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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Another week, another church service. I was feeling rather more ambitious this week, and wore my @Jkrenzer approved shoes. I do believe that my Steve Madden Daisie pumps were the ones that got me started off with my smallish collection of traditional pumps. I do not often wear pumps, partially because I do not have that many venues really to wear them. Also, my budget does not include funds to buy real leather pumps, so my time in them must necessarily be limited. Having said that, I spent about three hours in these yesterday between church and grocery shopping. As noted elsewhere on this forum, these are a little bit difficult on the polished tile floor of my local supermarket. A heel tip replacement to hard rubber would improve things markedly. However, after it was time to change clothes and shoes, I was not ready to take them off. They are actually quite comfortable for 4 5/8" stilettos. I am on the verge of being able to walk in them. I can fool most people. One of the things about playing in the band at church is that, in time of need, I can sneak off to the bathroom during the first part of the sermon. I would estimate I do this about 20% of the time, depending upon how much coffee I have consumed on any given Sunday morning. The only person who can see is whoever is serving as liturgist that morning. Yesterday morning, I quietly opened the sacristy door to make my temporary escape, and the liturgist stopped me and whispered, "You're going to walk down those stairs in those shoes?" I whispered back, "I know! I'm taking my life in my hands, aren't I?" The stairs back there are very steep. Then she mentioned it again after the service. Well, you know, 12 years of more or less constant practice never hurt a thing.
    2 points
  2. just thinking, what was the last pair of heels anyone wore? as I had those on yesterday https://www.amazon.co.uk/Womens-Platform-Peeptoe-Strappy-Fuchsia/dp/B07CL972S8/ref=sr_1_17?crid=J20W94SH7NFA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GBbrm9XHXmEnUuTvAQy5uh_IxdtXk69oSlGxwMLKaK8CbEKi3Fha-W0ZyWKQv2XnSi-34tIe5rD203ay986xFn-hbWq9NQ5bSx-ER3K_b4vCCT01lvNycZUG4UGJeh3veIDidNF2jpDeMUmZXXrFfxThtpaaLn-vkpwKJtZkTIbGCEsq7_j85prmOTZBO108lz4W8v5-uVAAnWihVSV0z61csq5lTLXVa9KKSKJEwwF_SyMdRGWPNWi2hSG0sHPxPQoai5FcynsfRk7TjtlkMK5lBs-O-Cwd6vY_cqwwROU.9I40MU9E98jap1VuKajl6tD9-9CH5du-ZmOWvh3Skwg&dib_tag=se&keywords=pink%2Bhigh%2Bheels&qid=1713705317&sprefix=pink%2Bhigh%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-17&th=1
    1 point
  3. This week's church OOTW. There is nothing notable about it, except for the fact that this is the first time this year I was able to wear sandals. It finally warmed up, but it's only temporary. By the end of the week, we're looking at lows uncomfortably close to the freezing mark. I felt like I wanted to wear tan sandals yesterday with wide legged trousers, but my first choice was at the extreme steep end of my wearable range. Due to some strenuous physical activity yesterday, I elected not to wear those, but went instead with what I call my "pageant" shoes. Their actual designation is Steve Madden Dezzzy (yes, that's with three z's), but their very high heel with thick platform reminds me of the pageant shoes that every southeast Asian girl wears in a beauty pageant. Of course the real pageant shoes usually have a somewhat thinner heel and an ever thicker platform, but you get the idea. I get a nearly 6 inch heel with less than 4 1/2" of steepness. My son just bought himself a motorbike, and here I am somewhat awkwardly posing on it, at his suggestion. No, I did not ride the thing in those heels. A few minutes later in real time---Now that I have actually loaded the photos, I notice that I wore a nearly identical outfit sometime last August, minus the tie. I think it's the same exact shirt, pants, and shoes. I guess you'll have that from time to time if you don't document things, and with outfits, I certainly don't.
    1 point
  4. Another day in the big city yesterday - and in the shuffling crowds an encouraging number knee and ankle boots with chunky heels of varying heights and even a couple of pair of stilettos. Looking at the demographics of the wearers make it clear that it’s the older age group with the sense of style - not only nicer (undoubtedly more expensive) boots but worn with greater panache, the standout being a stylish but by no means showy woman in her sixties looking effortlessly at ease in black OTK boots with 3-4 inch heels and a stylish but generally conservative long coat.
    1 point
  5. Went to the theatre last night - Fascinating Aida at the London Palladium - great show. This may be their last ever tour so catch a performance if you can. If you look them up, be aware that some of their material is NSFW. I'm also warning that some may not like the overtly political nature of some of their songs, but that's not a legitimate topic for this forum. Saw plenty of heels, though mine were the only ones on a man. Examples seen on the tube (subway for left pondians) included black 4" block heel knee high boots on a young woman, 4.5", possibly 5", "nude" stiletto sandals on a woman out with her man. She looked at ease with them, even though most women would think of them as "taxi shoes". A few more thin heels up to 4" and loads of block heels up to 3". Some recent photos of Michelle O'Neill, the new Northern Ireland First Minister, show her in possibly 4" stiletto court shoes. I wonder if she was wearing them when she met Rishi Sunak (UK prime minister and not very tall). Whatever you may think of O'Neill, Sunak and all again their politics isn't a subject for HHP.
    1 point
  6. I spent another long day travelling on inter-city trains and saw an encouraging number of boots with chunky 3” heels - not high by the standards if some in here, but a height and style I like very much. I also saw for the first time in a long while someone out and about in four inch heels - knee boots with tall thin block heels. One seldom sees heels that high out and about. I suppose four inch, fashion height, is more likely to be used for dressy or formal occasions than long days on your feet, in trails and railroad stations, where chunky three inch heels would have unbeatable appeal
    1 point
  7. Yesterday when I was at the supermarket I was surprised to see a pleasant mild-mannered looking woman in her sixties wearing tight leather trousers and patent black ankle boots with what looked to be three inch chunky heels. There was nothing about her that suggested mutton trying to pass as lamb, or really anything overt about it. It appeared simply to be her natural style, worn with a tasteful but nondescript coat, her grey hair bunched in a loose bun. And because it was so obviously her natural style, she carried it off with ease and assurance. It was nice to see
    1 point
  8. I was waiting for this question 😝 Here it is. The first one was wearing white boots with high Cuban heels. I'd say around 3 inch. Very fashionable on other clothes also. He was walking on the street, close to where I work. Something like this: Not obvious men's shoes what do you think? I'd wear them without a second glimpse. The second guy was in a train station, platform opposite then mine, plain view for me. Wife with me, I said he had more courage than me in his choice. Zebra boots with thin heels like this: My jaw dropped and I was jealous. How fancy it was. He had also other beautiful fashion clothes like a long coat. It was a quite cold Sunday in Paris. He was talking with a friend or boyfriend, I don't know, he seemed very well on his skin, big smile, enjoying his life. Those encounters made my week. It's not rare I come across men in heels in Paris but two in a week is a first. Happy to be part of this also 😁
    1 point
  9. I'm always looking on what other people are wearing on their feet, the functional trend is here but a good part of women still benefit on their liberties and remain wearing high heels or other fancy shoes. What is overwhelming is that, in a single week, I've seen two men (other than me) wearing high heels in quite fashionable ways and that makes me very happy.
    1 point
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