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Ok, so here's the latest shoe buzz going on in the "high life"


And my question regards the reading under the shoe pic: Why is everyone quick to judge? I mean, let's be honest: the shoes (and various shoes like it) look difficult to walk in. But I can bet half the people that say they couldn't dare walk in them probably could. I'm certain if I had a chance to give them a stroll, I'd do a tad bit better than any of the celebrities can, Even Lady Gaga :irked:

I think I said it right, but just in case, here's the question:

Could you strut your stuff in shoes many deem "impossible to walk in"? And could you do it flawlessly, with no support required?

Formally "HHDude"

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Anyone who can walk in a high heel should be able to walk in those shoe with no problem. Calling them heelless is a bit of a misnomer. Invisible heel would be more accurate. The shoe obviously simulates the dynamics of walking in a high heel by extending the sole further back and having a heavily reenforced shank.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I wish someone made a cheap ( like under 50$ ) pair like that. I would buy them just to see if I could walk in them. I couldnt give an honest answer if I was able to just suddenly put them on and walk around without any aid/help at all. I think it would take a while to get used to ( like anything new we try ) but I dont think it would be ' impossible ' or un-learnable to maneuver or walk in those shoes for myself.


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Yes, the more I see shoes like this, the more I like them. I would love to own a similar pair and they don't seem that challenging honestly. However, I have not seen any available to those without a hefty wallet.

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I wish someone made a cheap ( like under 50$ ) pair like that. I would buy them just to see if I could walk in them. I couldnt give an honest answer if I was able to just suddenly put them on and walk around without any aid/help at all. I think it would take a while to get used to ( like anything new we try ) but I dont think it would be ' impossible ' or un-learnable to maneuver or walk in those shoes for myself.

I was thinking the same thing. I keep hoping for at least Bakers to gain one of the many "extreme" pairs in the high market today; predominantly, the 'invisible' heels and 'mock-like' ballet heels.

But if I had to take a wild guess, the Jessica Simpson line at Bakers or any other store would make a good copy-cat, but We would: 1) see a hefty price on the shoes (luckily, Bakers doesn't exceed $200, far as I know), and 2) an almost-limited supply of them. And it would suck extra, as my store doesn't carry the JS line; instead, inherits what the bigger sisters couldn't sell. And it's usually a small size :irked:

Formally "HHDude"

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Nice shoes ! I would really like to try them. They must be amazing to wear ! (But I'm sure I could not afford them...) BTW, I didn't know Thierry Mugler was making shoes ? Wondering if his shoes are as good as his perfumes...(I have one of them: Wow !) Will do a Google search on his shoes... Thanks HHDude for posting !

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I suggest people comment that they couldn't walk in such shoes because they don't really "see" the mechanics of the shoe; Shafted puts it so well, these are technically invisible heels, that of course use a cantilever to support the shank.

As for seeing them on the high street; there was a thread at the beginning of the year exploring what we thought would be the coming styles of the year - I think we can safely say that this will be style that we will see more and more of, filtering down to the high street; they "look" impossible as we've discussed and therefore have a serious wow factor.

All manufacturers need to do now is engineer a cheap shank that can deal with the forces and they won't be far off - next year's big seller?

BTW, I think the pair shown are a wonderful iteration of the variations we've seen from Natacha Marro and Imakebootsandgloves plus others; see our previous thread; http://www.hhplace.org/everybody/19373-question_pony_shoes_heel_less_shoe.html

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so going back to HHDude's original question; certainly would have a good go at strutting my stuff, probably not flawlessly straight away but a bit of practice and thought never goes a miss, and certainly would do with out support - pretty much how I did the first time I was on ballet heels.

I suggest people comment that they couldn't walk in such shoes because they don't really "see" the mechanics of the shoe; Shafted puts it so well, these are technically invisible heels, that of course use a cantilever to support the shank.

As for seeing them on the high street; there was a thread at the beginning of the year exploring what we thought would be the coming styles of the year - I think we can safely say that this will be style that we will see more and more of, filtering down to the high street; they "look" impossible as we've discussed and therefore have a serious wow factor.

All manufacturers need to do now is engineer a cheap shank that can deal with the forces and they won't be far off - next year's big seller?

BTW, I think the pair shown are a wonderful iteration of the variations we've seen from Natacha Marro and Imakebootsandgloves plus others; see our previous thread; http://www.hhplace.org/everybody/19373-question_pony_shoes_heel_less_shoe.html

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I think many of us here could walk better than many of the celebrities you see in such outfits. Most of them are provided the exciting dresses, skirts, and shoes they wear so it's not like they picked this stuff out from their closet and wore it all the way to the event. The shoes probably were in a box just minutes before she took the stage to get her award. She is merely a walking billboard for Zanotti. We actually try to master the shoes we buy as we don't have the luxury of some company or sponsor handing us new ones all the time.Besides that, if you are now walking in ultra-high heels of 6" or more than this shoe would probably not present any problems. It's all about GRACE while moving!! HappyinHeels:wave:

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The shoes probably were in a box just minutes before she took the stage to get her award. She is merely a walking billboard for Zanotti.

My thoughts exactly!~

Doesn't it make a person want to buy an expensive ticket to the show (or any Awards show for that matter), just to see if anyone would give you the time of day? I would take the gamble, personally.

Formally "HHDude"

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Anyone who can walk in a high heel should be able to walk in those shoe with no problem. Calling them heelless is a bit of a misnomer. Invisible heel would be more accurate. The shoe obviously simulates the dynamics of walking in a high heel by extending the sole further back and having a heavily reenforced shank.

Totally agree. Assuming the shank is stiff enough I'd be surprised if you could feel a significant difference beween this and an equivalent height shoe. They could well be more firm since the flex in a standard stiletto heel wouldn't exist in this shoe. The only difficulty I see with this shoe is actually getting hold of a pair.

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