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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. 6 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Great find, and they look as their name implies, "Fabulous". 

    In the photos they are being rendered as white rather than beige.

    Thanks!  And they are definitely beige.  I could not get the color to come out right in the pics.

  2. Time for another outing report.  I was doing some window shooping today on a day off from work.  I stopped by most of my usual haunts.  One of my favorite thrift stores was a gold mine!  I managed to get a few things that I will most likely use on future outings.  But the star of the show was the boots I found.

    As soon as i saw them I knew they were going home with me, provided they were my size.  I checked the label and sure enough, they were!  I tried them on and they fit perfectly, if not slightly big.  I was wearing thicker socks and they fit well.  So I figured with lighter socks they would fit a little looser.  They felt very comfortable on.  As comfortable as any boots I own!  They are beige in color with a plush suede like material.  The brand is Just Fabulous.  They are knee high and the heel measures a near 5 inches!  The first thing I asked myself is why someone would want to abandon these beauties?  They were in pretty good condition.  They looked like they had only been worn a handful of times at the most.  They were a little dirty but I figured I could clean them up relatively easy.  The only reason I could see for letting them go is the height!  Whenever I see shoe ads online there is a theme I see more often than others.  Women claim they are selling the shoes because they are too high!  They say something to the effect of "I bought these and did not realize how high they were".  "I have trouble walking in them".  Their lose is my gain.  And the best part about about these beauties was the $15 pricetag.  I repeat $15!  I happily paid for my purchases and headed home.  I could not wait to wear my boots out.  An evening outing was in order!  I cleaned the boots and they were ready to go!

    Now for the outing.  I put together an outfit rather quickly and was out the door.  I grabbed my laptop and headed to my usual wi fi spot.  As comfortable as the boots were navigating my stairs both inside and out was a challenge!  The heel height took some getting use to at first.  Even for a seasoned high heeler like myself.  Flat surfaces were no problem at all though!

    Once at my destination nothing major happened as usual except for one little nugget.  I was sitting at my table and there was a couple of older ladies sitting next to me.  They obviously saw how I was dressed.  They decided to go grab a coffee and one asked if I could watch their stuff.  I said sure!  The other one said she would wait with the stuff.  Then the other said don't worry "this person" said they would watch our stuff.  It could be coincidence but I think my androgenous look confused her momentarily.  That is why she did not use the words "he" or "she" when referring to me.   Other than that I quietly and uneventfuly internet surfed, then headed home.  Now to the outfit and pics.

    the outfit
    1) Just Fabulous beige kneehigh boots
    2) Aeropostale light blue skinny jeans
    3) Green t shirt
    4) black/grey/white Reitmans coat
    5)Jessica Simpson grey handbag

    Now some pics of the outfit and boots themselves.  Comments and suggestions welcome.

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  3. Time for me to report again.  With time off during the holidays I spent today doing some shopping.  I was dressed in my normal male attire at this point.  I was out just window shopping some of the after Christmas sales.  I was also attempting to spend some of the gift cards I received this holiday season.  Along the way I decided to stop at the local thrift stores.  I usually attempt to make it there at least once a week.  I had not been to any off then since before Christmas, so I was due. I stopped in and the place was a lot less busier than usual!  Not to mention the shelves were alot emptier than usual, as well!

    I have been searching for more coats to wear this winter. All my outings I end up wearing the same 1 or 2 coats.  I wear them because that is pretty much all I have that not only keep me warm in the cold Canadian winters, but that look stylish with the outfits I present on my travels.  I have a winter parka but it is big and bulky and does not look good when I am travelling and trying to look "fashion forward".  I managed to find one this time.  The color is a mix of grey white and black.  The brand is Reitmans which is a womens clothing store here in Canada.

    Another piece of clothing I have been trying to find for awhile is some sweaters.  I like the look of some of them and they give some extra warmth in the winter time.  So far I have come up empty though.  They either end up being too tight, or they just don't look right on my body.  Most of them have small neckholes and I usually feel like I am being choked.  Today I managed to snag one though.  it was the first one that fit and looked good on me when I tried it on.  I was more than a little excited!  It is purple and sleeveless with a high neck and braid like detailing on the front.  It also has light purple sparkles throughout.  I paid for both pieces and returned home.  I was anxious to give both pieces a whirl as soon as possible, so an evening outing was in order!

    I put together my outfit rather quickly and it included both new purchases.  I headed to my usual WIFI spot to kill a couple hours surfin the net.  The place was less busier as well and my excursion went off without a hitch.  2 hours and 1 hot chocolate later, I returned home.

    The outfit
    1) purple high neck sweater
    2) Reitmans brand jacket
    3) American Eagle black jeggings
    4) Jules and James black boots
    5) Sienna Ricchi black handbag

    I included 2 pics.  The first is the entire outfit.  And the second is no coat and bag to show off the sweater.  Enjoy!  Comments and suggestions Welcome!

