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Just a question!!!


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Hi everybody. i am new to this website. But i had a question. I want to ask am i normal, im a 19 year old male, but i really like boots, i really love wearing them, but i know that many people on this website are male but they love wearing them, but all im saying is that im 19, is that ok for me to be feeling like that. I mean i get real jealous when ever i see woman wearing them and i think to myself why cant i wear them. Please help me. thanks

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of course ure normal! Remember, footwear is a sublect of style or specific taste. I am like you, i have the same thing about admiring and wearing boots, but i´m conscious that the society is not walking along with our way of thinking. I´m lucky cause my gf supports me and loves me the way i am, but my parents are far away from knowing this, and i´ll probably hide this from them, but just for the respect i have for them. If you feel goog, continue that way cause that´s what gonna make you happy and feel complete, at least works fine for me...heheheh :roll: _boot_lover_ Portugal

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19 is a great time to know what you like! I was about 25 when I bought my first heels, but always knew that I loved them. No need to wait because everyday you miss without boots is a day you can't get back. Welcome, by the way!

Style is built from the ground up!

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Thankyou for all of your help. Im just sort of scared if you get what i mean. But atleast im not the only one. But from reading these forums it doesnt look like there are many women that support this, you must be real lucky to find a woman who would support this sort of thing. but thanks very much

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Thankyou for all of your help. Im just sort of scared if you get what i mean. But atleast im not the only one. But from reading these forums it doesnt look like there are many women that support this, you must be real lucky to find a woman who would support this sort of thing. but thanks very much

Bing scared at first is normal. It takes time to overcome the nerves, but that's true for about anything new.

As for supportive women, being yourself and being honest is the only way you find anybody supportive. If you decide wearing boots is part of who you are, and you are comfortable and honest, you stand a much better chance of finding support. Just my thoughts...

Just mve at your own pace...

Style is built from the ground up!

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Hello newbie!! WELCOME! 19 YO M wanting to wear heels and scared to do so...VERY MUCH NORMAL!! You are young and still have all the impressions society, friends, family and acquaintences have molded into you very fresh in your mind. I'm sure that most may present the impression of being rather straight-laced. However, they are JUST SHOES!! Fortunately for you, your generation is much more open minded about many things that in the past, even just a few years ago, would be considered taboo. The exposure to different cultures, ideals and fashion that modern communications has enabled is far superior to what most on this forum ever had at your age!! Not to date myself, but 'being onlne' when I was 19 consisted of parallel interface, 1200-2400 baud dial-up modems...Sometimes to long distance telephone numbers!! (I still remember being excited about a 24K modem...wow...)The ability to have access to a forum like this was unheard of back then!! Back then, MTV was in it's infancy! (Sorry, I digress...) It appears that most younger people are very much more open minded these days due to the media and communications influence. The very thought of two girls kissing on TV, (not to mention guys!!) was nothing more than a thought. Guys in media wore typical male fashion and 'stretching it' was Don Johnson wearing a pink suit on Miami Vice. Today these taboos are mainstream and your age group has never known anything different. Conservatism has yielded to liberalism in the media and this exposure has helped you (and all of us high heel wearing guys) tremendously I strongly believe. With that short dissertation being said you might be very pleasantly suprised at reactions your age group may present. Don't expect universal acceptance, especially when you start to open up about this, but time will allow you the freedom you desire. Something else to think about is girls greatly prefer a man who is true to himself in every way. If you wear heels confidently and as if it's nothing unusual, then the acceptance will be rather quick from your female peers. And no matter what the sex, confidence is sexy. It's 'in.' With the goth, transgendered rights, and homosexual rights movements, greater protections exist for you than have ever been present. To say this will protect you from verbal abuse would be absurd but people are generally trained to consider other people's feelings when speaking. You may find people say nothing to your face but watchout on your myspace or facebook page! (Or even on other's pages...) So if this is something you do not want the world to know about then be cautious. Digital photos circulate very rapidly!! Most importantly be observant of your surroundings. Just like women have been told for years, know where you are, wear what's appropriate for the situation you might find yourself in and be prepared to defend if needed. But that's true whether you're wearing heels or trainers. Most on this board will tell you they're selective where they wear their heels and this rings true no matter where in the world you live. With all that being said welcome to the wonderful world of high heels!! They're a truly remarkable accessory which I wish society would universally accept on men as they have men's trousers on women. Cooridinate your outfit, wear them with confidence and be yourself. You've got a great opportunity in today's age. ENJOY IT!!

