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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. I was shopping in Value Village here in Canada when I spotted these babies. I tried on one of the boots and they fit like a dream. Not to mention they look hot as hell. Problem is I already have several boots including another black pair purchased not long ago. So I initially put them back and continued shopping. I am glad I changed my mind before I left. I am also glad they were not grabbed by someone else in the mean time. The boots themselves are "Candies" brand which is sold at Kohls in the U.S. The specific model is "Haiku". The heel measures 3 3/4". The are not super high and that makes them very easy and comfortable to walk in. I searched the Kohls site, and the web, and could not find anything on them. So they are definitely not a current model. Oh and here is the best part. I paid $18 for these. Not bad at all. Here is some pics, enjoy.



  2. Mr. X: Do I spy a pair of sandals from 6IHF.com there amongst the maple leaves? If so, I'd really like to hear about your experience with the retailer/Etailer as I have almost picked up the phone and ordered from their site a number of times. Owing to 1) the fact that they don't exactly give their HHs away, and 2) they don't put the shoe size on most of the descriptions of the shoes pictured making it hard to judge how a China size 42 or 43 might fit, I havent' taken the plunge. Any info you could provide would be most appreciated.

    UpBy5 (I'm new)

    These shoes are not from 6IHF UpBy5. There are from Aldo. I have no experience with 6IHF. I had never heard of that company until now. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

  3. Pamela for the last Nokia UK campaign.


    No matter if we like or hate her... Those shoes are Fabulous!

    Platforms, sure, but with nice arch and thin heels for once. If someone do know the brand...

    Hope you like the big size so you can do your own close view... :-)

    I am not a platform fan but those shoes are not half bad. And the picture is great.

  4. Thanks for reading, and happy heeling always! I really enjoy the enthusiasm and positive attitudes conveyed on these boards, so let's keep it up.

    Welcome Las. You are right about the positiveness here, generally. I think that is because we are all fighting the same fight. And we all have a common goal. I will enjoy reading about another mans adventure in the world of heeling. As far as your boots go. I am not much of a platform fan myself. But don't let that stop you. As long as you like em that's all that really matters. But again, welcome.

  5. Nice looking sandals. But, that raises the question of what will you wear them with and where will you wear them? :)

    I second Bubba136's comment and I was going to ask the same question since

    they are very elegant sandals. I guess you would not wear these with jeans for sure...

    Now I can't wait to see the answer too !

    At this point I don't wear alot of the shoes that I buy out of the house. I am more of a boot guy. Plus with winter fast approaching they won't see much action either. But if I were to wear them out I don't see why they couldn't be worm with jeans. Even though they are elegant, that is how I tried them on in the store, and they looked damn good.

    As far as the where I would wear them. Based on what I see on womens feet around here they are a little too dressy for everyday. They would probably have to be worn for a night out to a club or something.

    I am open to other outfit and location suggestions though.

  6. Time for another travel story. I had a day off today so i decided it was time for some Mr. X time. My outfit of choice today was a pair of blue jeans, dark brown t-shirt, beige jacket and lighter brown over the jeans boots with a chunky heel(pics later).

    My first stop was Aldo which is fast becoming my favorite place to shop for heels. Most of the staff know me there now and I always get great service. I use to think Aldo was upscale and expensive. And it still can be. But if you only shop the sales there you will get some nice shoes at low prices. Today was no exception.

    I arrived early in the morning maybe 1 hour after opening. I like going then as it is usually less busy and I can get more personal service with the staff. I walked in and one of the regular ladies was there as well as one I didn't recognize. I later found out it was here second day. She was a somewhat taller blonde girl. She was quite a looker. I was happy to be getting service from here today. Plus I wanted to "break in the new girl" so to speak. The whole time she wasn't fazed at all and treated me as well as any staff member in there.

    They have a rack in there with reduced shoes at 30% off reduced prices but to my luck they were now 50% off. I found a pair of sandals that I had though about in the past but the price was still up there for me. Not anymore! They were marked down to $60 with 50%c off of that. Luckily the display shoe was my size. I tried it on and it fit so I asked for the other one to try on together. They fit well. I admired them in the mirror even though I new I was taking them. I was the only one in the store almost the entire time so I paraded in them a little longer than normal. I finally decided to take them. As the new girl was ringing me up This is when I found out it was only her second day. I told her that she would be seeing alot of me as I paid and left. In hindsight I wish I would have told her my name and then she would have told me hers. Oh well, next time. I was still happy to be leaving with a new pair of shoes for $30. Sweet!

    The rest of the day was spent window shopping various stores including Future Shop. The Canadian equivalent of Best Buy. I like looking at the latest tech and gadgets. Plus I'm always on the hunt for music and movies for my ever expanding music/movie collection.

    All in all I had a great time. And the world did not come to an end just because of what I was wearing. Although sometimes I wish it would. I would love to chat up someone about what I am wearing or what they are wearing. Or have them chat up me. But beggars can't be choosers I guess.

    Anyhow, Here is a pic of what I wore, as well as a link to the shoes I bought. Comments as always are welcome.




  7. Not sure how long this will stay active on youtube. But here is a link to actress Ashley Tisdale on Regis And Kelly this week wearing a gorgeous pair of Nude Christian Loboutin heels. The heels themselves appear to be quite high. And there doesn't appear to be any platform either. And they are on display virtually the entire time. I do not watch the show but you should have seen what they looked like on high def tv as I was flipping through, wow! That is wear they first caught my eye. And lets not forget the heels that Kelly is wearing like she always does. Here is the link, enjoy!


  8. They are from Aldo. They are the "Frodars" model. The are no longer on the website so they must be a last years model. They can be had cheap if anyone is interested or can find a pair. They had been marked down to $50 with an additional 30% off. So I got these babies for just under $40. They are dark brown in colour but they look black in some lights. I actually thought I had a black pair when I took them out of the box for a test. They have a snakeskin look and feel to them as well. They have a 4 inch heel. They look lower though. I pegged the heel at 3 1/2 inches. And they are super comfy to walk in. Anyhow, here is a picture.


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