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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. It doesn't seem so bad if done in stiletto boots. They would have a better chance of staying on. I don't think that a shoe stuck in a field would grow into anything, so it would be senseless to lose one. But why would anyone try anything that silly? Okay, I suppose there is a fetish aspect, but I don't think I'll ever understand such a thing. Besides, most of us live an urban life, in some way, so we don't have to run across any fresh plowed fields. But yes, it would be very high on the treacherous ground scale.

  2. They yammer on and on about this bubba keg in a beer commercial for Molson Canadian. It is about men watching hockey, of course. They celebrate because they have found a silly looking pipe organ to play while watching hockey. I find the commercial a bit annoying, actually, but not because of the beer, or the bubba keg. HOWEVER, this is about my challenge to people to find shoe designs with the names of board members. So let's get that whip cracking and let's go searching!

  3. When it is -20c and below, and the wind is howling, I will be more than happy with a pair of drab pants to wear, that's for sure. :lol: Fashion has to take a backseat to certain other needs in life. Like not freezing to death in Alberta! :( (The Edmonton Airport reported -41c this morning, by the way)

  4. less yammering, more telling us about styles of shoes that are named for people. I don't think the Bubba would go over very well. In Canada, it is the name for a mini keg of beer. I wonder what that says...

  5. I never said it would be my favourite style, I am just curious to know about names used for shoes and boots, so why not see what people know? It's an excuse for a person to go and look at shoes, anyway. :lol: Let's hope people post links, or even link to pictures, when they find something. :( And I am hardly ficticious, I'm the real thing. Now go find me something that has the same name. :)

  6. Okay, I have a challenge, and maybe it can stimulate posting, as well as bring more people out of the lurk mode. Here is a challenge. It would be a contest, but there is no prize. So just a challenge. For you web surfers, then, the challenge is simple. Looking at the names of board members, search the shoe sites, and find models that might have the same name as people who are posting here! Yes, that's right! Go out there, look through pictures of shoes, and find models that might have the same (or very, very similar) name as people who are posting here. Ant questions? I hope not. Let's see what people can find!

  7. So, buy more jeans, huh? Specific jeans. Both pale blue and black? And buy more boots. It seems so easy. I am sure that by summer, I'll be in a great position to do all of this, and post a few pictures. Seeing as how my jeans have now washed out to a nice colour of faded blue, I think it has potential. I used to wear jeans all of the time, before I decided a whole bag of chips (crisps for you British folk) was a decent snack, and I started my current job. The snack assumption was quite wrong. I will do what I can.

  8. It didn't take me long to figure it out at all, but it was fun to post it now. Besides, I haven't been able to wear my boots for some time. I can certainly see myself getting into ankle boots in a big way. They are easy for me to walk in, and I think for five and even six inch heels, they would appeal to me. Now to start saving. :lol:

  9. Wow. #50. People should feel free to e-mail me about celebratory gifts. And the one year anniversary of the diary *IS* coming up... Monday wasn't a great day, I stayed home sick. So we'll just skip over it. Tuesday! And despite not having been able to fix up the five and a half inch stilettos, I wore them anyway. I was inspired, I guess. Eight hours only, but they held out well. I think I was retaining water that day. Swollen feet made for a better fit, for once. Go figure. Wednesday, I had to wear the five inch black velvets. It just looked better with what I was wearing. Black flared trousers, a white blouse, and a soft grey blazer that really shows off my hips well. It looked better with the velvet finish of the shoes than it did with patent or leather. Thursday was a triumphant day, as I picked up my boots from the repair shop! It was only five dollars for new tips! I just has the man add the hard, hockey puck rubber that is standard in repair shops. Hey, I am a girl on a budget! I wore the boots for quite some time that day, though I lost count at twelve hours. Okay, they are only four inch heels, but they looked really good with my long black skirt. And I practically zoomed around work now that I have my beloved boots back. I was so thrilled that I wore them for the walk home. And the heel tips survived it all! Friday I felt quite lazy. A quick trip to the doctor to find out about some blood tests (everything is good, but they can't tell me that over the phone for some reason). I wore boring shoes for this, and it was a casual day. But there was a quick walk to work as well, so flat shoes were a good way to go. Heels may be easy for me to wear, but not great when speed is required. I did wear my boots to go out that evening. Nothing spectacular, just some grocery shopping. Saturday, a shopping day with my sister, and of course, the boots were the only thing to wear. They do go quite well with jeans. Maybe one day I'll have to get a picture taken. One day. Today being Sunday, I am feeling quite under motivated. I should be doing some tidying, but instead I am typing the diary. Well, there is something important there. Now, I know that I will obsess about my boots now that I can wear them again, but I shuld mention, that I did wear them the day I first went to the car dealership to get my new car. Come to think of it, I wore those boots the first time Chris and I ever met, and went to lunch, and the first time I ever stayed with him for a weekend. So those boots have been a part of many firsts. Maybe this is why I love them so much. Now if I could just get a few pairs of boots with five inch heels, I would be set... and I wouldn't be talking quite so much about the four inch heeled ankle boots. I think I'll wear my boots when I go out to get a Big Gulp later today. That should turn heads down at the 7-11.

