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Vibram "five finger" shoes


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These are not hh, but they surely are unique. I can't post a picture, but suggest

that you look for them. Has anybody here tried them?

Basically......they're feet! Here they are:



"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

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Actually, they are awesome for running. They let your foot work the way it was, and I hate this word as it implies something else, designed.

Read this article, you walk wrong. http://nymag.com/health/features/46213/

Essentially it lets your foot roll on the outside from your heel to your toes to grip the surface of the ground. They really aren't meant for show, but these shoes are about the best thing for running save going barefoot.

What we've learnt in the past few years is that with shoes, of any sort, our gait gets changed due to the sole on the shoe, and the shape of the sole of most shoes acts like a cantilever that prevents our toes from acting like grips. Our feet don't work that way, go run barefoot on grass for a bit and compare to with shoes.

Make fun of them all you want but they got rid of my shin splints from running on pavement. Our bodies are designed for long distance running, these types of shoes work with our foot versus against it. That said, they aren't cheap and really its not that different from running barefoot. But I'm not running barefoot on cold cement with snow and ice so this is a nice alternative to regular shoes.

That said, this is a case of function over form. Which I understand is mostly the opposite goals of most members here. :wave:

I dunno they work for me, wear what you want when running. If you want to cheat go for http://www.powerskip.de/mainpage.html and have fun with it. Still want those things, they look fun.

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Designed to look like feet! I knew they had to be functional when I first saw the site pussyinboots posted. So they are good for running. I'll keep them in mind. However, wearing them for non-athletic/sport occasions would definitely get one noticed, but I doubt their gender would be put in question. Too bad all footwear can't receive the same uni-sexed labelling. Technology for walking/running has really made some strides.(punny)

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I think they have unisex sizing, they just quit labeling them womens and switch to mens at some point, unless you get the pink pair. Their FAQ says that you should cross to the other genders size if your foot is too small/large for your's. They do look a bit odd, but I'd be willing to try them. They are just too much $ for "minimalist" shoes in my opinion.

(formerly known as "JimC")

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*snicker*......those look too funny! I'm sure the designer had the right idea when making them, but........wow, that IS a strange style! Goes right to the head of the line, ahead of crocs and uggs!

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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They do look a bit odd, but I'd be willing to try them. They are just too much $ for "minimalist" shoes in my opinion.

They are expensive. Though no more than most shoes people here buy. Look at it this way, if you want to get an idea of what they give you, walk/run without shoes/socks. I originally looked into these shoes mainly because I was getting sick of shin splints from running on pavement. So I started walking/running on grass and that pain went away immediately. Found these shoes/new type of shoes and problem solved.

Think of them like rock climbing shoes. You'll know if you need them.

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They may look odd, but Vibram, the maker, is laughing all the way to the bank. This footwear has made them a ton of money!


I figured that. That was my sentiment that I stated earlier in this post. Some have said these are good for running or jogging. I would go for a more proven and tested running shoe for that. That is just me and I have never seen or tried these shoes so I can't criticize them all that much.

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