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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Maybe in a horror movie! This summer, be prepared for a terror far worse than any nightmare you've ever had... Attack of the Stiletto hooved Sheep! Fear as rabid sheep with spiked heels for hooves terrorize a rural Scottish village. It will be up to one man to stop them, and turn their remains into a profitable stiletto shoe business. Can he do it before the residents are MuRdErEd? Quote from movie "Och, ah kneew beyin too frend-lah with dem sheep woold be mah doooom. Argh!"

  2. I don't think many animals could wear heels, since when humans wear heels, they make our feet and legs work more like that of an animal. There would need to be a very different design, I think. It is probably a cute image, but not a practical idea. A sheep trying to walk in heels. I think we'd have a sheep that could not get up after falling over. Again, that in itself may be comical to some and worthy of winning a prize on a television show.

  3. Depressing, but then, that's because none of you work with me! If this weather gets better I can get into something higher than my boots. And maybe back into a skirt. -20 C with wind and occassional snow. Life is just wonderful, isn't it.

  4. He isn't the jealous type unless it's about pictures. :( If anything, people saying nice things about me just makes Chris feel that much luckier. :) It is nice to be missed, and appreciated. It lends fuel to what I do. It creates a motive to write every week. And even when I look at the keyboard and go "I'd rather lie down I don't feel good," it has me writing a diary that people enjoy. Azraelle, it is nice to be back into the keystroke of things. I think I did miss this creative outlet as much as others missed me. It is a shame I cannot say the same thing about my job! And I hope the knee boot trend does continue, so I can save up and get a pair and join in. :lol:

  5. How do they do it? - Three martini lunch for the girls! - Black market Morphine! - It's an illusion, they don't really do it, they just make you think they do so you go "wow, amazing." Okay, maybe it is just training and willpower. A certain stubborn quality, which I know I possess. In time, the foot builds up tough skin, and it is not as vulnerable to this pain. Of course, there are little tricks, such as shifting weight, slipping a foot out of a shoe, and things like that. And leaning against things, this is one of my favourites.

  6. [quote name='"dheel

    I'm taking 100mg. I've been on it for about a month. I'll be meeting with the psychiatrist again in a couple weeks, so I'm going to ask him about bumping up the dosage. [/quote']

    From what I remember from a discussion I had with a one of my doctors about Welbutrin for quitting smoking (not for me, I've never smoked), a person can take up to 300mg. The products such as Zyban actually contain about 300mg of the drug used to help a person deal with quitting smoking.

    So I would suggest that if the meds made a small difference before, pump it up, and see how it goes.

    You may feel that popping a pill does not solve problems, but you have to know that the brain is this very complex and easily influenced thing. Having a pill regulate brain chemicals does wonders. Sure, you need to put in some effort to take advantage of the effects, but a pill can make a difference.

  7. I have been thinking quite a bit about these diaries in the last few weeks. Writing them gives me a chance to express my viewpoint on the world, and I know there are people who enjoy reading whatever it is that I write. This week, to start out the new format, and installment #1 of the Goddess diaries, I think I'll mention something I have been seeing a lot of in public. There seems to be quite the popular trend for knee high boots and skirts in Calgary. I am not sure how the rest of the world is doing with this fashion trend, but it has arrived here. Winter being what it is, the style seems to be everywhere, and women in there mid twenties into their fifties are donning boots that reach their knees, and matching them with a skirt that is either just above the knee, or just below it. This style lends itself well to heels, but of course, none of the women out there are embracing the wonderful heights that a stiletto heel can bring. But there are blades, some thick heels, and even some stiletto-esque three inch heels on these boots. I have seen some nice pairs, and it makes me wish I was more well to do, so I could join in on what looks like a wonderful fashion trend for colder weather. Naturally, I would take the heels much higher, and the look of the boot would be far sexier. Call it a personal touch to an omni present style. I have not had the chance to visit any shops while I have been recovering these last few weeks, and that is a shame. It is nice to see the trends on women, but a different perspective is gained from seeing them in stores. Are boots really as hot as they seem to be this season? Is there a general trend for the more mature woman to be more feminine? Or are these things that have been sitting in the backs of closets everywhere, and just finding a new life this winter? And of course, seeing this fashion statement so well stated by so many women, it leads me to wonder if the practical aspects of it will make it a lasting idea, and not just an idea for this season. Will the boots remain free from exile at the back of the closet? Hem lines may change, sure, and it could be that long skirts with high slits might be an evolution of this style. The boots are still shown off, and the styles can change. So there is a good deal of room for the knee boot to remain in the forefront of use. And it is this change where my mind is wandering. We all must see that the fashion industry is a self perpetuating machine. This is why a tried and tested style is not praised every season, but instead, left in the backs of our minds as a designer flaunts some new innovation that everyone just must purchase. It almost seems self serving, and certainly it detracts from people having their own sense of style and expression. So seeing this fashion expression of knee boots and skirts has really made me wonder if the fashion world has created a lasting idea, or if by next winter, the trend will be dictated in a new direction, and women will be out spending their dollars on something that is certainly not as elegent and playful as this look has seemed to my eyes. Time will give us an answer, for good or ill. ... On another topic, last night, being Saturday night for me, I was sitting in the apartment alone, and I decided to make myself a steak sandwich for dinner. Now, the impending doom that is my return to work is fast approaching, and I realize that I had really only worn heels three times since being in the hospital. One of those moments was for about five minutes, at home. Of course, the day I left the hospital, I wore my favoured four inch stiletto ankle boots; and Chris and I did go out with some friends, which gave me the chance to wear them again. Thinking that such limited experiences in the past two weeks are not enough to get me back into the swing of my high heeled style, I wore heels while I worked my magic in the kitchen. My favourite, black velvet pumps with the five inch stiletto heel still fit very well, and feel great on my feet. Okay, the stove felt a little lower than normal, but everything went well. And it was the best sandwich I have ever had, I think. Will Tuesday find me back in heels and at work again? Most certainly. Okay, I may not have the knee boots to put together this season's obvious fashion trend, but I have ankle boots, well suited to the snow filled weather up here, and I think going back to work at four inches is a wonderful way to get back into the goddess groove. I really have missed my life in stiletto heels. Yet in true goddess fashion, I think I will be back into it just fine. It is a lifestyle that can be described by my favourite black velvet shoes. Comfortable and easy to wear whenever I need them. :lol:

