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Zapata in high heels

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I expect that people's reactions, at least as reported by the Guardian, are exactly what the artist intended. I'm not sure there is any larger message there, and frankly I don't care. This reminds me of another "art project" I heard about quite a while ago, where a guy had taken a crucifix and placed it into a bottle of urine, and that was his "sculpture." People came completely unglued about it. I just kind of shrugged my shoulders. It doesn't affect my faith one way or the other. I think this Zapata painting is about on that level, although to be fair, it obviously required more talent to create than the crucifix sculpture.


I recall the crucifix 'sculpture'. It was called "Piss Christ," and was done - I believe - by Robert Mapplethorpe. And obviously done to shock, create attention and thrust himself into the news cycle in those pre-Twitter/Instagram days. 

This looks to be in similar vein.

I recall Annie Leibovitz photographing Carl Lewis in red stiletto pumps about 35 years ago, too.  Again, the idea of grabbing attention and being talked about...



The story has had much wider exposure than in The Guardian. There are many examples, but the Daily Mail, whose politics are very different to The Guardian has the story, as does the BBC. There are loads more both in the UK and worldwide.




Posted (edited)

what’s this all about?  While Zapata is clearly a character “revered” by some and in this day and age , to be portrayed in a lesser respectable light by other attention seeking individuals, why can’t people see things for what they really are?  After all,  there is only one person in the history of all mankind that has achieved “sac-religious” status.  And, it isn’t Zapata.  Lighten up, people!

Edited by Bubba136
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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


You might find some disagreement among people of different faiths about the identity of this one individual who achieved this status. 

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