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee

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What is normal these days? Green hair, ear rings on men, spiked hair, women with tatoos, and the list goes on and on and on, including MEN IN HEELS. As for finding a woman to support you, not a problem if your up front and honest. Most women I know think its cool that I wear heels and really like my style, not to brag. Just be your self, who else can you be?

real men wear heels

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Oh to be young again! When I was 19, a modem was a new gadget featured on "Tomorrow's World", it was hard-wired into an electric typewriter so that letters could be sent by telephone, the reciever of which went into a cradle on the side of the modem. It could send a letter (an Email if you like) as quickly a ten minutes!!! Telex was deemed far more convenient! You would be spat at in the street for wearing an earring, even if it was in the left ear-lobe, only gays wore it in the right and if you had both ears pierced you were a complete raving poofter! Now you can wear as many earrings as you like, male skirts have come and gone (but still continue to be worn), and heels barely ellicit a raised eyebrow... Enjoy your youth and go for it... many girls your age think that guys in heels is cool anyway...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Q.1 I want to ask am i normal,

im a 19 year old male, but i really like boots, i really love wearing them, but i know that many people on this website are male but they love wearing them,

Q.2 but all im saying is that im 19, is that ok for me to be feeling like that.

I mean i get real jealous when ever i see woman wearing them and i think to myself why cant i wear them.

Please help me. thanks

Hi newbie, and welcome.

Referring to Q.1, no-one here can say you are normal (we don't know you), but many here will tell you, both wearing and taking pleasure from looking at womans boots is entirely "normal" to us.

And as for Q.2 many here will have had the same experience at 19 you are going through now. The big difference is, almost everyone of us older chaps would have had to 'get through it' on our own. Luckily for you and others new to it, the Internet, and specifically this forum, provides help and support for those with our particular vice. :roll: But unlike smoking, drinking, and (for men) womanising, having a strong interest in footwear is unlikely to damage your health. :-?

Have a good look around the forum. You WILL find lots of useful/helpful advice on what you might do next.

The single ~ most important thing you must learn, is to not be ashamed of your interest. You don't need to wear it like a 'badge of honour' or become a martyr to it either. Be prudent in who you share your interest with, but don't ignore it either. You are young, and expected to make mistakes. Go out an make some, with the nicest boots you can afford. :o


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Eloquently said, Shoeiee. If "newbie" would search back through the archives he will find a wealth of good advice -- which you've encapsulated into one posting. (regards to "Elf")

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Welcome. newbie. This website has many members, female and male, who enjoy viewing and wearing high heels and high heeled boots. I'm 54 years old, and I was wearing (my Mom's) high heels long before I turned 19. When I turned 19, thank heavens high heels were in style for both women and men and I wore them all of the time (men's high heeled shoes, that is). When that era passed, I moved on to more feminie high heels to wear both privately and publicly, which brings us to the present.

Mine is just one story. As you have read from others in this post, your feelings toward boot is not uncommon at all. Be happy and enjoy the visual and physical pleasures of high heels. Believe me, you are among friends here who share similar feelings.

Welcome again and hope to here more from you in the future.

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Dear newbie, one more welcome to you! Beeing afraid about heels in the age you are is completely normal and I'm sure that 99% of the male heelers here felt the same, me included. You should be living under your parents roof and, of course, is a lot more difficult to be yourself without embarassement. When I was 24 and got my own flat to live in another city my freedom turned easier and I felt that my mind was my only jail. About friends, girls and guys, always remember your mother. I'm pretty sure that she told you to choose well who you walk with in the past.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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are you normal? i ask you,what the hell is that other than an arbitary figure. wanting to wear heeled boots puts you outside the bell shaped portion of the population distribution curve regarding the wearing of heeled boots(notice i did not call them womens boots. they are womens if a woman is wearing them. just had to stick that in). now having said that,lets discuss what is "normal" for you personally. and which is more important? the arbitrary designation or what you feel? so you have to decide who is going to make that designation...you or society as a whole. make no mistake about it,if you choose the easy way out,cowtowing to the pressures of the herd,you will blend in to that faceless mass without a problem. or you can be true to yourself and wear what you desire,what makes you happy. the choice is yours,and no one elses. each path has its cost.

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