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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Somebody deserves an award for best dressed.


    Wow an Award!  Thanks!


    I can't argue with that. Personally I prefer the look with the bag, it just seems more complete.


    I prefer it with the bag too.  I was just trying to show the outfit on its own as well.


    Bravo, Mr. X! BRAVO! That was a fantastic outfit you wore! Everything worked very well and you looked sharp.


    thanks for the kind words.  Means alot!

  2. Finally got out again.  It's not that I haven't been out lately I just haven't had anything post worthy.  After running a few needed errands the rest of the outing was spent window shopping and general Mr. X time.  The outing went off without a hitch.  Nothing interesting to report from the outing.  I wish there was but there wasn't.  Now on to the outfit

    I put together an outfit today using some old pieces I own, as well as some new pieces I purchased recently.  Once I put the outfit on I really liked it!  It is probably one of my favorite outfits I have worn, ever!  It is probably my most favorite outfit dating back to day 1!  Here is a breakdown of it.

    The Outfit
    1) Aldo tan boots with 3 1/2" chunky heel
    2) Black leggings
    3) black and white long length horizontal striped shirt
    4) black cropped motorcycle style jacket
    5) tan crossbody bag

    Here is a couple of pics.  Enjoy!  Comments and Suggestions always welcome.



    • Like 3
  3. Back to the boots, eh Jeff!  That outfit is quite a departure from your other recent choices of garb and footwear.  But you know what, I like it!  I was gonna mention the short skirt but you beat me too it.  As short as it is, it still looks good on you and with the boots.  I have some wedges too but I still prefer heels, be they boots and or shoes.  Anyhow, way to go!

  4. Picked these up today in a thrift store for $15.  They fit great!  Very comfortable too!  I saw no brand or model anywhere on them.  I will double check though.  They are just a man made materials in China deal.  But who cares at that price.  The heel looked small to me but actually measures in at just under 4 1/2".  Perfect for upcoming fall boot season.  Now I just need to find some outfits to wear them with.


  5. Here is my latest purchase.  I realized that I hadn't visited my local Aldo store in a while.  So while I was out and about today I made sure to stop in.  For those that live in Canada I suggest you go right now if you can.  They are having a sale!  Many of their on sale shoes are an additional 50% off!  And when I got home I realized the sale is also on their website.  Bonus!

    There was a decent selection at my store.  I was like a kid in a candy store browsing the shelves.  But then again I always am.  I saw a pair of silver/metallic sandals that I liked right away!  That is one color of heels that I have yet to have in my collection.  I have been looking for some but have come up empty so far.  Most of the ones I have found so far have either had too much of a platform, or they have been too glittery.  

    These ones were perfect!  I asked for my usual size 10.  The young women went to the back and then came back and told me they did not have any left in my size.  I was bummed, but not for long.  They had the exact same shoe in a nude patent.  I saw those earlier on the shelve and they looke equally as good as the silver ones.  She told me they had a pair of 9's in the nude.  I had to try them!  I am normaly a 10 which used to be a 40 in euro sizing at Aldo.  But now that they have some half sizes the 40's are somehow a 9 now.

    She brought them out and I proceeded to try them on.  The sales girl left to help some other customers and let me be.  She didn't even bat an eye and was treating me like any other customer.  The shoes fit!  They were just a tad on the tight side but nothing serious.  She came back to check on me as I was admiring them in the mirror.  She asked how they fit?  I said that I loved them!  She agreed that they fit well and looked good.  I told her I would be taking them and proceeded to browse a little longer before finally paying for them and leaving.

    The shoes themselves were marked $44.  So with the 50% off and tax I paid $25 all told.  Sweet!  I can't wait to wear these on a future outing.  I may have to go back to Aldo soon too.  I was short on time and there was a few other shoes I wanted to try.

    Here is a pic of the shoes and a link to them on the website.  The heel is listed at 4.5 inches and that is almost bang on with my measurement.  Enjoy!




  6. I had a quick outing today.  I bet I spent just as long puting the outfit together as I did actually wearing it.  Once I had my outfit picked out, I was out the door.

    I did a little window shopping.  I stopped at one of the local thrift shops.  I browsed the heel section as always, but nothing caught my eye.  I did end up picking up a few new tops that I plan to incorporate into my future outings.  So stay tuned!

    The day went off without a hitch and arrived back home not long after.  Now onto the outfit.

    The Outfit
    1) red t-shirt
    2) white jeans
    3) light brown bag
    4) "George" brand nude patent 4 inch heels

    Comments and suggestions always welcome.  Enjoy!



  7. Mr.x ur outfits are very well put together. Thank you for ideas. This helps out alot. I enjoy reading ur forum. Keep up the good work and keep those awesome outfits coming. Love ur shoe collection. I am hoping to get to aldo brand soon.


    Thanks for the kind words!  When I started out wearing heels I never though it would get to a point were I would be an inspiration for others.  Wow!  Thanks again!

  8. Well done with your latest outfit, Mr. X! I especially like those wedge sandals. How high were the heels and what were they like to walk in?


    The wedges themselves measure 5 1/4" high at the back.  As for the walking?  They are actually quite comfortable.  They are the definition of an "anklebreaker" though.  I have nearly rolled mine on more than one occasion while wearing then.  And that is something I can't ever remember doing with even my highest of stilettos.

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