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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Jennifer, you just need to find a man you can train, so that he knows where he can and cannot take you! :( It will be easier if someone you're dating knows about your interest in wearing heels as much as you do very early on. Hey, if asked out, there's nothing wrong with letting the guy know that you'll be wearing heels and he should keep that in mind! Women have weapons, and they should be used for the greater good. :lol:

  2. I'm running a few ideas through my brain right now, so we shall see how this new series goes. I'll see what Chris thinks, although I know he has a bias that will cloud his objectivity. We shall see what the weekend brings, I suppose. This is the part where they say "re-invent yourself" but I feel rather inclined to leave the machine running as it will...

  3. Is there a point when it stops being an addiction and becomes something more serious? I may be there. I check these forums a lot, quite often, and it seems like a really good quick fix. I dart in, fire off a few quick typed and well worded posts, and I scamper away. Fifteen minutes later, I am back again to have another look... We're all addicted and worse. But thankfully, it is not so hazardous to our health. I say that we all enjoy a good healthy fix every day!

  4. Okay, so it is something new. I spent a year becoming quite accomplished with heels. Sixteen hours of active wear in five and a half inch heels when needed was quite the accomplishment over the past year. And as many may realize, the weekly diaries stopped with #52. I was off to the hospital for surgery. People are curious, some may make joke guesses, but all you need to know is that it involved female organs, and it was not fun. So I thought that I should start with something new, and instead of a training diary, I would just start a new entry, and a new year of something called Goddess Diary entries. Of course, I am still recovering from my visit to the hospital, so heels are not something I will be wearing for at least another week. Chris and I went out to have a beer with a few of his friends during the past week, and of course, I wore my stiletto ankle boots. Four inch heels seemed good enough to get back into things. But the problem is not with my feet, but my overall mobility. Not being able to walk properly because of internal stitches doesn't help with heel wearing. I did put on my five and a half inch leather pumps for a little while one night, just to see if I could stand up to wearing them, and it was fine. Until I heal up a bit more, heels are not something I can wear. And this is one of those reasons why I have avoided becoming a permantently high heeled woman. Sure, many people would encourage it, but when I have to shuffle about and don't walk all that well, heels are not the safest thing to be wearing. I feel that my flexability (0 to 5.5 in half a second) has been worth retaining, and this proved it. We never know what life may bring us, and I am glad I was able to handle this. ... I intend to start writing a diary that still discusses what I am doing with my shoes, and what I am wearing, but it will focus more on the social commentary I like to include, and not just be a report on what I wore on what day. Of course, I am recovering, but I may have pushed myself a bit too much during the week. So it is time to relax and heal properly. In time, I'll be back in heels, and the new series of Goddess diary entries will begin. I hope the new series proves as popular as the previous one. And I hope this summer brings that extra money for more shoes. Just because my closet appears to be full, does not mean I have nearly enough pairs. It's a small closet and I haven't expanded upward yet! And I am still waiting for a month when I have the money for a pair of six inch heels. Even a goddess can have aspirations of new heights. :lol: If you have any ideas about what you might like to see me write about in the new series, let me know, and we can have a good discussion on just what makes the Goddess Diaries interesting enough to read. :(

  5. I've done a ladder in five inch heels at work, trying to help out a girl from marketing with some display work in the lobby. Girl of all talents. It is not all that easy to work on a ladder in heels, and I do try to pass this off to others when I can. However, I have done it, and I remain free from broken bones or other injuries despite my endeavours. It's not that big a deal, really. But I wonder how many people would get a kick out of seeing a girl in stilettos on a ladder. And considering I once did this very thing in five inch stilettos and a short skirt, all the while worrying that it was inappropriate, well... Skirts and ladders do not go together.

  6. It is the overheating that is the worst with shoes. There's nothing less appealing than having to peel off a pair of shoes at the end of the day, in an effort to cool down. With sandals, this is not much of a problem, because the feet get a lot of air. With closed shoes, everyone is right to think that stockings or other items are great for wearing. Under certain conditions, bare feet in closed shoes can work, but on a hot day... it's trouble in the making. Of course, I enjoy my legs in stockings, I love the look. I think the big thing would be to experiment, try a few things, and find what works best. We all have different body chemistires, we all react differently to cvertain situations. You never know if you never try.

