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Wish there was a place guys could wear heels


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Hello to all: i have been wearing high heels since I was 12 years old. My mom always wore high heels and I tried them on one day. I was hooked since that day. i wore her heels until I out grew them. I then wore my sisters and soon out grew them. then i started buying my own when I was about 15. Felt so hot to go to a womens shoe store and buy my own heels. i am now 55 yrs young and still wear high heels as much as I can. I am married to a wonderful women who tolerates my need for wearing high heels at home. I have over 300 pair and love to buy new styles all the time. I wish there was somewhere where us men could wear high heels without bing stoned and humiliated. This has to be out there. I am not gay and love my wife. Just would like to go out in public in a nice pair of 5 inch spikes and jeans and be OK with it. Does annyone else feel the same? Are there places like this? Are there other wives that are OK with this thought? bernheels

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First Welcome to the forum, I hope you find yourself comfortable here. Now about your post! I also am in my 50's with a wonderful wife that has totally excepted my heel wearing. If you read just about any one of the threads in the guys section you'll find many many guys do wear heels in any public setting. I think I have one of the greatest jobs in the world, being a manager in a ladies shoe store. You can find me in heels every day at work, going out for dinner or a movie. The point I am making is there are many of us here using heels in everyday life without a second thought

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Hello Bern and WELCOME!! So...Where to go in heels?? The REAL answer is ANYWHERE YOU PLEASE!! I know...This may sound wierd but it is true! Read the posts form the other male posters here and you will read about many experiences in full-public with no problems! Of course you need to take where you are located into consideration...I wouldn't recommend it in say, rural South Carolina for instance...But this past week I found even central North Carolina to be pretty much OK!! I have been street-heeling for about 7 years now, on and off, and have yet to have a truly ground-shaking, slap-in-the-face negative experience. My wife has heard comments, but it's usually "Did you see that guy wearing heels?!?!?!" Ive had people stare in disbelief and heard a few laughs but NEVER had anyone approach me in a negative manner. I guess the biggest thing is how you wear them. If you flaunt it excessibly, or dress in an overall obnoxious manner, then you can expect some heckling. But if you wear them well with a cooridinated outfit, most people either don't notice, are too afraid of repercussions themself, or are too polite to really say anything. (Or they're flabbergasted and can't figure out WHAT to say!!) Something else to think about...Most people are taught to be non-confrontational and hence, do not like confrontation. There are some who are or can be, but most aren't. Use this to your advantage!! As an example, today I frove from Hickory, NC to Chesapeake, VA wearing knee-high boots with my jeans tucked into them. I stopped a few times and went into Priscilla's Lingere in Hickory, A Hess gas station, a Wendy's and another gas station. At Priscilla's the gal working there, as well as the customers, just went about their business. I KNOW they noticed (the jeans were blue and the boots were black stretch with brown, 4" stacked thin heels...) but they didn't say anything. So I asked the clerk about the overal look. She said it didn't look bad and when I asked her about 'too much' or 'would I be asking for trouble' she clearly stated NO!! Just go about your business! You shouldn't have any trouble! Folks, it CAN be done!! All it takes is Courage, Courage and MORE COURAGE!! Fortunately I have a VERY supportive wife who enjoys it when I puch the limits of footwear. She has been the greatest supporter of my footwear choice I could have ever asked for! I'm SURE that if not for her, I still would not have the :balls: to wear them openly. Take your wife, you both get dressed up, and go to dinner at a nice resturaunt for dinner. You'll see!! Happy Heeling!! Shoeiee

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee

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Welcome aboard. Please do wear them anywhere you please. Just think what a stigma it used to be for men to appear in public with ear rings - what was it, left for gay, right for straight? Now its totally acceptable for either or both to be pierced along with other parts of the anatomy.

Its all about the total look, get that right and you just blend.

Just look here at some more of Rui Leonardes work. The music world leads as ever.



Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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Bernheels: In response to your original question, does anybody else feel like this?, we sure do. I'm 56, exact same situation as you described except right now I have only 4 pairs of which I only wear 2. I've gradually started some public wearing albeit only a couple times a year when out of town. The advice I got here about taking it slowly and picking your spots was good advice. A little more confident each time. Good to hear from you and welcome to the forum. Wineandine

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You will probably be disappointed by the reaction you DON'T get! I go out in full female mode on occasion (all the UK heelmeet attenders know Tara) and it is surprising how quickly it becomes "normal"...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Welcome Bernheels. I'm sure there are many of us (myself included) who would love nothing better than to wear our favorite heels whenever and wherever we'd like. It sure seems that that day is coming, eventually if not sooner. I'd agree with the other posters in that if you act confident and don't wear something too outrageous then chances are most folks could care less what you are wearing.

