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I want to be careful how I ask this question. As I have said many times before, I am a heterosexual male, I enjoy the company of women, I enjoy wearing high heels, and I love seeing women wearing high heels. But, since I've been a member here, I've seen many photos of men wearing high heels. And as I view the photos, I have a pleasent feeling about me. I enjoy seeing the high heels, but I enjoy seeing other men wearing high heels. It's not a sexual thing, but it's like a party or club thing. I even enjoy the pictures of the cross dressers and female impersonators in high heels. I have read about the Heel Meets but have not yet attended. But I picture myself "mingling" with other men who are also wearing high heels. I love wearing high heels in public and will continue to do so because I have so much fun doing it and it makes me really happy. But that feeling is similar to the one I get when I see another man wearing high heels. Guys and gals, please let me know your comments, opinions, and views when you see either a picture of a man wearing high heels or a real life encounter with a man in public wearing high heels.

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Not sure ronniheels. Hasn't happened yet. It would be very cool to see another guy in heels out in public but I really do not know how I would react. It would definitly be a good reaction of some kind I know.

real men wear heels

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just my opinion but i think if i saw a man wearing heels it would be, 'interesting','thought provoking' and 'something to gossip about' however if i saw a cross dresser/transvestite wearing heels a different area of the brain functions with thoughts like 'sexy' ,'very nice' and 'she looks well in those heels'.maybe just me and the way i think, but i thought i would respond to this interesting question

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Roniheels I think the word you're looking for is admiration. It is the feeling I get when I see a man in heels, or a skirt. It's not a sexual thing, I'm hetro too, but we can admire someones sense of fashion, and their clothing choice male or female.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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Hmm, that's a good question. I would have to say that the sight of a man in high heels fascinates and intrigues me and if I were to see such a gent in public, I would probably have a hard time tearing my eyes away from him, but in a non-sexual way. I would certainly admire his courage, choosing to flaunt convention and society's narrowminded viewpoints on what males should and shouldn't wear. That's part of what I love most about our shared passion, our desire to wear what we like, not what society wants us to wear.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Sorry, when I see myself in the mirror or see other heel-wearing men in pictures (particularly very openly with stilettos, sandals, etc.), I simply thinks that it looks wrong.

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Roniheels I think the word you're looking for is admiration. It is the feeling I get when I see a man in heels, or a skirt. It's not a sexual thing, I'm hetro too, but we can admire someones sense of fashion, and their clothing choice male or female.

Hmm, that's a good question. I would have to say that the sight of a man in high heels fascinates and intrigues me and if I were to see such a gent in public, I would probably have a hard time tearing my eyes away from him, but in a non-sexual way. I would certainly admire his courage, choosing to flaunt convention and society's narrowminded viewpoints on what males should and shouldn't wear. That's part of what I love most about our shared passion, our desire to wear what we like, not what society wants us to wear.

Thank you all for your replies. But JeffB and shyguy, I think I absolutely relate to both of your opinions and feelings about this subject. I think admiration and also fellowship are two good words that come to mind. Maybe that's why I enjoy this website so much where we can all exchange thoughts and feelings about wearing high heels.

Thank you all again for your responses.

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That's a very interesting question. I guess I am facinated by the sight of a man wearing high heels and envy him for the courage or opportunity for wearing heels. I am hetero and and always facinated by the sight of a nice leg elongated by the a 4" or 5" heel. And I think that this is the reason I own some heels, for the hope that some day my wife will accept and be attracted to my legs...

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Sorry, when I see myself in the mirror or see other heel-wearing men in pictures (particularly very openly with stilettos, sandals, etc.), I simply thinks that it looks wrong.

For me it is the whole lower half thing and providing I wear them right, it doesn't look wrong at all.

The heels are the main thing for me but they have to be part of a picture which includes legs and skirt. I like to wear stockings and feminine skirts so that when I look at my lower half I see a 'feminine image' (it was hard explaining this to the wife lastnight lol).

