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Waiting in line


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I was wondering if the guys that like to look at high heeled pumps and boots would wait in a longer line if they could stand behind a babe in boots. I was at a Sam's Club yesterday and decided to wait in a longer line because I could stand behand a woman in her mid 40's who was wear black stiletto knee boots and a skirt. The time in line flew by. Anybody else have stories?

Everyone should wear boots!

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I was wondering if the guys that like to look at high heeled pumps and boots would wait in a longer line if they could stand behind a babe in boots.

I was at a Sam's Club yesterday and decided to wait in a longer line because I could stand behand a woman in her mid 40's who was wear black stiletto knee boots and a skirt. The time in line flew by.

Anybody else have stories?

I've been driving around Toronto getting from home to work, picking up stuff, etc. and have noticed that probably 50% or more of the ladies are wearing some kind of heel. Some of them are really quite nice. Lots of different styles.

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Defeinitely. The best queue is the one with the best shoes. By the way, is the word queue in the US vocab or is it always "line". Just interested. I'll also move down a train to sit in some seats opposite a woman with a nice pair of shoes.

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Defeinitely. The best queue is the one with the best shoes. By the way, is the word queue in the US vocab or is it always "line". Just interested.

I'll also move down a train to sit in some seats opposite a woman with a nice pair of shoes.

Queue is not the general term in the US and Canada, no. You wait in a line, not a queue. You "line up", you don't "get in a queue". Oh well. There goes the language :-)

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i do believe most people in the USA would understand you if you use the word "queue" instead of "line." Can't speak for the Canadians, though! :rofl:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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A lot of times I will take the long way around at work just to check out who wearing what.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Badger, I'm with you on this. Surely not to the point of stalking, but I'll stand in the longest checkout line/queue, look at produce I've no intention of buying, or sort thru clothes racks for things I don't need, all to get a better glimpse of a lovely lady's fine heels. On a related note: setting up some computers today, I'm down on my knees under tables plugging in power & ethernet cables. There in front of me are a pair of black suede boots with 4" blade heels, worn by an attractive blonde team member. I'm not sure why, but it took me quite a few minutes to make the connections at this particular workstation!

"It's just a flesh wound"

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OMG.... i thought i was getting retarded doing that sort of thing.. :) Turns out there are more doing this.... :rofl: Since overknee/thighhigh boots are the fashion here, i sometimes go out to a shoppingcentre to check out the boots ....... When i see a woman wearing these boots, i normally can't think clearly for the next 15 minutes..... lol

My username changes every now and then on here. God knows why.

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This extends waaaaaaaaay past waiting in a shopping line. I'll wait in line at the school bookstore, cafeteria, bank, anywhere; even liable to let people skip me in line. I'm also notorious for slowing my pace if I hear what SOUNDS like nice heels behind me. Yesterday was a good day on campus, the rainy weather made a bunch of women break out the boots, and I'd say over 70% of them had heels. I was slowing my pace fairly often yesterday! [sidenote]I only refer to the "queue" while at the bank, whilst between the rope-off things. For some reason it never felt right calling it a line.

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I have been known to get into the longer line when I’m out shopping and wearing my thigh boots just because it is longer. However, a nice pair of boots on the person in front of me will get me into the line. -ChantalTV Where is “here” that thigh boots are in fashion?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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That's nothing! I've been known to stop my lorry and pretend to read my map. That way I get three looks: Once when I pass, two when she passes me and three when I pass her the second time. My record is no fewer than 6 times in slow moving traffic!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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This extends waaaaaaaaay past waiting in a shopping line.

I'm also notorious for slowing my pace if I hear what SOUNDS like nice heels behind me.

You know, Danielle, until you mentioned that I never realized I do the same! Its become a subconscious thing - I'll hear heels, and I just have to see them. Occasionaly I'll even recognize the style as one I have thought about buying. Boy, I've got it baaaaad!

"It's just a flesh wound"

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This morning in a convience store, I was in line to pay for my coffee and snack. Just then a young lady, maybe 20 - 24 or so, walked in the store. Now I just love tall women and she was maybe 6' 1" or so. When she walked past me, I remembered that I needed another item, something, anything, so I got out of line (queue) to have a better look. LOL

Well, It was a pleasure seeing this young lass. Dressed very nicely in a skirt, nice blouse with a jacket. She had very long dark hair and a very pretty face. BUT, best of all. She was wearing brown leather knee boots, with 4" blade heels. I watched a bit as she walked around the store. Very nice walk and a nice overall professional look.

What a great way to start My Day.



