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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Ok guys and gals,

    Today is my day at college. Yes, you got it! I'm going back to college and finishing my pre-rec so that I can apply into the nursing program this spring.

    Todays outfit will be: blue jeans, 4 inch black pumps and a satin, teal green shirt. Wish me luck!


    Mistress :smile:

    Good luck with your course! Oh, and your outfit sounds great!

  2. I'm glad you're happy. My parents raised me by my middle name too. It confuses the absolute heck out of everyone I come into contact with. I made sure I didn't pass that one on to my child. Oh, and the shoes sound great! I suppose that this being hhplace, I should mention shoes at some point :smile:

  3. I've added another screen saver yamyam. Go ahead and check it out.

    I'm just downloading it now! Would it be too much to ask for one 'mega-saver'? I really did have two machines going at one point, but I had to keep swapping the screen savers around. My day was most excellent, although I didn't get much work done :smile:

  4. ADSL is useless. A good company will build a fiber broadband network with multiple hub sites, more nodes than than they need, and run it all on cable.

    ADSL is pointless here in the UK, because our national telco (notional telco) won't do it. I live in the middle of the West Midlands conurbation, on a 500-home housing estate (at least) between three large towns, and I can see the BT cable box out of my kitchen window. But I can't have ADSL, because my area's too small.

    But I can go for TeleWest cable modem arrangements, and I might just do that. I already use them for dialup and cable TV... Then I might try some Laurie-esqe power posting :smile:

  5. If Hawking admires women in heels, I think that proves something about the relation between heels and intelligence. There has to be something.

    Well, I'm intelligent and I wear high heels, so I'd have to agree with you.

    And yes, I admit, the brain is the most important thing for writing. I mean, a thousand monkyes on a thousand typewriters for a thousand hours are not going to put together what I can in five minutes, right?

    True. They're all busy working as security guards :smile:

  6. Um, without typing away too much, I think I found someone who sees me for me and likes me for me. He doesn't seem intimidated by the qualities but rather, very interested. But I won't say more right now.

    I think men are intimidated by both the heels and the personality, and the blonde hair. But I may not care about it anymore. I think that if a man has confidence, then he'll find a way to see the good in those things, but anyone who has self doubts would be intimidated, yes.

    I've got my fingers crossed for you!

  7. I drive an automatic, naturally. I tried to learn manual, or standard as they call it here, back in University. I stalled about ten times in a row and gave up. So I figure I need proper lessons to master it. Not just someone saying "do this, now that" and laughing every time I stall.


    Yeah, I did that too, when I started driving. Fortunately, I was about 14, and learning off the road, so it didn't matter. I've not driven an automatic much, so I've no idea how it compares. But I found clutch control hard in heels, especially platforms, as you need to feel what you're doing. Another reason to dislike platforms, I suppose :smile:

    But Maryanne is right - if you're going to ride a bike, you're going to need to learn clutch control. I'm glad that when I tried learning to ride a bike, I'd already been driving for ten years, so I had clutch control learnt. (And no, I never finished learning to ride, and now I live somewhere too dangerous to learn again :grin: )

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