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Bare to There for 2009 - the style?


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An interesting trend, if you watch the slide show embedded within the article I personally would try slide 6. That said overall some of the looks are alright but many could use a little help. Personally (I am going to sound very sexist here which isn't the point. Sorry ladies.) I would hope women with the body to pull it off would adopt this style some as I have always been a leg man. To me the old ad slogan "Nothing beets a great pair of legs says it all" and I think that is the whole point of the style. I do think that the image with the girl on the town with leopard print shorts is pushing it a little too far as they really do look like underwear. If the style catches on lets only hope that traditional underwear prints don't wind up out there.


"Look for the woman in the dress, if there is no dress there is no woman."-Coco Channel

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Beachwear? Me,- NO WAY, I'm well past it for them even if I thought I would get away it I'd have to be about 6 years old Al

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I might do it in girl mode at the right venue but even then I would be expecting a LOT of attention...

I completely understand girl mode but I think the whole style is meant to grab attention. For myself as I said before I like slide six and I don't see much wrong with it but then again I have been known to wear a Speedo (and i do mean the conventional style not a set of baggies.)


"Look for the woman in the dress, if there is no dress there is no woman."-Coco Channel

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