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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Here is a new one from my travels today. The weather is getting a little bit nicer here, so I decided to wear a pair of white sandals I purchased recently. With the thicker heel on these, they are very comfortable to wear, and quite easy to walk in for longer periods of time. I was wearing these for a good 4 to 5 hours today with no trouble at all. I like how well they paired with the lighter color of the jeans. It was a little cooler in the morning so the jacket paired nicely. By the afternoon, it was nice enough that I could remove the coat. I could see these heels being a part of many of my summer outfits.
    4 points
  2. I’m sure it does! He seems to have found a good oath for himself
    1 point
  3. What I said in my post above applies equally to Kneehighs, too
    1 point
  4. There’s not one man on the planet that can find fault with any decision that you have made concerning your life or the way you live. The decision you have made are the right ones for you. There isn’t any sane individual that I am aware of that consciously makes any decisions that negatively impacts their lives. If you are happy with your lifestyle and life situation, then I say “good on you!.” Because 97% of the people alive are not satisfied with their life, lifestyle or status in society. It’s only through hindsight that any one can say “gosh, had I only turned right instead of left I would have been so much better off. The most important consideration on your part is that you are satisfied, happy and content with where you are at. I say Congratulations. “Keep on keeping on.” Because you are one of the few.
    1 point
  5. Once again, we have this week's church outfit. I went back to pink again, though I no longer technically have any pink shoes. I tossed my last pair because one of the straps was broken, and it was starting to suffer from the whole chemical peel thing on the inside, which, due to the design of the shoe, was visible while wearing. I had essentially two choices, unless I went with black or something. I had some pink-ish stiletto mules, which I should really find an occasion to wear, but they were far too orange for this outfit. That left me with my Söfft cork sandals in fuchsia patent, so that's what I went with. One of the advantages to wearing the Söfft shoes is that they are effectively 3 1/2" heels. I've been wearing higher heels quite a bit lately, so these are super easy to move in, and I needed all of my wits about me, as it was my first time leading the music by myself, without benefit of a piano player. It went fine. I wouldn't necessarily want to do that every week, but it was ok for a Sunday or two now and then. For some reason, these appear quite a bit more bright red than they are in real life. Even if they were red, I don't think they look too bad. Maybe I ought to try actual red shoes with a future pink outfit.
    1 point
  6. I’m no fan of President Biden or ex-President Trump either, but I do think that classing either with Vladimir Putin is a bit rich. As far as I know neither of the two American presidents have murdered any of their many critics, at home or abroad, or routinely taken foreigners hostage for use as political pawns or invaded a neighbouring country in an all out land-grab war that had cost many thousands of lives. Although born in the US I have lived virtually all of my adult life in other countries. I have never been involved with any ex-pat associations but have always lived as a local, amongst locals, and without reference to America in any way. Perhaps that’s why I have no sentiment for the place, although I had a very agreeable childhood there
    1 point
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