When I look at other pictures on HHPlace as long as they appear feminine to me, it doesn't matter what gender the person is.

Hope this makes sense.

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Well depends, if i see a man wearing them in public, kind of low key as I am (and not in a "hey look at me" kind of way), I would probably briefly want to say hello and congratulate him on his choice of footwear (unless he looks as though he wants to avoid extra attention, as I usually do). Anyway, that's as far as that would go.

On the other end, i do love to look at any beautiful long smooth slender legs in a pair of high heels, there are few men that I have seen that can be included in this category. Again I am hetero as well, but for example, this guy http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/559014746XTGWWj, has some damn nice legs that I cant help but admire. I have only run across one very convincing looking TV in public, that was absolutely amazing in every detail, and had some awesome legs as well, and I guess I couldnt take my eyes off them.

What can I say, a nice pair of legs is a nice pair of legs, and I love legs.:thumbsup:

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On the other end, i do love to look at any beautiful long smooth slender legs in a pair of high heels, there are few men that I have seen that can be included in this category. Again I am hetero as well, but for example, this guy http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/559014746XTGWWj, has some damn nice legs that I cant help but admire.

I have to agree those heels look great with those legs.

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There are two real life sightings that caught my eye, but they were brief and I was not in an accessible position to even let them know I had noticed. The first one happened in the morning after the sun had been up for a while and I was in my truck and on my way to class. I was going along the street and he stepped out on to his porch just a little ahead of my left side vision and he began to walk toward his front gate. I turned my head to keep him in direct view as I continued by. Then I used my rear view mirror to again confirm what I had just witnessed. He was a large fellow in his 40's wearing a type of shirt dress with the hem line a little above the knees. I'm not sure if he was bare legged or had on stockings, but obviously he wore 1.5 inch (3.5cm) block heeled black pumps. I have thought about his sighting many times since and regret that I didn't try to even go back later and visit, but I was in a secrecy mode at the time. A second sighting happened a few years later, after the mid-night hour and I was in the parking lot of a supermarket to pick up some needed groceries. To my surprize, a guy walked out of the entrance wearing 4 inch (10cm) stiletto heels along with a shirt and trousers, got to his car, opened the driver's door and stepped into the car with his right foot, putting a medium sized sack of things on the front passenger's seat, as he sat down onto the driver's chair, swung his other foot in, closed the door, and drove away. No substantial happening on its own, but the incident was another proof I am not the only man willing to wear high stiletto heels in the male fashion genera. If males wore high heels as actively as females, I would be elated to live in an era where an individual's right to choose for themselves was an upheld standard of society. Other's opinions can be taken under advisement, but the final say should be the individual wearing the look. An outfit that is coordinated, makes the wearer more pleasing to view.

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As a hetero, myself, I guess the best term would be "admiration". While not quite in the same light as if I'd see a beautiful lady in them, I'd still probably hurt my neck watching, and if eye contact was made, would certainly pass along my kudos!

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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I have seem some men in heels in the fetish party I use to attend every month and I think that they look ok. I really don't care, everyone should wear what wants. I see a lot of people that wears "normal" clothes and shoes and wear then very badly.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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I guess that there are 5 or 6 of us guys here in Ohio who share this passion, and who enjoy being "just a bit different", but not seeking anything beyond sharing experiences, etc. with each other. Belden Village Mall, or whatever, in October is o.k. w/ me. I like pumps, but they are to be reserved for special occasions. Meanwhile, I will continue to enjoy the increased height and improved posture brought on by my hh clogs. Never thought that a website like this would possibly exist. There must be hundreds of thousands of other guys (like me) who like stylish footwear and are atracted to the opposite sex, and even if not married share their passions with same. HHPLACE, we hope that you sell a lot of advertising space. We are willing to buy certain styles if only we knew where to get them in our size. Heelmeets must be fun; a significant number of guys (and maybe their spouses) making a fashion statement.

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