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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Here is my deal of the day.  I picked these up today at Winners for those that live in Canada.  The brand is Ivanka Trump.  The model is Kaylynns.  The material is a suede design with a metallic alligator like toe.  These ones are red but they have other colors.  The heel itself is 4.5 inches with no platform.  The shoes fit very well if not on the larger side.  Some people mght be able to go down half a size compared to what they normally wear.  And now for the price!


    The tag said comapre at close to $200.  Seemed right for a shoe with Ivakas name on it.  Winners was selling them for just under $100.  But now they were on clearance.  I picked these up for $20!  When I got home I did some online research to find the real deal on these shoes.  They indeed retail for close to $200.  and the cheapest online I found was around $100.  Not bad for the $20 I paid.  Can't wait to try them out and about.



  2. Loving the outfits Jeff!  Especially the latest black and red outfit.  It has an edgy rocker vibe to it.  Luv it!  If you ever go to a heavy metal concert you totally need to wear this lol  You would fit right in!  Again, well done!

  3. Here is my latest find.  I picked these up in a local thrift shop.  The color is a shiny grey.  Almost suede like.  The color in the picture is a little off, but it is close.  The brand is Nine West and the heel measures 4 inches.  They are super comfortable and show lots of toe cleavage.  And here is the best part.  I paid 5 bucks plus tax for them!  Can't wait to take them on some outings this spring and summer.


  4. Ok, so got an email while shopping at Neiman Marcus Lastcall. 50% off all boots. Got myself a nice wedding present, a pair of YSL ankle boots. Might need to get some better pants to show these off.

    And yes, I obsessed over these for weeks. Am not disappointed.


    Wow!  Those look High!

  5. Hope you had a nice Christmas season Jeff.  You got guts!  Not for your outfit, which looks good by the way.  But for going out on boxing day lol  I went out onI boxing day as well.  I think I spent more time looking for parking spots then I did in the stores lol

  6. Looking good as always Jeff!  The outfit looks great!  The only thing I may have changed is a splash of color somewhere.  The bag perhaps?  You can barely see it against the leather jacket.  But otherwise, well done!

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