  7. Um..... hi! Okay, I wanted something to be official. Something that let everyone know I managed to get through everything. Chris has updated people, and I love him for that, but I needed something from me. I still have to visit some doctors to make sure that blood work looks good, and a few other things, but overall, I am healthy again. The doctor had kept a close eye on me, nurses showered me with attention, and I was treated very well. I won't get into the details, but I should recover very well, and within a few weeks. For all of those who wished me well while I was gone, I thank you, and for those who are eager for my return, you can be happy, because I'll slowly get back into the keystrokes of things over the next week. Your goddess has returned.

  8. I can see the sexy appeal of some of the lower platforms. Like, maybe half an inch or so. But anything extreme is certainly tart territory. I think the idea is that the platform is not enchancing the female curves any more than a non plat shoe, but it is drawing attention. It is almost as if your regular stiletto pump is a sex object in a way, and the platform is a charicature of that, with exaggerated features. (I know I have a word wrong in there someone) It over states the obvious, and draws extra attention. And I think this is why the platform shoe has picked up the association with being a tart. it doesn't help that the adult industry has used such shoes on many of their female stars, thus linking such shoes to pornography more than other areas of society. If you like them, if they feel good, wear them. If the bf likes them, then wear them when you are with him. That is all that matters. Just because society might feel like giving you a name based on the shoes, doesn't mean you shold stop wearing them. :lol: Just enjoy. And just don't expect me to wear platforms. heehee :(

  9. Hey! What's going on? It's not the end of the week? Why is there a new diary? It is 52, but there are other things going on. Well, as much as I am not willing to talk about this, I will have to make mention of it. After all, I brought this on myself by deciding to share something of my life on the net. Tomorrow, being Thursday, I am going to the hospital. And I'll be there for a few weeks. Nothing immediately life threatening, just some preventative surgery, but I am not going to give details, and Chris won't, either. You will just have to understand that it is personal, and I feel like I have typed too much as it is. As for my week, I started it off right on Monday with five inch stilettos. The black velvets were back in wear, and it was interesting. I drove to work all this week, being at a different office than my own. In those stilettos, I walked across ice, snow, down a two foot slope that was covered in ice and snow, and all the while, I managed just fine. The temperature went up above freezing during the day, so things were much drier as I left than when I arrived at work. I spent fifteen hours in those shoes. And they didn't bother me once. Tuesday held a turn for worse weather, and the snow returned. But I have my boots going, so I wore them all day long. It doesn't matter that there might be ice or snow, my four inch stiletto ankle boots get me through everything. So much so that I wore them again today. I spent half the day at work today, and went home sick. So my stiletto boot wearing was not lengthy, but it was there. Tomorrow, the day I go off to the hospital, I will be wearing my stiletto boots, because I wish to show that I can, and I need to be myself. I won't be wearing stilettos for some time, I fear. It is best to wear them as much as I can now. You will not be seeing a diary for at least a few weeks. Ultimately, I am hoping to miss only #53 since I have posted this one early, but #54 would not contain any information about heel wearing. Will the diary end? I do not know. I will try to keep posting, but after one year of wearing heels, and indeed, become great at wearing them, I should say that this diary has helped me a lot, and I know there are a few people who found it entertaining. Hopefully, in two weeks, I will be able to tell everyone what will happen next. We will have to see how it goes. I have an entire month free from work, so I may not be wearing very high heels again until March. This is how life goes sometimes. 52. That is an entire year. It is quite the accomplishment, to go from a regular three inch heel wearer, to an expert in five and a half inch heels, in just a year. Maybe I could have gone higher, but pushing myself may have ben bad. As far as I am concerned, being able to wear a pair of white patent 5.5 inch stiletto pumps for sisxteen hours straight is a skill worthy of this experience. I can't wait until I can have a few more days like that again. I wish I were in a better mood for celebrating, but in my own way, I am smiling right now, and feeling quite good about this past year, and all I have accomplished with stiletto heels. No applause please, just cash and shoes. :lol: ha ha. Thanks everyone, for reading this past year, and let's hope there will be more to come!

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  10. Excellent choice of boots Laurie :lol:

    Yes, they are, aren't they. But of course, I wasn't the one who selcted them, they were purchased based on what I like. I think someone did a good job of rewarding this hard working moderator, in some strange way, when those boots came along. :(

    And to Yamyam - you are right, there is still time, certainly enough time to find that place in life that could allow you to wear such boots, if you desired that. :)

  11. you saw the two towers twice? now I know why you posted on the fetish thread - you are a masochist. I enjoyed it but its bloody long. are your boots 4"? they look 3-3 1/2" to me from the photo

    I measured them myself when they arrived, and they are an eights of an inch above four inches. The angled I have to use with the web camera are not the best, I admit this. But just trust me. I have no reason to lie in all of this.

