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Today I had the thought that if heels were for men as naturally as they are for women, do you think you all would have the same amount of interest in them? Does the allure of heels come primarily from the fact that they are for women? I'm sure many of you would say you'd obviously just wear them more, but honestly, if they weren't as taboo do you believe you'd have the same level of interest? Maybe it's just me, but I don't think I would.

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Funny, I was just thinking about this very same thing on the way home from work tonight. I think my life would have been much more pleasant if heels were as natural for men as they are women. So I guess my answer is yes, I would still have the same fascination as I do now. Good ?

real men wear heels

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I suspect if there wasn’t any societal opposition to guys wearing women’s shoes we would find some other way to run against the grain of society. Wearing heels in today’s society (and not trying to hide them) screams that you are confidently independent and are willing to live outside of the self imposed rules to which others have subscribed. Its because we are breaking those rules that some others feel an obligation to try to encourage us back into the heard by pointing out to everyone that we are doing something different (holding us up to public ridicule). For most of us, if it wasn’t heeling, I suspect it would be something else.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Personally, I like & wear heels because for one, they look a whole lot more attractive than regular men's footwear, and I also like the feeling of the raised ankle compared to the ball of the foot area. No fight/rebellion against society norms or fetish feelings here!

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if heels were the accepted norm for male or female the special attraction would be gone... ..part of the thrill is the risk/challenge of crossing that barrier of separation between the sexes expressed by "normally-associated-with-female" articles of clothing, cosmetics, earrings, etc... sidebar: do guys get the same kick when they wear a stud in an ear... ...so, to keep this simple... (without going into sexual transference issues of attraction for heels instead of "vaginas" -to be blunt...) ...I believe there would be no thrill in it at all... cheers JSpikeheels

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The main problem is for me, I want heels in a man's style like western boots. Even stillettoes if the style was suitable would be fine. Boots in general are the only ones that I could consider wearing. A personal choice I know, that not many members will agree with, but each to their own. So in answer to the question, yes.

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I'd wear heels no matter what, I simply like the look, not because it's still a social taboo for men to wear hh.

I wear them all the time if the taboo was gone, they are whole lot more attractive and sexy.

I also feel it's time to end gender based clothing that men should have the same fashion rights as the woman have enjoyed for 60 years. Equality in Fashion!

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Hey- as to English, don't feel bad, I have to use a spell checker all the time.

Oh ! YES !!!

I wouldn't have enough money to buy all the boots and shoes i want ;)

Hope my english is not so bad for you to understand what i mean .


I also feel it's time to end gender based clothing that men should have the same fashion rights as the woman have enjoyed for 60 years. Equality in Fashion!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, I like & wear heels because for one, they look a whole lot more attractive than regular men's footwear, and I also like the feeling of the raised ankle compared to the ball of the foot area.

No fight/rebellion against society norms or fetish feelings here!

Amen. For me there are so much more fun things to rebel against. Women's heels (boots, actually) just look so much better than whatever I can find in the men's section.

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Would the thrill of wearing heels go away for me if it were more accepted by society as a whole. Nope! If anything, I'd look upon that as validation that the ridiculous barrier separating gender and clothing had finally come down. I would still feel that indescribable thrill whenever I'm out and about in heels because it's something I find to be delightfully bold and daring and exciting. But once the barriers came down, I'd be just another fellow displaying his eclectic fashion sense.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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If the social barriers about male heeling came down, there would be no change in my desire to be out and about enjoying the way I look as a male coordinating his attire with his metal tipped stiletto pumps and listening to the clicking of heels on the sidewalk. Even before I knew about the social prohibitions for male heeling, I wanted them to be part of my wardrobe choices. Come to think of it, men and women would be so thrilled because they could broaden their wardrobes significantly, just by getting together with someone of their same sizing, at least in shoes. I'm not going to even mention anything about the pre-nuptials. OOPS!

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we are the same size and do share our heels !! We both love fashion and going for it when we go out. Occasionally there's a'you cant buy that, i want it / them' but that's part of the fun you talk about !! We buy for each other knowing the other will like it, it keeps us young and we both look forward to when we are going shopping next. It's a great high for us both !

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the social barriers about male heeling came down, I would wear my feminine high heels every single place I would ever want to go. I hate to keep reitterating, but I make this comparison back to the 70's when it was popular to wear high heels by both men and women. It did seem like almost every man was wearing some sort of high heeled shoe, as well as all of the women. Those were the days.;)

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