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  4.  Time to report on another outing.  I went to my usual wifi spot to spend some time surfing the net.  The place was busy as usual.   I did manage to get a complimet tonight.  Funny thing is , it was not in regards to what I was wearing.  A lady was walking by my table.  She pointed at my laptop and said, I love that!  She was refering to the flash drive I was using.  It had a picture of Snoppy on it dressed as the Red Baron.  She said she was a Snoppy fan.  Imagine that!  And just like at the end of Looney Toons cartoons, that's all folks!

    The outfit
    1) red shirt
    2) black Rickis brand jacket
    3) black leggings
    4) Jules and James boots
    5) red Sienna Ricchi bag

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  5. 3 hours ago, JeffB said:

    By the way, Mr. X, you sure have great taste when it comes to handbags too! I never leave the house on an outing without a purse and it's fun to carry one, so I appreciate your style when it comes to accessories!


    It's not a purse, it's European Lol  I had to throw the Seinfeld reference in there.  But thanks again!


    46 minutes ago, Thighbootguy said:

    It is just an very efficient way to carry "stuff".


    I agree!  When I am not on an outing or just out with friends and family, I will still usually use a small crossbody bag or camera type bag etc.  I have been on a successful "pocket diet" for a while now.  Even if you only have your keys, wallet, and cell phone on you it can be tough to cram into pockets.  Not to mention uncomfortable!  I can't tell you how many holes I got in my pants pockets before.  Then I realized it was from my keys.  They would poke at the fabric, and eventually it would rip and make a hole.

  6. 22 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Great look.  Well done.  Really cute booties.


    Thank you!  They are fast becoming one of my favorite pairs!


    17 hours ago, JeffB said:

    Bravo, Mr. X! That's a kicky and stylish outfit! Kudos to you, my friend!


    Thanks as always Jeff!


    15 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    Great job X, you really look great....Don't mind admitting I am very envious for sure!


    Much Appreciated!

  7. Time to report on another outing.  I went to my usual wifi spot to spend some time surfing the net.  The place was busy as usual and my night went off without a hitch.  Couple hours and 1 hot chocolate later, I headed home.

    The outfit
    1) dark grey shirt
    2) grey tweed like military style jacket
    3) black American Eagle jeggings
    4) Suzy Shier grey ankle booties
    5) Jessica Simpson bag

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  8. 7 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Now I'm seriously curious.  What do you wear when it gets cold by your definition?  Hold on, don't you northern folks use Celsius? If so 0C is 32F which by my standards is just a brisk day, but -40C is also -40F.  Around Cincinnati the coldest I remember is -20F (-29C) and, if you went out at all, you wore everything you owned.

    We do use Celsius.  And when It gets really cold we definitely bundle up!

  9. 19 hours ago, bluejay said:

    Nice fall look MR. X. Great color coordination, with the gray and black.

    Happy Heeling,





    15 hours ago, JeffB said:

    Hey there, Mr. X! That's a great outfit! Looks very cozy for the weather. Well done, my friend!


    It was cozy. Thanks!


    9 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    It isn't quite that cool in my area (yet) and I did do a quick look to see where you were from.  I my area, we consider near zero to be really cold.  But I also like the cooler weather as it is always possible to put on more good looking clothes, as opposed to limits you reach taking clothes off in hot weather.  All that said, your outfit, though great looking (and I love the bag), seems a little light for near zero weather, but I guess you Canadians are a little hardier than your southern neighbors. :penitent:


    Near zero?  That's nothing around here Lol  Wait till we hit minus 40 Lol

  10. Time for a new report!  The temp was quite cool today, hovering just above zero most of the day and evening.  I like fall and my fall outings.  I can put together outfits so much easier!  And I feel much more at ease!  Today was no exception.  Most of my outings lately have been trips to wifi spots to kill time on my laptop and that was the plan tonight!  I just recently purchased a new bag which I am in love with!  More on that later though.

    The outing itself was pretty normal and uneventful which is usually the case.  The only highlight was when a women came up to me and asked if she could use the plugin near my table to charge her phone for a few minutes while she went to grab a coffee.  I said sure.  She said thanks and went to grab her coffee.  The women was East Indian I presumed and not bad to look at either.  She was nicely dressed compared to a lot of the female customers.  She had on a nice pair of black ankle booties.  When she came back for her phone I told her I liked her shoes.  She smiled and said thanks!  I was kind of hoping she would say something about what I was wearing, but to no avail.  The after some internet surfing I left.

    As I said eariler, I recently purchased a new bag which I am in love with!  The bag is by Jessica Simpson. I purchased it from The Shoe Company in Canada.  the moment I saw it on the shelf I had to have it!  It is grey outside and looks and feels very soft.  It is very cute looking with plenty of compartments inside and out for my stuff.  The bag has a very expensive and designer look to it.  The price tag on the bag  had an MSRP of over $100!  The store price was $69.99.  It was a clearance item though and was an additional 50% off!  So I got the bag for less than $40!  I checked online when I got home because I wanted to know what model it was and how much it sold for elsewhere.  I managed to find it online quite easily.  It did infact MSRP for over $100.  And the cheapest I found it online for was around $60.  So at less than $40 I'd say I got quite a bargain!  But enough rambling.  Lets get to the outfit and pics.