  10. It's throwing things into a loop, certainly. Men displaying breasts and curves. Now, what happens to the part about the primal attraction between men and women, how men look for wide hips, and women look for broad shoulders? It is an interesting fashion concept, certainly, and maybe the intention is to skew the genetic predispositions of men and women everywhere.

  11. Why not use the Chinese characters for left and right, respectively? Or if you're really stuck on Runes, use their wicca divination meanings. :(:lol:

    Because being a Dane, I would like to use something that has more of a connection to my family's past. Self expression of what one is about through one's appearance, I guess.

  12. Has anyone bothered to notice that these forums have been running for over a year now? It has been over a year since I started up here, well, maybe by a few days. I think that we have a great accomplishment here. Let's have a round of applause for the High Heeled Meeting Place forums! Happy Birthday, I think.

  13. I suggest Right and Left, but put them on the opposite feet!

    I am going to be quite confused if I do that! I know my right and left, and then I'll look down, and notice the runes are opposite.

    Besides, left is four letters, and what would I use for a fifth letter?


  14. Waxing, no. I've used sugaring on myself, but it takes too long. I have done the epilator thing, I still have mine, but who has time even for that? But a few years of using it has made my legs easy enough to subject to a quick shave every few days and look great. Is it painful to rip out the hairs? The first few times it is. Then the nerve endings seem to learn, and it is not so bad. After that, hairs change, and it is no big deal. Eventually, you can stop those treatments and shaving will provide excellent results. I could go on, but I won't bore everyone. If you have questions, though, do ask!

  15. Sometimes stockings can make legs look better. Matched with a garter belt, well, it adds a very sexy element. But when it is hot out, bare legs and feet are a good way to go. Personally, I think the slapping sound attracts too much attention.

  16. I think this shold go into the general forum, but, I'll leave this here. Maybe some fetish aspect is lurking around the corner. I would not t ake up ski jumping, but I love heights. Thr ee of the six elevators at work are glass elevators, overlooking the foyer of the building. Yes, the center of our office building is open. I am always disappointed if I have to ride in one of the closed in elevators, because it does not have the same thrill of knowing I am up high, and being able to look down. Heights are a thrill for me.

  17. I should have my boots back tomorrow, which I will enjoy for the rest of the winter. I like wearing ankle boots with heels in the winter. They go well with long skirts, I find, and a heavier stocking for the legs. But I notice that I wear pants a good deal more in the winter, so five inch heeled pumps are a must this winter, as I need to offset the current fashion trend for flared leg bottoms and longer pant legs. I have seen some women wearing closed toed mules around the office building, but always with lower heels. Still, when it is winter and messy, you would think that women would wear something that might help keep their feet a bit warmer. And of course, the shoes or boots have to compliment the outfit. One of my favourite cold weather matches is a long black skirt I have, with a flower die pattern along the bottom hem. It is ankle length, which makes it look elegant, and it goes almost too well with my ankle boots. A nice blouse and a comy black sweater make for a presentable and warm outfit for work, and can still be worn outside with the proper heavy jacket.

  18. For Viking Runes? I don't get enough time for that! Work is rough on my nails and of late, I haven't done anything more than clear polish to try and preserve them. I would need some good words to put on my nails, anyway, or at least, pick the right runes to convey the right meanings. I mean, they can't all be about strength, can they?

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