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i wish that in my country will be tolorate ppl than it is. i want to wear high heels since i was kid. my mother even gave me high heel shoes when i was realy little... be4 few years i found that old little high heel shoes on my garage... i found them and remmber that... yeah and i tought alltime that i like them;) in my country you can get knocked out when you got many piercings, so thinking about to go in high heel its wery dificult... d**n east europe... if nobody in my country cant realy accept that samebody is gay and even transperson, then its allmost impossible... but maybe nobody would knock me out for this... if i wasn't so tall... i would be easer to get high heels, but my 46size is such a barrier...

every human has they own choices...

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Wow - you are so lucky to wear heels at work!! I am so jealous:) I just want to say thanks to all for the welcome and the support. I am still trying to work my way around the forum. Great place

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Once, a long time ago (10 years?), I saw a news report on CBS 60 Minutes television news program about a town in Indiana (USA) where everyone was dressed opposit from their birth sex. Every woman in town was a man dressed as a woman. Every man, a woman dressed as a man. I don't remember the name of the community or exactly where it was in Indiana. But, it sure got my attention as all the "men" were handsome and women exceptionally good looking. Notworthy in the report was the fact that everyone carried on their normal routine, work and social interaction with each other and with the tourists that came to town to witness the unusual life style. I know we've some members that live in Indiana. Perhaps one of them might know something about this place.

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Once, a long time ago (10 years?), I saw a news report on CBS 60 Minutes television news program about a town in Indiana (USA) where everyone was dressed opposit from their birth sex. Every woman in town was a man dressed as a woman. Every man, a woman dressed as a man. I don't remember the name of the community or exactly where it was in Indiana. But, it sure got my attention as all the "men" were handsome and women exceptionally good looking. Notworthy in the report was the fact that everyone carried on their normal routine, work and social interaction with each other and with the tourists that came to town to witness the unusual life style. I know we've some members that live in Indiana. Perhaps one of them might know something about this place.


its realy intresting, but i think its just theyself maded cuz they needed cash and tourists get it to them:D

every human has they own choices...

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Guest ilovepumps!

Hi, I also have to choose my times carefully when I wear heels. Usually it is only on weekends, as noone else are in the house but me. I dont own anywhere near 300 pairs, but do have 15 pairs of sexy shoes. Will post some pics up later of each pair :rocker:

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Having worn heels in public on more than 1,000 occasions over the last five years, I can attest that it's a real non-issue. Restuarants, gas stations, banks, grocery stores, malls... It really doesn't matter. 99% of the time I never get a stare. The times I do it's almost always a double-take. Out of all those times I've only received two negative comments, and more than 10 times as many positive comments. I don't ask people for their opinion, they simply provide it when they want to.

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...I've been at this now for almost three weeks and I concur with dr1819..it's really been a non-issue and breaks down into three groups: 1) no one notices...nothing said 2) someone looks...nothing said 3) someone looks...comments have always been interested and supportive ...on second thought- there is a fourth group: I have been known to start a conversation with an attractive lady-usually commenting on her heels-and showing her a look at "what I happen to be wearing"...this is usually the result of an intuition I sense in her that the reason she is wearing especially attractive heels is that she is hoping someone will notice and comment...I am only too happy to accomodate these ladies and to let them know that we both share "that special secret in our love for heels" ..it takes a certain risk to reveal oneself to another but one does that every time one opens one's mouth or creates impressions in body language, eye contacts, style and grooming and many forms of interaction with others... for those of us who rely on our intuition in what we say and how we express ourselves the payoffs can be very satisfying and the adrenalin-rush can become addictive... (am I "out there" in terms of perhaps, forcing people out of their models of expectation and into new possibilities...people can either be open and liberated into accepting new expectations or closed and threatened by blockages in their own psyches) ..I'm no psychoanalyst..just have had a lifetime to develop some models of why I feel sort of compelled to 'play this adventure...' JSpikeheels

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For kicks and grins, and despite the cold weather, I decided on wearing jeans, leather jacket, thermals, and 4.5" heeled sandals, to a local festival about thirty klicks north of where I live. I went with a girlfriend who understands my penchant, and met up with a guy I knew back in 2003, about half way around the world. He was a bit taken aback, but his wife wasn't, and I proceeded in a drunken orgy to lick her toes. That's about as far as it went, but no one can say that German festivals, heels, wine, and women aren't an absolute blast, as I certainly had a good time! I'm sure she did too. Well, that was 2 am, so when reality rolled around about 10 hours later, she drove me home under far more subdued conditions. So where can a guy wear heels? Anywhere. It's how you carry yourselves which determines the outcome.