    The outfit

    1) beige sweater

    2) grey tweed like miitary style coat

    3) black leggings

    4) greyish brown flat wedge boots

    5) Jessica Simspson Kendall Hobo Bag in colour grey

    And here is the pics.  First is the whole outfit.  The other pics are of the bag inside and out including one stock online photo. Enjoy!

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  11. I'm back!  It's been awhile since I last posted so I thought I would post something.  It's also fall time again.  And with cooler temps, my boots have been started to make more appearances in my outings.  I like summertime and my footwear that goes with it.  I just find it so much easier to put together outfits and go on outings in my boots.  I had a new pair of boots I recently purchased and wanted to debut them on an outing.  So here goes!

    The outing itself went off without a hitch.  I just went to a free wifi spot to kill some time on the internet and people watch.  Maybe get some ideas for future outings.  Nothing significant to report.  So lets get to the outfit and pics.

    The Outfit
    1) black and white striped top
    2) black motorcycle style jacket
    3) American Eagle black jeggings
    4) Suzy sheer grey ankle booties
    5) small Aldo tan color bag

    The first pic is the whole outfit.  The second pic is just the boots since they are new.  Comments and suggestions welcome as always.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Pumped said:

    I saw quite a few women wearing shorts and heels the other evening at a local supper club so I don't think it is so much of a fashion no-no. Hot summer evening and a bar with a huge patio, so it probably depends on the situation.

    It can be done, but only the right kind of heel will pull off the look successfully.

    44 minutes ago, bluejay said:

    I have worn shorts with heels. Mostly wedge types, both slides and strappy. I've never experienced any problems.

    I have done the wedge thing with shorts too!  But I dont neccessarily consider that to be "heels".  When I say "heels and shorts"  I mean an actual thin heel.  Like a stiletto or something along those lines.  I don't see that much on women.  Especially around these parts!  It is usually a flat shoe like flip flops or something paired with shorts.

  13. 18 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    And now, for Post No. 3 in a row! First, let me say that I think your outfit looks nice. At least in the summer, your style and mine are somewhat similar, except for the handbag. 

    I was just wondering, do you ever wear shorts with heels? As we have discussed before, I don't feel I look good in capris, but I do think I look good in shorts, and I wear them often. Trouble is, I get a lot of unwanted attention when I wear shorts with heels, so many times, I will opt for flat sandals if I have to run to the grocery store or something. Or I'll put on long pants with heels. I find I get waaaay less attention either way. 

    I would think capris would be about the same on a guy, as far as undesired attention. Does this ever weigh on your mind when you are deciding what you will wear? It seems so much easier in the wintertime. 

    I have never done shorts and heels.  With women, heels and shorts are somewhat of a fashion no-no, or so I have been told. It would definitely get unwanted attention as you said.  Even on a women, let alone a man!

    It use to be easier for me to dress in the wnter but not so much anymore.  If I think I look good in the mirror before I head out the door, I wear it!  And that is all that matters to me, Period!

  14. 8 hours ago, Gudulitooo said:

    Mr X,

    Nice outfit. Are these your hair that we see ? How do you wear them ?

    Not sure what you mean?  But if your talking my actual hair then yes.  It is longer and I don't do anything fancy with it.

    6 hours ago, Jamie001 said:

    I love your choice of sandals, however if you really want to improve the look with sandals i suggest a professional pedicure with fire engine red nail polish. You can never go wrong with red toenails and you will get a lot of compliments.

    I do the pedis from time to time.  Nothing currently though.

  15. Time for a new outing report.  I had planned on going out tonight but the extra warm weather just made my decision that much easier.  And to say the weather was nice was an understatement.  I arrived home around 9pm and the temperature was still 26 celcius.  Or 80 for you fahrenheit people.  Plus I had a recently purchased pair of sandals that I hadn't "broken in" yet.  So it seemed like a good time to do just that!  The outing itself was short and uneventful so I won't bother discussing it.  Lets get to the outfit and pics.

    The Outfit
    1) Brown t-shirt with thin colored lines
    2) denim capris
    3) brown leather handbag
    4) Spring brand gladiator style sandals with double ankle straps and near 4" heel

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  16. 11 hours ago, aristoc said:

    Well I do sometimes wear heels to the office. Generally tend to cover them with long bootcut or flared trousers so they are not too obvious, but definitely still visible.

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    Recently been busy carrying out defects inspections at a new Hotel. 150 rooms to inspect in heels takes it out of you, but has been an interesting  conversation piece with some of the housekeeping staff and definitely made such a boring task slightly more interesting.

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    Well done Aristoc!  Very Classy!

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