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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Hope you had a nice Christmas season Jeff.  You got guts!  Not for your outfit, which looks good by the way.  But for going out on boxing day lol  I went out onI boxing day as well.  I think I spent more time looking for parking spots then I did in the stores lol

  2. Looking good as always Jeff!  The outfit looks great!  The only thing I may have changed is a splash of color somewhere.  The bag perhaps?  You can barely see it against the leather jacket.  But otherwise, well done!

  3. I recently purchased a pair of boots through the some local online classifieds.  I talked about them here.  http://hhplace.org/topic/10305-mr-xs-travels/?p=336867

    I guess I should have been a little more careful inspecting them before I bought them.  Once I got them home I realized that one of the heels was a tad loose.  There was also something sticking up a little and it was right where the heel of my foot was.  So it was somewhat uncomfortable.  From the research I did online they were a less expensive boot so I didn't think much of it.  Plus I paid very little for them.  I hadn't worn them except for trying them on for purchase.  I decided I would take them to a shoe repair and half them checked out.  I figured even if there was something wrong it would be a fairly easy fix.  Plus the cost of a repair didn't sound too expensive from what I read online.

    I took them to a repair shop this week.  I told him I might have some boots that need fixing.  The funny thing is that he didn't even bother to ask who's boots they were.  He just treated them as if they were mine.  As soon as I showed them he basically said that they were shot!  He said that with the material they were made from they weren't worth fixing.  He said I would be risking injury to my ankle and such if I wore them.  He pounded down what was sticking up and that helped.  But he still said I should avoid wearing them.

    It kinda sucks because they were really nice boots.  At least I didn't pay much.  Oh well!  Lesson learned I guess!

  4. Congratulations on a great find!  The new boots would look great with the outfit you were wearing.


    Thanks!  I was thinking the exact same thing.  In fact I even wore them right out of the house after buying them.  My next outfit will probably be exactly that.  Except I will probably change up the bag.  Not sure how the tan bag will work on its own.


    I like the outfit, but I'm not a big fan of the boots you wore with it. They seem a bit too big in the calf. The other boots would be a much better choice IMO.


    It's funny you mentioned about the calf room.  There is definitely some extra room in the shaft of those boots

  5. Todays outing was inspired by an online ad.  I had been trolling the local online classifieds when I saw an ad for a pair of boots.  They were listed at $25.  Well within my budget!  After echanging a few texts and emails I decided to go check them out.  I was told they were only worn once!  Now I was really interested!  This was the first time I was going to possibly purchase shoe or boots this way.  Since I was going to check out some boots I figured I would make an outing out of it.  You never know how people will react to a man showing up to purchase and try on the boots you have for sale LOL.  So I figured if I showed up in boots it might help.  Not that I expected there to be a problem anyhow.  I put an outfit together and I was off.


    I got there and the whole process took about 5 minutes.  The lady answered the door and we exchanged some small talk for a few minutes.  Everything went very smooth.  And nothing out of the ordinary happened regardless of how I was dressed.  I tried on the boots for fit.  They fit well!  I paid the $25 and I was off.  I contiued my outing with a bit of window shopping before heading home.  Even a short outing can be enjoyable, which is how I felt today.  Now here is a break down of my outfit and the boots.


    My outfit

    1) Aldo tan color boots with 3 1/2" chuncky heel

    2) black leggings

    3) black and white horizontal striped shirt

    4) grey military style jacket

    5) tan cross body bag


    The boots I purchased are greyish brown suede looking slouchy style boots.  They would be tyclassified as thigh high I guess.  They hit right above the knee though.  The brand is fahrenheiht.  From doing research they are an affordable man made materials company.  Most of their products run around $40 to $60.  The heel is 5 inches tall and there is a 1 inch platform attached to the bottom.  Now for some pics.


    The first one is my outfit.  And the next 2 are the boots I purchaed themselves and me wearing them.  Enjoy!  Comments and suggestions always welcome.




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