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Well, we did stop at the toe-licking, and it was done on a dare by her own husband, with whom I'd worked a few years back, so it really wasn't an "orgy." Still, I thought it was funny that here I was in heels, he'd given me this challenge, then his wife actually gave into it, offering up her feet for the ordeal, and appearing to enjoy it immensely!

It was more in jest than anything else, but the entire evening was filled with stuff like that, from all corners, so we had a blast.

The next morning, his wife drove me home the next day, as the girl I'd gone to the party with with split rather than staying the night! Her loss, as the party continued (non-orgasmically but rather enjoyably) for a few more hours after she left and before we all crashed. Good, clean fun. We even went so far as to play Spades! Woohoo!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As you can see by my quick flicks I'm still alive and doing well which means that you can wear your heels anywhere you wish with little or NO hastle. Just be your self, go about your business and don't worry what other people think because they're probably not thinking what you think their thinking. In fact they're probably thinking that they had the nurve to just be them selves and admireing you for standing up for what you believe. We need to rid this fear and get out there in our heels and show everybody it's OK to be your self and it does not make you any less of a man. Most women I talk to commend me on it and look up to me for taking a stand.We are on a mission to change our dress code in public but we can't do it behind closed doors so get to heeling guys!!!

real men wear heels

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Thank you for the positive comments: I have ben wearing them more and more outside. I drive in them - get gas in them - walk to get my mail. I am going to by some ankle boots and will wear them to the store.

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Thank you for the positive comments: I have ben wearing them more and more outside. I drive in them - get gas in them - walk to get my mail. I am going to by some ankle boots and will wear them to the store. Thanks for the help. Bernheels

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My GF and I went to dinner tonight and this is what we wore. The cowgirl boots which she bought me at Sears yesterday and her favorites. Then we went to wallmart to do a little shopping.Not an eye was batted.Except for a couple of girls checking out HER boots instead of mine. I'm so jealous

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real men wear heels

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My GF and I went to dinner tonight and this is what we wore. The cowgirl boots which she bought me at Sears yesterday and her favorites. Then we went to wallmart to do a little shopping.Not an eye was batted.Except for a couple of girls checking out HER boots instead of mine. I'm so jealPosted ImageousPosted Image

I might add that if any of you are just starting to street heel and are a little nervous, these cowgirl boots have a rubberized heel and don't click as not to cause notice from ongoers. Ther're perfect for the first time street heeler.They are on sale at Sears right now for 30.00 US .

real men wear heels

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I've been out in heels to pubs and clubs a few times now and never had any problems. It's getting to the point where the only thing stopping me from just slinging them on to go to the shops is that I need to work on standing / walking in them for long periods. The only drawback is that it makes it easier to justify buying more heels if I'm getting to wear them properly! Chris

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Bernheels, Keep on with the experiments, but most of all enjoy yourself. My first venture on the horrible rutted and holed streets of Kathmandu was in nervous trepidation - but even in such a place, it was not just that people didn't notice, it was that when they did so their reaction was almost always a shrug (except for one or two young girls and boys who, let's face it, will giggle at anything to demonstrate their connoisseurship of what their group thinks is unhip). I have since continued to wear heals here and also in UK where, again, no-one seemed to take any notice (although my son reported some second looks behind my back). Chris100575, If you have problems wearing them for long periods get a comfortable pair. For me it's been a bit hit and miss, but I can recommend Faith's 'Sonto' as being one of the two pairs I have that I can slip on and forget about them. Cheers, Aglo

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Hi Aglo

The problem isn't finding the right pair, it's just that all of my weight is on the balls of my feet. I usually wear these:

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Which are nice and comfy with a well padded insole. I've also got some Scholl "Party Feet" gel cushions which help too.

That said, I get sore feet if I spend all night standing up in trainers. Up until a few weeks ago I was firmly in the shoe closet, so I've only recently started wearing heels out and about. I just need to get used to them.

I suppose I could go for lower heels, but I don't really like anything under four inches.


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Hi Aglo: Thanks for the words of encouragement. I had a great high heel weekend. Wore heels all day on Sunday with nice red thigh highs. I am in the Christmas spirit. Red thigh highs and red heels - sometimes white patent heels. All were 5 inch plus. Felt great. Bernheels

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