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Adjustable heels (again)

Has anyone seen these:

Posted Image


With the 0 degree ~ 38 degree adjustable shoes, users can wear high heels the whole day without suffering the pain they often bring. Considering function and fashion, these chic shoes provide a variety of height choices, appropriate for any occasion. By pushing the release button, users can adjust to high heels, mid heels or flats, anytime and anywhere they need.

Women love high heels but usually sacrifice their comfort to put up with feet pain from high heels. Some women wear flats but carry their lovely high heels to office. They switch to their high heels in office or any other occasions.

Designed by Wei-Chieh Tu, I'd like to see the details of the mechanism, and wondr how robust it would be under repeated wear or adjustment.



I think it's some sort of collapsing cone mechanism, such as collapsible drinking cups. As for durability, since it's designed for older women, it probably doesn't have much in that way.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam


Put a pneumatic system in those shoes, some positions hmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

  hoverfly said:

Put a pneumatic system in those shoes, some positions hmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Actually, I was rather thinking about a hydraulic system - using water, perhaps. Hummmmmmmmm...

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

  Guy N. Heels said:

Actually, I was rather thinking about a hydraulic system - using water, perhaps. Hummmmmmmmm...

;) Won't make offensive noises when releasing the pressure. Unless you spring a leak......... CLEAN UP ON AISLE 3 NEAR THE DEPENDS!!!

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

  hoverfly said:

;) Won't make offensive noises when releasing the pressure. Unless you spring a leak......... CLEAN UP ON AISLE 3 NEAR THE DEPENDS!!!

:o That was funny. LOL

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


I wonder if a turnbuckle idea would look OK it would certainly be more robust but would take longer to adjust then the problem of having one heel longer than the other. I think I make incorporate that into my next pair of replacement heels for ballet boots. Ballet boots with adjustable heels?

  • 4 months later...

Those Camileonheels shoes clever and are attractive but the woman's bare legs look awful. They'd be a lot better looking with sheer hosiery on to hide the bumps, wrinkles, and imperfections. Ugh! GWL


They've probably been posted before but I thought I would put a picture up of the Sheila's Wheels adjustable driving shoe for comparison;

Posted Image

As far as I know these are not available to buy at the moment. They were introduced as a "concept" shoe by Sheila's Wheels Insurance. But in fact, many blogs and news sites misreported that they are actually available to buy which of course means lots of publicity for the insurance company. Probably the intended result!



As far as I know these are not available to buy at the moment

And that's good so. Either I like rsp. dare wearing high heels or I do not. All this nonsense of collapsable heels or hidden heels in flat boots is IMHO a product of the imagination of male cowards or simply a marketing gag.

The best fashion is your own fashion!


A short morning show clip about Camileon Heels.

In New York of Course.



I'd have to disagree Micha. It seems the market interest is generated by women who want to wear 4 inches at work or in the evening but don't care to walk too far in them, understandably so. The Camileon heels are for sale too at about $300 a pair.


The $300 price tag is a little high for a lot of us but there are shoes out there that cost a lot more -- without adjustable heels. There may well be a market for these, time will tell.

Have a happy time!

  jmc said:

The $300 price tag is a little high for a lot of us but there are shoes out there that cost a lot more -- without adjustable heels. There may well be a market for these, time will tell.

I'm inclined to agree. The $300 price tag would not stop some women from buying these.

My main question has to do with how to keep the heels from scuffing up when it's in the lowered position, thus allowing the wearer to step on things that might wreck it? After all, it would be a shame to have to walk around in heels that clearly show signs of scuffing & wear after shelling out $300 for them.8) Unless they're doing something that I can't see, I fail to see how this is to be avoided.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

  • 2 weeks later...

Sheila's adjustable Heels seem to have disappeared without a trace after the marketing guys had their way with their little fling on the web.

  • 4 months later...

Not sure if everone remembers the original desinger of this type of shoe but since then there have been a number of spin offs. This is the only one that I know of that are actully for sale through 'Buy them here'. To me they seem very pricey. But then again it is not really uncommon to see this high of price on heels.

If you wish to read the original artiticle from Sophie Cox, the inventer of this type of shoe, you can read it here

I was not sure what thread to put this in as they are 'Shoes for sale' but this is also news that they are here as well, and who the original inventer of them was.

  • 3 years later...

I found these screen grabs on a picture hosting site. It is a report on UK Breakfast TV from about 4 years ago by a reporter called Cordelia Kretzschmar about retractable heels (change from a high heel into a lower heel). The look doesnt come of as far as i'm concerned as the bottom of the heel projects inwards under the sole and looks clumsy design wise. As anyone heard of these before?






In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!!!


Had this idea in mind myself. Couldn't imagine how it would come out, though. Especially since it could collapse under weight anytime, under poor construction, of course.

Formally "HHDude"


Very interesting idea. Kudos for the thoughts being put to practice but it doesnt seem practical to me. I dont think the shoes would last that long.



Dangerous. What if one retracted on its own accord as you were going down stairs? You could be killed.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Those are "Camileon" shoes and they have been available since at least 2004. Haven't seen a lot of them around. <mod mode> Merged existing "adjustable heels" thread into this one. <end mod mode>

Have a happy time!

  Shafted said:

More of a folding heel than a retractable heel. Never the less they are clever.

They could come in handy for someone not used to wearing a higher heel.


I think these would have been more aptly named the 'switchblade' instead of the men's ones of that namesake I saw on the Solestruck website awhile back. lol Charlie

Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying


The idea of a heel that can be changed/modified in height is tempting and I thought of it before, and so it's nice to see a thread about it:smile:... However the 'ideal' multi-purpose shoe doesn't exist yet? I guess it's difficult to get a stable construction and also a proper arch/support of the foot in every height the heel is modified in and still have an elegant design in all modifications..... And it must not be too dangerous that a heel could collaps more easily, although breaking a very high stiletto heel can be dangerous already in the 'normal' shoes... I like the idea though that one could change the height of the heel from flat or low to ultra-high stiletto just by a switch or click... ! :)

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