  8. For a moment, I would like to brag. I've never had this problem. But then, the last time I did a quick check of my typing speed, I was at 90 wpm, so I think that I can crank out any response faster than the board can shut me down, even when it is long. Okay, I have to be proud of something while I am in the "lay in bed and be bored" phase of post surgical care. :lol:

  9. My toes hurt just looking at them. The design looks great, of course. Except for that toe hook part. But I guess this is required, since the straps cannot be adjusted. They would be great for building muscle. Having to lift up one's feet while walking with such steel on would certainly do that.

  10. Okay, this is a little out there, maybe, and is in no way intended to stir up controversy. Dheel, you are worried about being in public places, and you mention that you have problems with such things when you are dressed, as you say, normal. Have you ever considered that a doctor might be able to help? As a long time sufferer of anxiety, I know that finding help can make a difference. If it were only the wearing of the shoes that made you feel out of place in public, I would certainly just encourage you to stand up to society. But as you are shy and said "It's hard enough to deal with people when I'm dressed in a way they find normal!" I must think that there may be another issue here. Just something to consider. You never know what might be going on with the chemicals in your brain.

  11. My signature says a lot more than that! Anyway... Even I can be jealous of what other women are wearing. Not in a malicious way, mind you, but at times I wish for more money so I could purchase some knee boots that seem to be the rage right now. However, I wear much higher heels than all of them do, so it becomes an issue of "I love the look of those boots, but they need a five inch stiletto heel". Still, while I have been quite casual during my recovery from surgery, many women out there have been well dressed, and I feel frustrated. So it even happens to the stiletto goddess types. Dheel, don't feel alone. :lol: You're in the right place.

  12. Nothing but sandals on a hot day. Aren't you lucky to work at home! If I did that at work, I'd have cranky old men who come in to complain about things hanging around my desk all day! They already try to look down my top (and I'm not anything special in that sensde, so they must be desperate for a peek). I suppose that the area one lives in can determine the reaction and expression. Of course, in Canada, people are known for being polite. So maybe it's just that people don't say anything, or if they do, no one has the nerve to tell me. No one wants a stiletto in amn awkward place, I guess. :lol:

  13. It's strange that some of you have such hostile reactions when in heels. At work, people are not hostile. They are amazed, sure, and usually I get a comment about how a particular girl feels she would injure herself trying to wear stilettos like I do. Usually I do the jump test to rub in my proficiency. :lol: However, none of the women where I work really put me down or have anything negative to say about me. I think it has become expected, and everyone is impressed and accepting that I am doing my own thing. Of course, I am well known and have this zany reputation. So maybe this makes people feel I am less of a threat. That and I talk about Chris all of the time, so everyone knows I am not a threat to stealing the men. Yet, interesting that it is so different where I work. Maybe the avergae age is lower for most of the people I am around, and that changes things? It would be interesting to know the age range for where others work...

  14. Standing still, or with very little movement, is never easy on the feet. Any sort of heel will make the day less enjoyable with that. WHen I used to wear three inch heels, standing in them was not so much fun if it was for a long period of time, and it remains the same up at five and five and a half inch heels. Movement just makes things better.

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