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This is funny because I did it just yesterday. I was at Wal-Mart and ready to pay for my merchandise and noted two young women rolling a full cart toward one of the cashiers. One of two had on stiletto boots very much like what I was wearing. I chose their line despite a shorter line right next to me. I even wondered if others would wonder why I didn't go over to the shorter line at the next cash register. But I persisted; partly in hopes that the young women ahead of me might note the similarity of our footwear and comment on it. Alas, she didn't notice. Even after I tried to position myself for the best view. In fact, I don't think anyone noticed in the whole store. Oh well. My jeans were long, but that's the look I like.

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I have done all of the above and THEN some for many a year. When Mickey and I were just dating and out together, she noticed quite quickly that I always checked out how the girls were dressed and that I always checked out the heels in particular. I noticed that this annoyed her and caused her to make small remarks from time to time, so I put a stop to it immediately as we were getting married soon after that. I politely told her that I would be lying in a box with my arms folded accross my chest when I stopped doing that activity and that she shouldn't worry about me checking out other girls, as I reminded her that I chose "HER" over the others and would continue to look. That immediately solved the problem to this day, and she points them out to me if she sees them before I do. I even catch myself noting that sometimes I am wearing higher heels than they are. Sometimes, we both sit on a bench and watch the girls go by. BTW:---I work in a Science Center and we use the word "queue" all the time. We set one up for the Christmas Holidays and other very busy times throughout the year. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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You know, Danielle, until you mentioned that I never realized I do the same! Its become a subconscious thing - I'll hear heels, and I just have to see them. Occasionaly I'll even recognize the style as one I have thought about buying. Boy, I've got it baaaaad!




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The funny things is when you meet people that are wearing the same shoes as you and they don't have a clue. This has happened to me when I was wearing my Franc Sarto's. Admittedly these have a very low heel and they are the only women's shoes I will wear at work. At one point I was at a conference with a collaborator and I noticed she was wearing exactly the same shoes but in brown. She is not a heel person and probably doesn't notice anyone's shoes. Otherwise, my secret would have been broken. Sometimes I recognize the shoes on women from a store I have been in. I have always thought of impressing the women by telling them what store their shoes are from, but have never actually done that. I think it is the kind of conversation that could be either very pleasant or become akward quickly when in a business environment.

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ehe, i like when i can spot shoes, even moreso when i can say i tried them on too (the style, not the shoes). there's a girl in my biology class that wore some heels that i'd tried on, and i saw one woman with the same pumps that i have the day after i bought them. when i see neighborhood girls walk by with payless bags i'm always curious as to what they found that i didn't. when i bought my sandals back in december, the next stop picked up a girl that had been in footlocker. i thought to myself, "oh the irony... here i am holding larger-sized womens shoes, and she's got smaller-sized air jordans there..." ok i'm way off topic now.

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Badger, I'm with you on this. Surely not to the point of stalking, but I'll stand in the longest checkout line/queue, look at produce I've no intention of buying, or sort thru clothes racks for things I don't need, all to get a better glimpse of a lovely lady's fine heels.

On a related note: setting up some computers today, I'm down on my knees under tables plugging in power & ethernet cables. There in front of me are a pair of black suede boots with 4" blade heels, worn by an attractive blonde team member. I'm not sure why, but it took me quite a few minutes to make the connections at this particular workstation!

Did you sneak a look up her skirt? Or ask her out to lunch? I would have been tempted to mess up the connection, so I would have to make a return visit. Keep us posted on this woman's activities.

Everyone should wear boots!

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hmm interesting this i always go for the shortest que, but i may have to look for the one with the best heels so i can join in the fun, an even if i just go for the shortest don't mean i'm not looking for heels. cause if i spot a pair it's hard to look at anything else. later nhoj62

the higher the boot, the higher the heel, the better the feeling!

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I read this topic with interest, because I've never considered it from this angle, even though I've noticed a handful of times when I was wearing the same heels as was being worn by a woman in line with me. I've often wondered, "what would she think?" Would she be flattered? Angry at having purchased and worn a pair of heels worn by a "pervert?" (some women still view men who wear heels as "perverts," even though we haven't any higher a percentage than the general male population at large). Back when I wore my Franco Sarto boots with a 4" tapered/stilleto heel, I once found myself standing behind a woman wearing a very similar boot. As I wore long pants, she didn't notice, but when I squatted to look at a magazine on the bottom rack, my pants rode up and she noticed I was wearing a heel. I heard what I thought was a muted "hmph," and when I stood up, I got the impression she was avoiding eye contact. Naturally, I couldn't help but wonder if she felt uncomfortable because I was wearing a nearly identical pair of heels that she was wearing.

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