    As for masochist, I thought it was a great movie and I could have watched another hor of it with ease. I didn't notice the time. Of course, seeing it a second time made it easy to pick a bathroom break when I knew a scene was more plot than action.

  12. Anyone looking to learn more about how to treat a woman can learn somthing from Chris in this instance. Not only does he defend me against something like a platform wearing comment, he also compliments me at the same time. We all know that I think platforms are cheating. But it is my opinion, and it is from my perspective. I wish to have the angle that the foot has to take with higher heels. It isn't about the height for me. I'm plenty tall in regular five inch stilettos. adding a platform and a higher heel is not something I would wish to do. Besides, my classic stiletto look suits me just fine. And it seems to have helped me find one great man to share my life with.

  13. There is one word for my diary this week. One word that sums up my entire week.


    Okay, so I love my four inch stiletto ankle boots. I wore them every day this week, including today. I think then, that I have to explain why I put in so much time in my wonderful lace up boots.

    Well, they are exactly the type of boots I like the look of. They lace up, and they are black. They are leather, of course, with a very nice heel, just a bit over four inches, and unlike many ankle boot styles I see, these actually live up to the name, and cover to just above the ankle. They don't move up the leg at all, which can look good, but I have seen some pairs that do not.

    So they look great. They go with pants, they go with long skirts, short skirts, jeans, I can wear them with any outfit, and they "look great"!

    So I spent seven days wearing them. On Friday, when I walked to work, I brought my boots with me, and changed into them while I was at work. That was about nine hours worth of time in the boots, that day alone. I think the record for the week was 14, but it could have been 15 hours. I don't keep track anymore one I leave work.

    We all know that four inch heels present no challenge to me. I can wear them as long as I like, without any ill effects. I just lace up my boots and I go. I can run, I can traverse difficult terrain...

    I even handle the snow and ice quite well in them.

    Reason number one for the good performance in bad weather has to be the fact that these boots lace up and stay on my feet. This gives better support for my ankles, and gives me more confidence in wearing the boots.

    The second reason, of course, is that I have far surpassed the point of mastry in these heels, so there isn't any doubt that I can do as I wish in them. Now, four inch heels means the heel tip has a bit more surface area than my five and a half inch heels. This also helps when dealing with unfavourable elements upon the ground.

    I even did all of the prep work for my cabbage soup while wearing them. So they are wonderful in the kitchen as well.

    So why do I wear them if I have mastered them? I know everyone wishes me to go higher, to wear the highest heels I can, and to continue living up to this goddess name that everyone wishes to ascribe to me. I do enjoy the title, but I think it comes as much from how I wear my heels, and how often, as much as the height of the heels.

    I wore boots today, when my sister and I went to see Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. It is an excellent movie, by the way, I've seen it twice now. Let's remember, though, that this is a shoes and fashion discussion site, not a movie review forum. Still, I am alone, the only person I saw wearing stiletto anything. And that sets me apart as the goddess more than anything.

    So for this diary, I have decided to get out the web camera, and provide a few pictures of these boots. I am sorry these are not full body pictures, but then, Chris is the one who takes those, and he is watching something called the Superbowl today. Yes, football, I know, American football. I still would rather it to be something that would help me in the kitchen.

    If you are wondering what I like in a pair of boots, and have not been able to put it together from my posts, here is one example.

    Of course, a knee high version would be appreciated just as much.


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  14. When I remember, I use Healthy Hoof Intensive Protien Treatment on my finger nails. Okay, so it claims to be something horse trainers use, now marketed for people. I have seen my nails get a little bit better over the past few weeks. They still peel, and after that they break, but it is not every nail now, just one at random here and there. So rubbing this cream into the cuticles has helped me a bit. I will keep everyone updated on the results as the months go by.

  15. The answer, Tallswede, is to wear shoes with pointier toes. This leaves more room in the toe box, and the longer nails do not get in the way! The only drawback I can find with long nails is that they can tear through stockings a bit easier. Even with run resistant toe.

  16. If you want a fancier hearse than that, just buy a PT Cruiser from Chrysler. It's looks like a hearse for a pet cemetary. Just my chance to be critical of that model of vehicle, not to say anything is wrong with driving an actual hearse. I think that's quite cool. Actually, in the movie Harold and Maude, the young teenager obsessed with death turns a jaguar into a mini hearse that looks neat.

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