. How's that?

  17. Not many would be able to wear them when first trying them on. I think that the shoes will remain a specialty item. Why? Well... despite showing them on television, they seem far too different from the normality of current footwear trends. Taking an item that most people have never heard of, and making it mainstream, is never easy. There is a fetish tag attached to such footwear, of course. And as we all know, sometimes it is not the object, but what the object is associated with, that makes it unappealing. Would I try them? Yes! Would they sell them in my size in local shops? I doubt it! This would certainly get in the way of my purchasing a pair. I wanted to buy a pair of boots three years ago, with about a two and a half inch heel, a thicker one, and they were wonderful, lace up, just great. And I asked for a size ten, and the girls looked confused, and then said "sorry, we only carry up to size 9". The look I gave her as I turned and walked away really made her uncomfortable. And of course, for heels higher than three inches, I prefer a size 11. I think if this was a trend and the shoes available in regular Canadian stores, I would still miss out. Okay, I just realized that I am ranting now. I should go be productive.

  18. Would those shoes require extra padding behind the foot? Trying to trace a line down the back of the leg and around the heel, I keep thinking that there would be a pocket of space above the shoe's stiletto heel. I am sure I will find out some time in 2003, through personal experience, but until then... I am curious.

  19. I don't think it is as much about being what was popular, but more of what my mother wore. A girl is influenced by her mother. Being adopted, I was looking for a role model, and she took me in, raised me, and I picked up on her enjoyment of heels. So as Azraelle is saying, there is something about what we are exposed to as we grow up that influences us in later years.

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